
Your cousin is said ________ a new computer program recently, but do you know when he will finish it?

A.to design B.designing

C.to have been designing D.to have designed



【解析】C 句意:据说你表弟最近正忙于设计一款新的计算机程序,你知道他什么时候能完成吗?sb.is said to...某人据说……,故排除B、D选项,根据recently可知用完成时态,因此选C项。



There is no question that teenagers need rules, which is often not a difficult thing for parents to give.What can be more challenging is giving teenagers their freedom.It can be difficult to draw the line between the two.However, some issues cannot be changed by discussion and require firm rules.For instance, rules should be established concerning driving the family car.

I will admit that I have no problem coming up with rules.To me they make life easier and they leave no room for questioning.What can be more difficult, however, is giving my teens their freedom.I guess there are really two primary reasons for this.One is that sometimes I am afraid to give them freedom.The second is that I'm not always so sure what the freedom should be.

It helps that I have a husband with whom I can discuss these problems.We talk about them,_give our thoughts and then we come up with an agreement.Sometimes one of us might be more unwilling but we know that there comes a time when we really do have to learn how to let go of the reins(缰绳) a bit.

If we try to make life have nothing but rules, we are more likely to see our teen's rebelling(反抗).They need to know that while we do have certain expectations, we also trust them to begin making their own choices and decisions.How else can they do that unless they are given the space and room to do it?

It's really all about balance and I will be the first to admit that it can be a challenge to carry out.However, it is a necessary part of growing up.Yes, teens definitely need rules but they also need freedom.

1.According to the first paragraph, it is difficult to decide ________.

A.whether the children need rules

B.whether the children should be given freedom

C.how much freedom should be given to children

D.what issues require non?negotiable rules

2.According to the writer, only rules without freedom will make the children ________.

A.strong?willed B.rebellious

C.weak D.independent

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.Rules are difficult to make for parents.

B.Rules and freedom are similarly important.

C.We should give children freedom as much as possible.

D.Rules are more important than freedom.

4.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?

A.Problems. B.Children. C.Rules. D.Reasons.


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