
16.Teenage boys,regardless of race,are more likely to die from gunshot wounds than from all natural causes combined,
By the time the average American child leaves primary school,he or she will witness 8,000 murders and more than 100,000 acts of violence on televisionYouth are becoming involved in violence at an alarming rate. In fact,the young arrest rate for murder doubled,from 6 arrests per 100,000 youth aged from 10 to 17 to over 12 per 100,000For the many youth who have not been directly exposed to violence in their own communities,the entertainment media (television,movies,music and video games) provides many opportunities for children to see and hear violent exchanges. Research shows that there are about 5~6 violent acts per hour on prime time and 20~25 violent acts on Saturday morning  children's programming. In its report,the American Psychological Association (APA) reported that viewing violence on television hurts children in many ways. In particular,the APA  concludes that children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others,be more  fearful of the world around them,be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others,and gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems.
Another form of violence involving youth is physical punishment in the schools. This form of discipline (纪律) still remains legally supported in 23 nations in America. The Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Education reported that 555,000 students were physically punished in the schools during this school year. Although such punishment has been regarded as an effective method of discipline by those who apply it,the findings are obvious that physical punishment does not work and that children who are victims of physical punishment are subject to potential long-term physical and emotional damage.
64. According to the passage,the American teenage boys'lives are most threatened byA
A. gun murders 
B. natural diseases
C. TV violence                 
D. physical punishment
65. We can learn from Paragraph 4 thatD
A. many youth have watched much violence on TV
B. youth violence in Washington IX; is very serious
C. fights may be the most widely-seen youth violence
D. American youth have been exposed to much violence
66. The APA indicates that too much TV violence may change childrenB
A. to become separated from the world 
B. to remain unconcerned about others'pain
C. to solve problems only by violence 
D. to be fearful of aggressive behaviors
67. The author may most probably agree that physical punishment isC
A. acceptable,though ineffective          
B. illegal,though effective
C. harmful,though legal                 
D. reasonable,though illegal.

分析 本文主要讲述了美国的青少年遭受了许多暴力事件.一种是电视暴力,它可能会使孩子对其他人的痛苦漠不关心,害怕周围的世界.另一种是体罚,它可能会对孩子的身心健康造成伤害.

解答 64.A 细节理解题.根据第一段Teenage boys,regardless of race,are more likely to die from gunshot wounds than from all natural causes combined,可知美国青少年男孩比起自然原因更可能死于枪击.故选A.
65.D 理解推断题.根据第四段 Another form of violence involving youth is physical punishment in the schools.This form of discipline (纪律) still remains legally supported in 23 nations in America.可知另一种涉及青少年的暴力形式是学校的体罚.这种形式的纪律在美国的23个民族里仍然是合法的.由此推之,美国的年轻人暴露于许多暴力事件.故选D.
66.B 细节理解题.根据第三段the APA  concludes that children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others,be more  fearful of the world around them,be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others,and gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems.可知APA指出太多的电视暴力可能会使孩子对其他人的痛苦漠不关心.故选B.
67.C 细节理解题.根据最后一段可知,体罚虽然是合法的,但会对孩子的身心造成伤害.故选C.

点评 本文考察学生的理解推断能力以及细心程度,只要抓住文章的关键词,采用寻读的方法查找细节,就能找到正确答案.

7.Bongos was a happy,artistic girl. She had one big ambition to play the drums in a band.But one big obstacle lay in her way.To be good enough to play in a band,Brenda had to practice a lot,but she lived next-door to a lot of old people.Many of them are sick.She knew that the sound of beating drums would really get on their nerves.So,she had tried playing in the strangest places:a basement,a kitchen,and even in a shower. But there was always someone it would annoy.
One day,while watching a science documentary on TV,she heard that sound cannot travel in space,because there's no air.At that moment,Brenda Bongos decided to become a sort of musical astronaut.
With the help of a lot of time,books and work,Brenda built a space bubble.This was a big glass ball connected to a machine which sucked out all the air inside. All that would be left inside was a drum kit(成套设备) and a chair. Brenda got into the space suit she had made,entered the bubble,turned on the machine,and played those drums like a wild child.
It wasn't long before Brenda Bongos came very famous.Many people came to see her play in her space bubble.Shortly afterwards she came out of the bubble and stated giving concerts.Her fame spread so much that the government suggested that she be part of a unique space journey.Finally,Brenda was a real musical astronaut,and had gone far beyond her first ambition of playing drums in a band.
Years later,when asked how she had achieved all this,she thought for a moment,and said:"If those old people next-door hadn't mattered so much to me,I wouldn't have found a solution,and none of this would have ever happened."

56.Why did Brenda try to play in the strangest places?B
A.Because she didn't want others to hear her play.
B.Because she didn't mean to disturb others.
C.Because she didn't have her own room.
D.Because she didn't like her neighbors.
57.Brenda started to give concertsA.
A.after she practiced in her space bubble
B.when she became part of the unique space journey
C.after she became a real musical astronaut
D.when people came to see her in the space bubble
58.Brenda became famous becauseC.
A.she was good at music and scienceB.she became a real musical astronaut
C.she invented a special way of practiceD.she played well and had a talent
59.It can be inferred from the text that"D".
A.He laughs best who laughs last       B.It's never too old to learn
C.Two heads are better than one         D.One good turn deserves another.
11.Although they are an inexpensive supplier of vitamins,minerals,and high-quality protein,eggs also contain a high level of blood cholesterol(胆固醇),one of the major causes of heart disease.One egg yolk,in fact,contains a little more than two-thirds of the suggested daily cholesterol limit.
    This knowledge has caused egg sales to drop in recent years,which in turn has brought about the development of several alternatives to eating regular eggs.One alternative is to eat substitute eggs.These egg substitutes are not real eggs,but they look somewhat like eggs when they are cooked.They have the advantage of having lower cholesterol rates,and they can be scrambled or used in baking.One disadvantage,however,is that they are not good for frying,poaching,or boiling.A second alternative to regular eggs is a new type of eggs,sometimes called"designer''eggs.These eggs are  produced by hens that are fed low-fat diets consisting of ingredients such as canola oil,flax,and rice bran.In spite of their diets,however,these hens produce eggs that contain  the same amount of cholesterol as regular eggs.Yet,producers of these eggs claim that eating their eggs will not raise the blood cholesterol in humans.
    Egg producers claim that their product has been described unfairly.They use scientific studies to back up their claim.And  in tact  studies on the relationship between eggs and human cholesterol levels have brought mixed results.It may be that it is not the type of egg that is the main determinant of cholesterol but the person who is eating the eggs.Some people may be more sensitive to cholesterol from food than other people.In fact,there is evidence that certain dietary fats stimulate the body's production of blood cholesterol.Consequently,while it still makes sense to limit one's intake of eggs,even designer eggs,it seems that doing this without regulating dietary fat will probably not help reduce the blood cholesterol level.
46.According to this passage,which of the following is a cause of heart disease?B
A.High-quality protein   
C.Canola oil            
47.The main cause of the recent drop in egg sales isD.
A.the production of substitute eggs and designer eggs
B.the changes in hen's diet
C.the increasing price
D.People's knowledge of the high level of blood cholesterol in eggs
48.Which is the best way to cook substitute eggs?B
A.Boiling.    B.Baking.    C.Frying.D.Poaching.
49.What's the main purpose of this passage?C
A.To advertise for substitute eggs.
B.To warn people of the danger of heart disease by eating eggs.
C.To inform people of the relationship between eggs and cholesterol.
D.To tell people that fat intake is more dangerous than egg intake.
50.Which of the following statements is NOT true?C
A.It has been proved that some dietary fats stimulate the body's production of blood cholesterol.
B.Some people are insensitive to cholesterol from food.
C.It is the type of egg that determines the level of cholesterol in one's body.
D.Controlling one's intake of eggs and dietary fat is likely to reduce blood cholesterol.
5.The most popular trend in self--help theories these days is about positive thinking.Many  successful authors tell us that the best way to succeed and be happy is to avoid thinking about  failure and to focus on good things.One of these theories comes from a small book called How  Full is  Your Bucket(水桶)?by Tom Rath and Donald O.Clifton.The idea behind their work  is fairly simple,positive thinking from yourself and others will make your life better.
The authors say that the idea for their work is based on a historical case.During the Korean War,a large number of American troops were being held prisoners,and many of them  died in prison.A psychologist found that the reason for their death was the feel of total lack of hope the prisoners had.In other words,the authors of How Full Is Your Bucket?say it was  because of negative thinking.The story shows us the terrible power of negative emotions.
The authors of the book also believe that every interaction (相互影响) we have with other people affects us deeply.Our lives are shaped by our relationships with others.The authors  believe that experiences with others are always either good or bad but never neutral.This  brings us to the bucket idea.Imagine that everyone has a bucket.Every positive interaction  adds to the bucket,and every negative interaction takes away from it.It works whether it's  another person's negativity or your own; they both take away from your own bucket.The  best way to live is with a full bucket,which is the result of positive thinking and interactions  with the people around us.Positivity is almost like a magic cure,according to the look.It gives us energy and makes us stronger,healthier,happier and more successful.Is the secret really that simple?It's up to you to decide.

28.According to the text,when someone asks you"how full is your bucket?",what does he mean?D
A.How hard do you work?
B.How unhappy are you?
C.How disappointed do you feel?
D.How much optimistic energy do you have?
29.The authors of the book believe the prisoned American soldiers in the Korean War were killed byC.
A.terrible diseases
B.lack of food and clean water
C.the idea that they're going to die
D.cruel mental and physical punishment
30.According to the bucket theory,when interacting with others,if you are holding negative  beliefs,you areA.
A.eptying both your and others'buckets
B.emptying just your own bucket
C.filling up your own bucket
D.filling up others'buckets
31.How can we live with a full bucket?C
A.Avoid communicating with discouraged people and focus on our own happiness.
B.Carry a bucket of water with us wherever we go.C.Raise our positive energy and bring hope to others all the time.
D.Blame others for being unhappy and force them to smile.
3.Seen from space the Earth is covered in a blue mantle.It is a planet on which the continents are dwarfed (相形见绌)by the oceans surrounding them and the vastness of the marine area.
An astonishing 80 percent of all the life on Earth is to be found hidden beneath the waves and this vast global ocean pulses around our world driving the natural forces which keep life on our planet.
The oceans provide necessary sources of protein,energy,minerals and other products of use the world over and the rolling of the sea across the planet creates over half our oxygen,drives weather systems and natural flows of energy and nutrients around the world,transports water masses many times greater than all the rivers on land combined and keeps the Earth habitable.
Without the global ocean there would be no life on Earth.
It is seriously worrying,then,that we are damaging the oceans on a scale that is unimagnalbe  to most people.
We now know that human activity can have serious influences on the vital forces working-on our planet.We have fundamentally changed our global climate and are just beginning to understand the consequences of that.As yet largely unseen,but just as serious,are the influences we are having on ihe oceans.A healthy ocean has diverse ecosystems and strong and healthy habitats.the actual state of our oceans is a far cry from this natural level.
A large quantity of human pressures are being exerted both directly and indirectly on ocean ecosystems the world over.Consequently ecosystems are collapsing as marine speciesare driven towards extinction and ocean habitats are destroyed.With the decrease and removement of their diversity,ocean ecosystems are losing their natural recovery.

59.The 2nd and the 3rd paragraphs are given mainly to describeD.
A.what the oceans look like 
B.what the oceans are made up of
C.what live in the oceans 
D.what functions the oceans have
60.The oceans provide all the following exceptC
A.various marine creatures 
B.rich living resources
C.all natural forces 
D.comfortable habitats for man
61.Man has not yet realizedA
A.that he has done harm to the oceans     
B.that he has done harm to the planet 
C.that he has benefited from the oceans 
D.that he has benefited from the planet
62.The best title for this passage should beB
A.Protecting our planet 
B.Defending our oceans
C.Making good use of our oceans 
D.A glimpse of the oceans.

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