
四、完成句子      (共10小题;每小题1.5分;满分15分)

51. The girl was ________ by the ________ accident. (frighten)

52. The Olympic Games are held _______ ________ ________. (每四年)

53. I have almost _______ _______ _______ my money. (用完)

54. ______ ______ your help, I finished the task in time. (多亏)


Don’t ______ ______ him ______ that matter!

56. (完成句子) 你明天开始工作方便吗?

Will it be ________ for you to start work tomorrow?

57. (完成句子) 双方谈判已经破裂。

Negotiations between the two sides have ________ ________.

58. (完成句子) 她依旧恪守说过的每一句话。

She still ________ _________ every word she said.

59. (完成句子) 她(在大学)主修数学和物理。

She ________ ________ maths and physics (at university).

60. (完成句子) 据《圣经》记载,亚当是人类始祖。

________ ________ the Bible, Adam was the first man.



51. frightened; frightening    52. every four years/every fourth year

53. run ou of               54. Thanks to

55. argue with; about/over    56. convenient

57. broken down            58. stands by

59. majors in              60. According to




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