
Yellowstone Weather

Yellowstone National Park is at lofty height. Height. Most of the park is above2,275meters.

Yellowstone’s weather is unpredictable. In summer, it may be warm and sunny with temperatures in the high 70s. At night in any given month, the temperature may drop close to freezing. So it is best to come prepared for cold evenings and mornings,especially if you are camping or hiking. When you leave your campsite,please leave it prepared for possible thundershower and wind.

A sunny warm day may become fiercely stormy with wind, rain, sleet and sometimes snow. Without enough clothing, an easy day hike or boat trip can turn into a battle for survival.

Seasonal Weather Information


Cold and snow continue into May, although temperatures gradually climb. Early in spring, daytime temperatures average in the 40s and 50s; by late May and June, they may reach the 60s and 70s, Nighttime lows fall below freezing.


Daytime temperatures are usually in the 70s ,occasionally reaching the 80s in the lower elevations(高度). Nights are cool,temperatures may drop in the 40s and 30s―sometimes even the 20s. July and August tend to be somewhat drier, although afternoon thundershowers are common.


Weather can be pleasant, although temperatures average 10-2 degrees lower than summer readings, Nighttime lows can fall into teens and lower. Snowstorms increase in frequency as the weeks go by or towards the end of the fall season.


Temperatures often stay near zero throughout the day, occasionally reaching high in the 20s. Subzero nighttime lows are common. Annual snowfall averages nearly 150 inches in most of the park. At higher places, 200-400 inches of snow have been recorded.

1.If you are planning to stay here in spring for a few days, what is necessary for you?

A. Enough clothing. B. Weather report.

C. Umbrella. D. Boiled water.

2.Which season is generally pleasing?

A. Winter. B. Fall.

C. Spring. D. Summer.

3.In winter the average snowfall is_____.

A. 200inches B. 20inches

C. 150inches D. 400inches.

4.This passage is written probably for those who plan to______in Yellowstone National Park.

A. Do research work B. Take a business trip

C. Have sports games D. Spend their holidays or take a tour


I still remember the first day of fourth grade. Later that day, my teacher read us a chapter from The Witches by Roald Dahl. Instantly, I was impressed by Roald Dahl’s clever and amusing style of writing, as well as the complex details of his story. It was as if the writing had flown off the paper and been illustrated (插画) into a picture book. To this day, I consider Roald Dahl my hero because of his exceptional play of words that has led me to understand the power of writing.

Through writing, Roald Dahl was able to show readers the wonderful but mysterious path of life. He shared with others the strong feelings of great success, joy, tragedy and violent anger. Reading his books is often like riding emotional roller coasters, where one moment, you are alongside the characters, laughing at their foolishness, but the next moment crying for their mistakes.

I remember when I first read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, a classic novel about a penniless family whose son, Charlie, found a golden ticket that changed their lives. The story was centered on how anyone has the chance for success, but unfortunately also the chances of letting their ego(自我) override their moral values (道德价值).Through Roald Dahl’s carefully planned plot, Charlie showed me the childish joys of life are often overlooked, when they are actually the foundations for success. He showed me the bitter realities of life, where sometimes, others will move on without you. But mostly, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory opened my eyes to the world of reading -- where there would always be a character by your side, guiding you through your own life journey.

Although I have never met Roald Dahl personally, I was able to understand and gain insight (洞察) into his personality through the characters he developed in his novels. Roald Dahl used his understandings to skillfully strengthen the characters’ thoughts and actions. Roald Dahl is my hero. He is able to put lifelong lessons and his brilliant imagination into a simple novel that can be understood by anybody.

Roald Dahl’ s writing is admirable not only because of his attractive and interesting stories, themes and characters, but also because of the great efforts he put into developing, his unique and individual style of writing.

1.What can we learn about Roald Dahl’ s writing?

A. It’ s full of illustrations.

B. It’ s humorous and vivid.

C. It’ s difficult to understand:

D. It’ s intended for adult readers.

2.What can we infer about Roald Dahl from Paragraph 2?

A. He enjoyed riding roller coasters.

B. He often created stupid characters.

C. He was easily affected by others’ feelings.

D. He could arouse strong emotions in readers.

3.What do we know about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

A. It deeply influences the author.

B. It talks about Charlie S weaknesses.

C. It s based on Roald Dahl s experiences.

D. It’ s Roald Dahl’ s most successful novel.

4.What does the author say about the characters Roald Dahl created?

A. They have strong beliefs.

B. They have simple thoughts.

C. They reflect Roald Dahl’ s inner world.

D. They are developed from Roald Dahl’s friends.

One day, a professor entered the classroom and asked his students to prepare for a surprise test. They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. The professor _____________the question papers, with the text facing down as usual. ___he handed them all out, he asked his students to ___the page and begin. To everyone's surprise, there were no ___just a black dot (点) in the center of the page. The professor, seeing the expression on everyone's face, told them the following:

“I want you to write what you ___there.”

The students, ___, got started on the inexplicable (令人费解的) task.

At the end of the class, the professor ___all the answer papers and started reading each one of them aloud in front of all the students. All of them, with no ___, described the black dot, trying to explain its position in the middle of the sheet, etc. After all had been ___, the classroom was silent, the professor began to explain:

"I'm not going to grade this. I ___wanted to give you something to think about. No one wrote about the __ part of the paper. Everyone focused on the black dot, and the same happens in our __. We have a white paper to observe and __, but we always focus on the dark spots. Our life is a __ given to us with love and care and we always have ____to celebrate: nature renewing itself every day, our friends around us, the job that ____ our livelihood(生计) and the miracles we see every day.

__, we insist on focusing only on the dark spots: the health issues that bother us, the lack of money, the ___relationship with colleagues, the ___with a friend, and etc.

The dark spots are very ___compared to everything we have in our lives, but they are the ones that pollute our minds. "

1.A. handed out B. turned up C. referred to D. pointed at

2.A. Since B. Until C. If D. After

3.A. fold B. turn C. open D. use

4.A. exercises B. choices C. questions D. excuses

5.A. .remember B. imagine C. study D. see

6.A. surprised B. confused C. curious D. displeased

7.A. collected B. finished C. marked D. selected

8.A. excuse B. doubt C. exception D. explanation

9.A. said B. answered C. returned D. read

10.A. also B. just C. even D. finally

11.A. big B. black C. beautiful D. white

12.A. lives B. classrooms C. colleges D. studies

13.A. send B. keep C. enjoy D. show

14.A. burden B. gift C. pressure D. lesson

15.A. reasons B. time C. freedom D. festivals

16.A. threatens B. ruins C. provides D. changes

17.A. However B. Therefore C. Besides D. Moreover

18.A. close B. complicate C. special D. strong

19.A. stay B. contact C. satisfaction D. disappointment

20.A. dark B. round C. small D. dirty

“I don, t feel right about this,” I said to one of my cousins in a low voice. She nodded in ______. Not wanting to be the first to touch the food, I waited for one of the older adults to start.

Thanksgiving usually meant ______ and full stomachs. However, this year was ______. My family sat around the dinner table ______ at our feast. Everyone had a full plate, everyone except Grandma. The treatment for throat cancer would ______ one of her great pleasures, eating. This was the first of many food-focused ______ to come. I could not imagine what it would be like to never taste ______ food again. My cousin Molly broke the ______ with a raise of her glass, “To Nat.” We all followed her lead. “Your ______ and strength encourage us all,” she continued. Grandma smiled, holding back her tears with great ______. “Thank you. Please, please eat.” And with that, we all began to eat. Conversation broke ______ around the room while Grandma laughed and talked with us all. Cancer would take away her ability to eat, but not the gift of being the best hostess. The evening went on as normal ______ do. By the time the night was over, I felt ______ to my family than ever before. I learned that we gather together on holidays not to eat a rich feast, but to ______ and share with one another. We ______ my Grandmother’s courage, but we all learned a lesson in grace. In the years following, my Grandma ______ to create meals for family events. She told me once with a laugh, “I may not be able to eat, but I can ______ taste things.” With a ______ heart, Grandma prepared what she could not have for the only purpose of making us ______. She inspired me to learn to cook and helped me find the ______ to make everything come together: love.

1.A. excitement B. surprise C. satisfaction D. agreement

2.A. disappointment B. thoughts C. laughter D. sorrow

3.A. different B. popular C. same D. similar

4.A. glaring B. nodding C. joking D. staring

5.A. take away B. take in C. take up D. take down

6.A. plans B. dinners C. holidays D. action

7.A. delicious B. expensive C. cheap D. terrible

8.A. record B. rule C. dark D. silence

9.A. wish B. concern C. courage D. confidence

10.A. efforts B. effects C. relief D. patience

11.A. into B. up C. down D. cut

12.A. New Year’s Days B. Christmases C. Thanksgivings D. April Fool’s Days

13.A. farther B. closer C. happier D. stranger

14.A. apologize B. promise C. forgive D. support

15.A. remembered B. mentioned C. followed D. celebrated

16.A. decided B. continued C. hated D. started

17.A. still B. ever C. just D. even

18.A. selfless B. selfish C. anxious D. pitiful

19.A. sad B. happy C. surprised D. lovely

20.A. sign B. skill C. attitude D. secret

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