



Classes for beginners for 3 months.

Focus on grammar as well as writing and oral English.

3:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Small classes with maximum 8 students

Course fee: $300(10% discount for the first to enroll)

Tel: 22325445


Ring’s Cross Street, Halifax.

Oct. 10th –17th on Golden Pond by Emest Thompson.

This is a magical comedy about real people. A well-acted play for everyone.

Don’t miss it.

Performances:7:30 p.m.


Tel:3659 9988


Classes for foreign students of all levels.

3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 1 year course.

Focus on spoken language.

Open through all year from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p.m.

Small class with maximum 12 students.

Course fee for English for one year: $1,200

Discount at shorter period of study.

Tel: 22342381


Gallery of the Central Academy of Fine Art

A combination of Eastern and Western Art

8:00 am to 5:00 p.m. from January 3th to 19th

Admission:$2 for adults, $1 for students



China National Art Museum

  European modern art, Chinese art and African ancient art.

Open from 7:30 am to 4:00pm from January 6 th to 20 th

 Admission: $3 for adults, $1.5 for middle school students.



Oxford Street, Leeds.

Restaurant and Café.

Sept. 1-19

Admission: Tues-Thurs. $2-6; Fri. & Sat. $4-8

Sue Townsend’s musical play.

Performances: Evenings 7:45. October 10-17, at 2:30 p.m. No Monday performance.

All kinds of drinks offered

Tel: 52011611

然后请阅读下列Wendy 等人的信息,并匹配各人所需要联系的电话号码:

Wendy, a student who is interested in comedy and performing, happens to be free on Oct. 12th and wants to relax herself by enjoying some performances, but she has no more than $4.

Carol happens to be free on October 15th and plans to enjoy some performances while having a cup of coffee.

Jenny,a student who is a major in art is interested in Italian art as well as Chinese ,will be  free after school at 4:30.

Tom will go to study in the USA for a master’s degree. He wants to have a full-time special training for several months to improve his oral English.

Mark,a worker of an export company,needs to improve his writing and oral English. He can only go to the training class after work every day.

56. Wendy             A. 22325445

57 .Carol                     B. 3659 9988

58. Jenny                     C. 22342381

59.Tom                 D. 33569875

60. Mark                     E. 25545569

                                   F. 52011611








If you want your land to keep fertile, you must try to stop soil from being carried away by water or wind. When soil is taken away by flowing water or blowing winds we call it soil erosion. Ways have been found to stop soil erosion, and this is known as soil conservation. One way of stopping soil erosion is to grow small plants such as grass. These plants are referred to a cover crops, whose roots hold the soil tightly together. The rain water can not wash away the soil. When trees and tall bushes are planted at the edges of an open field, soil erosion by strong winds can not take place. The trees and bushes, which act as a very big and firm wall, protect the open land from the winds. The way to stoop soil erosion on slopes is to build terraces on the slope of hillside and mountainside. When the slope of a hillside is cut into “step”, water carrying soil can not run straight down the terraces, which are used to slow down the speed of the flowing water containing much soil in it. In this way most of the soil in the water is left behind on the terraces, much soil in it.

What takes place in soil erosion?

Flood happens to the fertile land

A large quantity of the soil loses away gradually.

Terraces are built on the slope of hillside or mountainside.

Plants are grown to protect the open land

“Cover crops” in this passage means _________.?

A. grass        B. trees and bushes     C. plants life and an area

covering plants that produce grain or vegetables

Besides growing small plants, another method to fight against soil erosion is to ___________.

A. build terraces  B. build walls    C. plant trees    D. plant tall bushes

According to the passage, trees and tall bushes are planted around an open field ________________.

because their roots hold soil tightly

to stop soil from being blown away by winds.

Because soil erosion causes terrible damages to crops

To keep the balance of nature

Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. What Causes Soil Erosion

B. The Importance of Erosion

C. Rain Erosion and Wind Erosion

D.Erosion and the Way of Tight against Erosion


My father was in the navy, which meant that my mother was married to both my father and the sea. As was often the case, we had to pack our belongings into boxes and  41  those we had grown to love. We would arrive at our new home and find ourselves once again  42  at the pier(码头)waving good-bye to my father as his  43  pulled him away from us. My mother would turn my brother and I around before the ship was out of  44  , wipe our tears, and take us back home to start the process of  45  in the new environment again.

Throughout the years of changing  46  , schools and friends, there remained one constant in my childhood—my mother. For both my   47  and I, she was the cook, maid and teacher. She played these roles while  48  some type of part-time job. Leaving a promising career is just one of the  49  which my mother made for my family as we moved around the world with our father every three years or so.  50  she had to deal with only a small budget, my mother  51  managed to make each house to be the very home that is safe and  52  .

This probably sounds like a depressing way to live,  53  with two small children: “single” parenthood, short-term friendships, and the inability to  54  a career or establish a home. But it was not for my mother. She turned this  55  into adventure for us all! Each relocation was a chance to  56  another part of the world. My mother greeted each new culture, climate and neighborhood. Each new house was a  57  to rearrange furniture, make curtains and  58  pictures. Every part-time job was an opportunity to learn something new and work with interesting people.

No matter how difficult the life was, she was always having a  59  attitude. She always had strength in the face of struggle and change. My mother was so  60  all those years of my childhood—she was my island in a sea of change. She is my hero.

A.leave behind      B.leave out        C.leave off        D.leave for

A.living            B.staring           C.standing         D.going

A.car             B.ship            C.train                  D.plane

A.range             B.shape          C.sight              D.control

A.adapting         B.suiting           C.matching        D.fitting

A.names            B.jobs            C.addresses        D.directions

A.father            B.classmates      C.brother          D.relatives

A.performing        B.seeking          C.waiting           D.applying

A.programs          B.sacrifices       C.contribution     D.cooperation

A.Once            B.While            C.When            D.Unless

A.somewhere      B.somewhat      C.sometime          D.somehow

A.romantic         B.comfortable     C.mysterious        D.wealthy

A.generally         B.actually         C.especially          D.unfairly

A.desert           B.pursue           C.affect             D.limit

A.lifestyle           B.value          C.journey          D.opportunity

A.acquire         B.explore          C.occupy           D.realize

A.load             B.sadness          C.result             D.challenge

A.hang            B.draw          C.take            D.sell

A.changeable      B.cautious         C.positive          D.negative

A.experienced     B.brave          C.ordinary         D.annoyed

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