
Pulled from the rubble (碎砖)of the big earthquake after eight days of unimaginable suffering, 8- year-old Kiki Joachin caught the world’s attention. Today he and his 1struggle to rebuild their home, their lives and their hopes.
When the terrible earthquake broke out, Kiki’s mother 2from the porch (门廊)of their apartment building 3her five –year-old-son, David, who was outside fetching water.4injured by falling concrete (水泥),she tried to dig through it and5 toward her five other kids who were6in the ruins of their home. 7, she could make little progress.
For eight days Kiki and his 8were buried beneath. They curled (蜷缩) their bodies in a (n) 9space, with no food or water, hardly able to move; nearby lay the 10of their three other siblings(兄弟姐妹). Kiki11as his sister covered them with her T-shirt.
On the eighth day, a neighbour 12her possessions heard Kiki’s13cries for water. Two14spent the next four hours15drilling through the rubble and finally 16Kiki and his sister. As Kiki was 17by the firefighters from the hole, he made a victory gesture.
Now Kiki hopes to be an engineer when he grows up, so he can help18his country. His father wants to start a 19for his family, maybe selling rice and beans, to be able to put another room on the house so his kids can sleep better. Meanwhile, his father and mother are20for what they have and the survival of the three children.

  1. 1.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.
    1. A.
      in search of
    2. B.
      in honour of
    3. C.
      in face of
    4. D.
      in charge of
  4. 4.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  6. 6.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  7. 7.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  8. 8.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  9. 9.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  10. 10.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  11. 11.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  12. 12.
    1. A.
      sorting out
    2. B.
      showing off
    3. C.
      looking for
    4. D.
      giving away
  13. 13.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  14. 14.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  15. 15.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  16. 16.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  17. 17.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  18. 18.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  19. 19.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  20. 20.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
3.同上 in search of 寻找in honor of 为了纪念 in face of 面对 in charge of 管理,负责
7.上下文,根据she could make little progress可知,此处表转折,尽管她很努力,但是她进展不大
8.上下文,根据后面的 his sister covered them with her T-shirt可知,kiki和他的姐姐被困在一起
9.上下文。根据They curled  (蜷缩)  their bodies 可知,他们被困的空间非常小,即tiny
14.上下文,根据后面的by the firefighters from the hole可知,是消防员救了他们出来
19.上下文,根据后面的maybe selling rice and beans可知,他的父亲想做生意

  On a snowy and windy afternoon, An-drea, a ten-year-old girl, went out for play. She was walking along the sands when she was blown into a ditch (沟) by the seashore. She was frightened and tried her best to climb out. But the ditch was too deep and she was too weak to get out of it. So Andrea cried at the top of her voice for help. But what she could hear over the snow ditch was nothing but the terrible noise of the wind. Nobody came to her and nobody knew where she was. She struggled (挣扎) again and again. Her face was whipped by the strong wind, snow and sand, and she was almost fro-zen. Her hands began to feel stiff (僵硬). She also felt her strength running out of her. She started to cry hopelessly. Just at the moment Andrea saw a black dog appearing, through the heavy snow. It was Villa, her true friend. She was glad to see the sign of life. And the dog set out to work as soon as she got to An-drea. She cleaned away the snow around her with her paws and hind leg's, then reached out her big strong fur head to Andrea. The little girl closed her arms round Villa's neck. The dog backed away slowly, pulling her out of the ditch inch by inch.

  Successfully, Andrea got out of the ditch at last. Then she struggled to her feet. With great difficulty, led by her true friend Villa,she was saved.

  Villa, the black dog, was given a gold medal and honoured as Brave Hero Dog of America.

(1) The purpose (目的) of this passage is to tell us________.

[  ]

A.the excellent relation between a girl and her dog

B.how a brave girl survived a serious ac-cident

C.what people did to a dog that saved a girl

D.how a brave dog managed to save her little master

(2) Andrea ________when stuck in the snow ditch.

[  ]

A.tried every possible means to save her-self

B.did nothing but wait for help to come

C.believed that her dog would come to help her

D.was sure that people were to give her a hand

(3) Describe how the dog pulled the girl out of the ditch.

[  ]

A.She pushed the girl out with her head.

B.She caught the girl by the arm and pulled hard.

C.She let the girl hold her head and stepped back.

D.She held the girl's clothes in her mouth and ran back.

(4) The underlined phrase “struggled to her feet” means “________”.

[  ]

A.tried to go away on foot

B.stood there with difficulty

C.managed to stand up

D.fought hard to protect her feet

Brenda was a young woman who was invited to go rock climbing.  36  she was very scared,she went with her  37  to a cliff. She took hold of the rope and started   38   the face of that rock. She got to a place where she could take a breath. As she was  39  there,the safety  rope suddenly struck Brenda's eye and   40  out her contact lens(隐形镜片).

Well, here she was, on a rock face,with hundreds of feet below her and hundreds of feet  41  her. She was desperate and began to get  42  , so she prayed to the Lord to help her to  43  it.

When she got to the top,a friend  44  her eye and her clothing for the lens,but there was no contact lens to be found. She  45  across the mountains,thinking of that verse(诗句)that says, “The  46 of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth. ” She thought,“Lord,you can see all these mountains. You know every  47  and leaf,and you know  48  where my contact lens is. Please help me.”

Finally,they  49  down the trail to the bottom. At the bottom there was a new party of climbers just starting up the face of the cliff. One of them shouted out,“Hey,you guys! Anybody  50  a contact lens?”

Well,that would be  51  enough,but you know  52  the climber saw it? An ant was moving  53   across the face of the rock,carrying it on it's back.

Brenda told her father about the story of the  54  ,the prayer,and the contact lens. He then drew a picture of an ant carrying that contact lens with the words,“Lord,I don't know why you want me to do this. I can't eat it,and it's awfully   55 . But if this is what you want me to do,I'll carry it for you. ”

36. A. Although     B. As           C. Because          D. Except

37. A. friend           B. group        C. guide             D. leader

38. A. down        B. off              C. on              D. up

39. A. taking off       B. hanging on       C. getting along       D. putting up

40. A. pulled           B. carried          C. left               D. knocked

41. A、over             B. across           C. beyond          D. above

42. A. hopeful          B. upset            C. eager                D. proud

43. A. search           B. dream         C. find                D. imagine

44. A. watched          B. tested           C. treated              D. examined

45. A. looked up        B. looked on        C. looked out           D. looked for

46. A. eyes             B. arms          C. hands               D. legs

47. A. person           B. stone            C. tree            D. bird

48. A. exactly          B. simply           C. generally            D. totally

49. A. walked           B. climbed          C. ran             D. flew

50. A. find             B. own              C. buy             D. lose

51. A. annoying         B. surprising       C. disappointing        D. frightening

52. A. which            B. why         C when             D. whether

53. A. quickly          B. happily          C. slowly               D. sadly

54. A. rock             B. rope             C. ant              D. Lord

55. A. heavy        B. light          C. valuable           D. dirty

The Wal-Mart in Cleburne, Texas, was crowded. People were waiting in long lines at checkout counters to pay for small things that would be next-morning treasures under someone’s Christmas tree.

       The woman standing in cashier Jeffrey Kandt’s line seemed to be living on the edge of subsistence(生计). Her clothes were worn and her hands were those of a person who’d worked hard for what she had. She held a single item in her arms as she patiently waited to move to the front of the line — a Sony CD player. She had saved all year for this. With tax, the total would be close to $ 220.

       As the woman got close to the cashier, she suddenly shouted, “Where’s my money? All of my money fro my son’s gift! Oh no!”

       “Why my line?” Kandt thought as he watched the poor woman searching through her clothes. He was going to have to call his manager to avoid the sale but it would mean a long wait for the customers behind her. “I am going to go home late tonight,” Kandt thought.

       Then an amazing thing happened. At the back of the line, a man took out his wallet, pulled out $100 and passed it forward. As the cash moved up the line, a twen5ty-dollar bill was added here, and a ten-dollar bill was added there. When the collection finally reached the registewr, Kandt counted $ 220.

       Strangers had fulfilled a poor woman’s Christmas wish.

       The poor in his line at the Wal-Mart in Cleburne, Texas, had come together on Christmas Eve, 2002.

According to the passage, the woman’s Christmas wish was to ______.

       A.collect $ 220 for her family    B.buy her son a CD player as a gift

       C.buy enough food for her family     D.organize a big party for her son

Which of the following statements is TRUE about Jeffrey Kandt when the woman couldn’t find her money?

       A.He was impatient and wanted to go home.

       B.He wanted to see whether the woman had money or not.

       C.He wanted the woman to stand in another line.

       D.He didn’t think about the customers waiting behind the woman.

What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?

       A.a description of a man standing in the line           

       B.the cashier, Jeffery Kandt

       C.the collection of $ 220

       D.a reason why the strangers collected he money

What can we learn from the passage?

       A.The woman collected money by herself.

       B.The woman seemed to be poor, but in fact had lots of money.

       C.Strangers in the line volunteered to help the woman.

       D.The woman had never ay money.

The Wal-Mart in Cleburne, Texas, was crowded. People were waiting in long lines at checkout counters to pay for small things that would be next-morning treasures under someone’s Christmas tree.
The woman standing in cashier Jeffrey Kandt’s line seemed to be living on the edge of subsistence(生计). Her clothes were worn and her hands were those of a person who’d worked hard for what she had. She held a single item in her arms as she patiently waited to move to the front of the line — a Sony CD player. She had saved all year for this. With tax, the total would be close to $ 220.
As the woman got close to the cashier, she suddenly shouted, “Where’s my money? All of my money fro my son’s gift! Oh no!”
“Why my line?” Kandt thought as he watched the poor woman searching through her clothes. He was going to have to call his manager to avoid the sale but it would mean a long wait for the customers behind her. “I am going to go home late tonight,” Kandt thought.
Then an amazing thing happened. At the back of the line, a man took out his wallet, pulled out $100 and passed it forward. As the cash moved up the line, a twen5ty-dollar bill was added here, and a ten-dollar bill was added there. When the collection finally reached the registewr, Kandt counted $ 220.
Strangers had fulfilled a poor woman’s Christmas wish.
The poor in his line at the Wal-Mart in Cleburne, Texas, had come together on Christmas Eve, 2002.

  1. 1.

    According to the passage, the woman’s Christmas wish was to ______.

    1. A.
      collect $ 220 for her family
    2. B.
      buy her son a CD player as a gift
    3. C.
      buy enough food for her family
    4. D.
      organize a big party for her son
  2. 2.

    Which of the following statements is TRUE about Jeffrey Kandt when the woman couldn’t find her money?

    1. A.
      He was impatient and wanted to go home.
    2. B.
      He wanted to see whether the woman had money or not.
    3. C.
      He wanted the woman to stand in another line.
    4. D.
      He didn’t think about the customers waiting behind the woman.
  3. 3.

    What does paragraph 5 mainly talk about?

    1. A.
      a description of a man standing in the line
    2. B.
      the cashier, Jeffery Kandt
    3. C.
      the collection of $ 220
    4. D.
      a reason why the strangers collected he money
  4. 4.

    What can we learn from the passage?

    1. A.
      The woman collected money by herself.
    2. B.
      The woman seemed to be poor, but in fact had lots of money.
    3. C.
      Strangers in the line volunteered to help the woman.
    4. D.
      The woman had never ay money.

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