
17.You will be brought before the committee to       your behavior.(  )
A.apply forB.account forC.devote toD.contribute to

分析 你会被带到委员会去解释你的行为.

解答 答案:B  apply for申请;account for解释;devote to奉献,投入;contribute to捐献,促成.根据句意,故选B.

点评 动词短语是一个比较难的语言点,搭配较多,用法灵活.学习时,要注意积累.尤其是相似或相近的用法,要注意区分和掌握.

7.When I was 12,I got a part-time job on a dairy farm,milking cows.We milked 65 cows twice a day.One day,I complained to my father about having to go milk those cows,saying it was tiring.He said,you know,boy,to work is a blessing.I looked at the men who'd worked harder.I had a feeling I had been told something really important,but it took many years before it sank in.
 Back then,going to college was a rare privilege.My father told me if I'd picked something to study that I liked doing,I'd always look forward to my work.But he also added,even having a job you hate is better than not having a job at all.I wanted to be a farmer,but I joined a military program to help pay for college.And what started out as an obligation to the Army became a way of life that I had been devoted to for 37 years.
In the late 1980s,during a visit to Bangladesh,I saw a woman with her baby on her back,breaking bricks with a hammer.I asked a local officer why they weren't using a machine to make the work easier.He told me a machine would put that lady out of work.And as bad as that woman's job was,it was enough to keep a small family alive.It reminded me of my father's words:to work is a blessing.
 After seeing a lot of people like that woman in Bangladesh,I've come to believe that people without jobs are not free.They're victims of crime,poor health,and depression.People who have jobs can have a home,send their kids to school,develop a sense of pride,contribute to the good of the community and even help others.When we can work,we are free.We are blessed.
70.Which can be the best title of the text?D
A.Inspiration from a woman               
B.My chosen way of life
C.Why should I work                 
D.To work is a blessing
71.What can we learn from the first paragraph?B
A.The writer's parents were rich farmers
B.The writer didn't enjoy his part-time job.
C.The writer admired his father's job
D.The writer disagreed with his father.
72.The writer joined a military program becauseD
A.he could travel abroad with the army       
B.he intended to find a lifetime job
C.his parents forced him to do so         
D.he couldn't afford his college education
73.What does the underlined word"obligation"mean?C
A.observation      B.education            C.commitment       D.confidence
74.According to Paragraph 3,machines were not used becauseC.
A.machines were too expensive              B.women could do the work better  
C.people needed jobs to live               D.machines were hard to operate
75.What does the writer intend to say through the last paragraph?B
A.People without jobs could achieve more
B.We should feel fortunate to have a job.
C.Freedom is not always free for people
D.Rich people should help those in need.
6.In the latest romance-drama,Descendants of the Sun (《太阳的后裔》),a handsome soldier Yoo Shi-jin(柳时镇) (Song Joong-ki)(宋仲基) meets the pretty doctor Kang Mo-yeon(姜暮烟) (Song Hye-kyo)(宋慧乔) in a hospital,and he doesn't hesitate to hit on her.
The dialogue,which takes place early in the first episode,immediately indicates that this is no ordinary South Korean drama.There's no family feud,or secret crush,or love tangles,or guesses and misunderstandings.The 16-episode show is set in the fictional war-torn country of Uruk(乌鲁克).Song Joong-ki is the leader of a special warfare command unit,while Song Hye-kyo plays a doctor who works for a humanitarian medical organization.Both are sent in the midst of disaster and disease as part of their work with UN peacekeeping troops.Both know and show clearly what they want and what they hate.
But what stands out the most are Song's skills as a pick-up artist(撩妹技能).
Boldness and creativity are the key weapons in his arsenal.When Kang invites Yoo to drink wine with her,Yoo,who is not allowed to drink alcohol as a soldier,says,"There is a way"before kissing her.Forget about the"eighth-episode rule".This kiss happens in the fourth.
Humor also does the trick.On their first date in a cinema,Yoo says,"This is the most exciting moment of my life.The moment I am with a beautiful woman before the theater lights go out."When Kang tries to give Yoo a hard time,Yoo jokes,"I mistook you for a beautiful woman because it's dark."
And actor Song Joong-ki,who just came back from two years of military service last May,makes sure he delivers his pick-up lines just right.
"In Deep Rooted Tree (《树大根深》) and The Innocent Man (《善良的男人》),he[Song Joong-ki]showed he had the steel to play fearless and heartless men-that he could be taken seriously as an acto,despite his pretty face.In Descendants,he hits the emotional core of every scene,whether he has to be bold and amorous,guarded and mysterious,or sad,"said critic Foong Woei Wan in The Straits Times.

32.What is the relationship between Song Joong-ki and Song hye-hyo?B
A.lover           B.colleague           C.actor          D.doctor-patient
33.Why say that the Descendants of the Sun is no ordinary South Korean drama?B
A.Because actors know and show clearly what they want and what they hate.
B.It broke the previous Korean old story.
C.It exits family feud and love tangles.
D.The pick-up artist is unique and special.
34.When the Descendants of the Sun tells us that heterosexual(异性) contacts is important to have some quality includingD.
①humor       ②Boldness and creativity③bold          ④emotonal
A.①②B.①②③C.②③④D.above all
35.What is the article mainly about?C
A.Introduce a drama called the Descendants of the sun.
B.Song Zhongji could be taken seriously as an actor,despite his pretty face.
C.The Descendants of the sun open a new pattern to pick-up woman.
D.The reason why the Descendants of the sun gain success.

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