


1.When does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

2.How does the man feel now?




3.How much does the woman have to pay?

A.67 dollars.

B.58 dollars.

C.125 dollars.

4.How do the speakers get to the hospital?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By taxi.

5.What will the woman do?

A.Clean the sitting room.

B.Do some gardening.

C.Make a snowman.




6.What did the man probably see?

A.A scary movie.

B.A funny movie.

C.A boring movie.

7.What will the man do tonight?

A.See another movie.

B.Go to the bookstore.

C.Help Jim with his math.


8.How long has the man been teaching in this new school?

A.For one month.

B.For two months.

C.For three months.

9.What does the woman want to do?

A.Find a highly paid job.

B.Give up her present job.

C.Teach English like the man.


10.In which city did the man spend most time?




11.How many foreign languages can Jack speak?




12.What does the man think he should do?

A.Spend more time traveling in China.

B.Find a job in an international company.

C.Work hard to have more opportunities.


A. Speak, speak, speak

Practise speaking as often as you can---even speaking to yourself is good practice. Try recording yourself whenever you can. Compare your pronunciation with the master version(版本), see how you can do better and have another go. If you do this several times, you will find that each version is better than the last.

B. Why not learn with someone else?

It helps if you can learn with someone else. If you can persuade a friend or family member to study with you, it will make you keep working. Agree times to meet and set goals for the week. And test each other regularly.

C . Don’t get a shock by a word you don’t know

Practise improvising(即兴的) ways of getting your meaning across when speaking spontaneously(本能地), even if you don’t know the exact words or phrases. Think of things you might want to say whenever you have spare time. A basic example is the use of tenses. If you don’t know the past tense but want to talk about yesterday, use the verb in the present tense and use the word “yesterday”.

Use facial expressions, hand movements, anything to get your meaning across.

Language learning is also about intuition(直觉).

Guesswork is an important strategy in learning a new language. When listening to recorded material, you aren’t expected to understand everything first time round. If you play the same piece several times, you will most probably understand something new each time. Learn to make maximum use of all the clues you can pick up. For example, what do the speakers sound like? happy, angry, calm etc.

E. Build up your vocabulary.

A wide vocabulary is the key to successful language learning but don’t try to learn too much at once. It’s best to study frequently, for short periods of time. Take a maximum of six or seven items of vocabulary and learn them. Put them into sentences to fix them in your mind, then come back to them later. Much of the vocabulary in the course is presented by topic. And above all, have fun!


(  ) 72. Jack Anderson. Jack’s vocabulary is very small. He is anxious to improve his English. Therefore, he wants to enlarge his vocabulary in a short time and tries his best to memorize new words as many as possible at a time.

(  ) 73. Margret Lillian. Margret Lillian’s pronunciation is poor. And she doesn’t know how to improve her pronunciation. She is very worried and doesn’t know what to do.

(  ) 74. Alice Fingerhut. Alice has difficulty in understanding the meaning of the English text. So she looks up the new words in the dictionary in order to understand everything.

(  ) 75. Lynne Nagata. Lynne can’t express herself clearly in English because she sometimes forgets some key words and doesn’t know the tenses exactly. What can she do?


In the modern world more and more people meet the problem of identity.The most interesting example is that of a so – called “banana”, which refers to an American who has an Asian face but holds Western values.

In Shanghai, there now live a group of people from abroad.They look no different from the locals and speak fluent Chinese or even Shanghai dialect, but when it comes to writing Chinese characters, they are almost illiterate(文盲).Jack is such an example.He never learned to read or write Chinese characters, which he finds mysterious and difficult.From time to time, he files to the US as he does not feel Shanghai is where he comes from.“But when I am in the States, I feel that’s not my home either,” he said.

At De Gaulle Airport in France, there is a Swiss man who has been living in the waiting – room for a long time because he lost h is passport during his travels.He was refused entry into several countries.But when he was eventually allowed to return to Swizerland, he refused to leave the airport.His reason was very simple—“I am sure who I am.I need no acknowledgement from others,” he said during an interview.For th is reason  he was honored by the Western media as “the Hero of identity.”

As the Internet becomes more and more popular, the problem of identity becomes more serious.In a virtual world, people can have different addresses registered with different names.In the Internet chat room, even one’s gender(性别) is hard to determine.It seems that in the glohal village, people are saying hello every day to each other without knowing whom they are talking to.

What will be the next crisis(危机) of identity? With the development of cloning technology, it might be: who is the real “I”?

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

   A.The importance of identity.

   B.The crisis of identity.

   C.Differences between Eastern and Western cultures.

   D.Difficulty in living in foreign counties.

2.The Swiss man had to live in De Gaulle Airport in France because      

   A.he needed to board a plane at any time

   B.he couldn’t afford to live in a hotel

   C.he needed others acknowledgement

   D.he couldn’t prove who he was

65.A “banana” in the passage is in fact an     

   A.American traveling to Asia                                          B.American keeping Eastern culture

   C.American born in Asia                                               D.America – born Asian

3.We can infer from the passage that the author believes      

   A.there will be more problems relating to identity in the future

   B.Internet technology helps solve problems of identity

   C.only people traveling abroad have problems of identity

   D.people don’t need to worry about identity


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