
  Pets are no strangers to the White House.Many of America's presidents have been animal lovers.In recent times,White House pets havebeen fame dogs and cats.Long ago,however,presidential pets,like our nation itself,werewilder!

  In180.6,President Thomas Jefferson lived in the WhiteHouse.Passersby often caught sight of his pet bears.Explorers had disvovered these fierce bears,caught a pair of smallones,and sent them to Jeffer son.While the President was excited about his bears,his enemies in Congress constantlylaughed at his pets,ealling the white House“the President'sBear Garden.”

  By 1825,the bears were long gone from the White House scene.Now the building washome to President John Quincy Adams and hiscrocodile.The green beast actually belonged toGeneral Lafay ette,a French hero who had helped the UnitedStales win the Revolutionary War.When Lafayette asked Adams to keep the crocodile for him,the President couldn't refuse.While President Adams babysat the huge crocodile,First Lady Louisa Adams was busy raising thousands of silk-worms.She used the silk from the silkworms to make clothfor her dresses.

  When President Martin Van Buren moved into the WhiteHouse in 1837 he brought his tigers with him.At least,VanBuren said the tigers were his.The Sultan of Oman had sentthe tigers when Van Buren was elected,so Congress arguedthat the cats belonged to the American people.A fight overthe tigers continued for months.con'tinued for months.In the end,Congress sentsomeone to seize the tigers and put them in a zoo.

  Twenty years later,President James Buchanan,receivedanother valuable gift when he was in his first year in theWhite House This time,the King of Siam sent several ele-phants!Buchanan had no desire to share his building with thebig creatures.so he sent them to the zoo.Buchanan did,however,keep another gift a pair of birds,They were a fittingsymbol of presidential power.


According to the passage,we can infer that ________

[  ]


the pets the Presidents raised were all huge ones.


the pets the Presidents owned were all their favoriteones.


the Presidents kept the pets not only at home but in the zoo.


the Presidents'pets were not only cared about by theirfamilies.


How did Iht presidents mentioned get their unusualpets?

[  ]


They got them in the forest.


They bought them at the market.


The pets were given to them by others.


Their family members offered them the pets.


What similar political effect did Jefferson's bears andVan Buren's tigers have?

[  ]


The pets made them happy and gay.


It took them too much time to look after them.


It made people believe that they were animal lovers.


It brought about dissatisfaction with them in Con-gress.


President James Buchanan got elephants,while Presi-dent Bill Clinton.who came to power about ________ years lat-er,kept dogs as pets.

[  ]


nearly two hundred


over one hundred and thirty


about one hundred


around forty-five

Directions:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.

  A rccent study of anclent and modern clcphants has come up with the uncxpeclcd conclusion that the african elcphant is dividcd into two disinct(不同的)species

  The discovery was made by researchers at yod and haycard yniwersities when they were examining the genetid relinship between the ancient woolly manmmth and mastodon to modern ckephants ins asoan alepnant a feoan forest elephant and afcican sannna clephant

  Once they obfantcd DNA sequences{序列}from two fossils{化石},mammothd and mastodons the team comparcd them with dna form ,modcrn eleohants they found to their amazement that modern forest and sabanna elephants are as distinct from cach other as asian elephants and manmoths he scientists used detailed genetic anatysis to proce that the african savanna clelhants hace been distinct species for several million years the divcrgonce of the ttwo species took place around the time of the of the dicergcncc of asian clephants and woolly mammoths this result amazed all the scienitsts

  There has long been debate in the scientific community that the two might be separespecies but this is the most convincing scientinfic evidence so far that they are anded difforent species

  Preci many naluralists believed that afrjcan savanna elephants and airican forest were two plpulations of the same apecies despite the clcphants signigice\ant sizw differences the sac\vanna elelphant has an average shouldcr height of 3.5metres while the forest slsphant has an average shouldcr height of 2.5metres the sacanna laphant welghs belween six anp secedn tons roughly double the weight of the forest elephant but the fact that they look so different does not neccssarily mean they are different species howecer the prooflay in the analysis of th DNA

  Alfred roca allisant professor in the dcoamment of animal scienccs at the unicerstiu of said “wu now nave to reat the forest and savanna elephants at two diffcrcnt units for consrrbation pucpooses since 1950 all african ele[hants are two cery distinctice animals the forest ele[hant shoule become a bigger prioity(优先)for conscrvation puruose”


one of the fossols studied by the reaearchers if that of ________

[  ]


the asian elephant


the forest elephant


the savnna clcphant


the maslodon elephant


the underlined word “divergence” in p[aragraph 4means “________”

[  ]










68.the resarchcrs conclusion was based on a study of the a frican elephant's ________

[  ]










What are Alfred Roca's words mainly about?

[  ]


The conservation of African elephants.


The urose of studing African elephants.


The way to divide African elephants into two units


The reason for the distinction of African elephants.


Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Naturalists' Beliefs about Elephants


Amazing Experiments baout Elephants


An Unexpected Finding about Elephants


A Long Scientific Debate baout Elephants

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