

A foreign student graduated with honors from a finely university in Germany. He expected to find a good job and have a bright future.But in his disappointment, he wasn't even giving the chance for an interview! The third time he was refused, he phoned the company to ask how.“We don't employ dishonest people in Germany” is the answer. What was wrong? Shortly before he arrived in Germany, he found easy to steal subway rides. But he often rode without a ticket and was caught up three times. Now he had to pay a high price for his own behavior. We should all keep in minds: honesty is the best policy.



“A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smart phone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website” is the definition of “selfie” in the Oxford English Dictionary. In fact, it wasn't even in the dictionary until August of 2013. It earned its place there because people are now so obsessed with (对……痴迷) selfies — we take them when we try on a new hat, play with our pets or when we meet a friend whom we haven't seen in a while.

But is there any scientific explanation for this obsession? Well, you should probably ask James Kilner, a neuroscientist (神经系统科学家) at University College London.

Through our lifetime we become experts at recognizing and interpreting other people's faces and facial expressions. In contrast, according to Kilner, we have a very poor understanding of our own faces since we have little experience of looking at them — we just feel them most of the time.

This has been proved in previous studies, according to the BBC.

Kilner found that most people chose the more attractive picture. This suggests that we tend to think of ourselves as better?looking than we actually are. To further test how we actually perceive our own faces, Kilner carried out another study. He showed people different versions of their own portrait — the original, one that had been edited to look less attractive and one that was made more attractive — and asked them to pick the version which they thought looked most like them. They chose the more attractive version.

But what does it say about selfies? Well, isn't that obvious? Selfies give us the power to create a photograph — by taking it from various angles, with different poses, using filters (滤色镜) and so on — that better matches our expectations with our actual faces.

“You suddenly have control in a way that you don't have in non?virtual (非虚拟的) interactions,” Kilner told the Canada?based CTV News. Selfies allow you “to keep taking pictures until you manage to take one you're happy with”, he explained.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The definition and fun of taking selfies.

B.A study of why people love taking selfies.

C.How taking selfies influences people's daily lives.

D.How to interpret people's facial expressions in their selfies.

2.The underlined word “perceive” in Paragraph 5 can be replaced by “________”.

A.interpret B.beautify

C.choose D.explain

3.According to Kilner, people like taking selfies probably because they think ________.

A.it is a good chance to learn more about their actual faces

B.it is a way to respond to others' facial expressions correctly

C.it enables them to interact with their friends in social media

D.it allows them to satisfy their expectations with their appearances


“Made in China” has Changed

Many shoppers in the West still prize labels, boasting (吹嘘) a product was made in Italy without knowing that a growing number of Italian products come from factories that are Chinese?owned and staffed. The products which were marked “Made in China” gave the buyer an impression of “low pride and low cost, low technology and development”. The statement used to be true, but now it has changed.

“Made in China” is becoming a leading part in the world market. China's garment industry (制衣业) has been investing in producing technology and training for decades, and its workforce has collectively gotten better at sewing garments. As a result, the quality of Chinese?made clothes is rising fast. It has been home to a highly?skilled, highly?specialized garment industry, one that supplies even some high?end (高端的) labels and offers the best mix of price, speed, and quality.

“If I was to make a basic men's jean, I'd make that in Pakistan,” said Edward Hertzman, co?owner of the trade publication Sourcing Journal. “If I was going to make a fashionable women's garment, I would move to China because their skill set is better, their hand is better, their finishing is better, and they can handle that type of fashion.”

Indeed, luxury fashion labels now routinely make things in China. Burberry, Armani, and Prada have all produced things there, because they're still able to get good workmanship at a relatively low price. Even the Japanese brand Visvim, known for its crazy attention to detail, also produces high?end, handmade footwear in China.

Despite the rising wages and costs of doing business in China, companies have not walked away. “China is viewed by people who make buying decisions as unique and hard to copy elsewhere,” says Josh Green, CEO of Panjiva.

1.Which of the following is NOT true about “Made in China”?

A.It used to be associated with poor quality.

B.It has lost its leading status in the world market.

C.Its products are recognized by luxury fashion brands.

D.It reflects China's investment in producing technology.

2.Edward Hertzman thinks highly of “Made in China” in such aspects as ________.

①workers' skills ②low prices

③advanced technology ④a sense of fashion

A.①②③ B.①②④

C.②③④ D.①③④

3.What is the similarity between Prada and Visvim?

A.Both of them are from Japan.

B.Neither of them sells at a low price.

C.They both make products in China.

D.They both produce handmade footwear.

【小题】What can be learned from the last paragraph?

A.Doing business in China costs a lot more now.

B.Chinese companies are more creative than others.

C.Foreign producers want to copy China's success.

D.Rising costs stop the interest of foreign companies.


We have all seen nervous presenters in classrooms and meetings. One effect of being nervous is moving from side to side. 1. In fact the audience can lose interest in a speaker who does not move.

How a speaker moves is important. Whole?body movement should be slow and planned to command attention. Such movement helps to communicate confidence.

2. But they look at their notes on a paper or at the screen if they have an electronic presentation.

With posture, the typical problem for new speakers is that they are often moving back and forth, and they're not facing the audience. They'll often be facing the white board or the screen with slides and be talking to that rather than talking to the audience. The same thing with eye contact with the audience, they find it really, really difficult, because they'll be looking at their notes, they'll be looking at their computer, they'll be looking at the screen, or they will be looking at the floor. The problem of having notes and trying to talk from notes often is a big problem. 3. The best way to avoid this problem is to use images and few words for notes instead of sentences. The image should help communicate the point you want to make. Writing a few words with the image on your slide helps you remember that point. Then you can look at the audience while speaking.

4. When you practice, remember these important tips: be aware of your posture, eye contact, and gestures.

5. Then step by step, you'll become an excellent speaker.

A.So they usually have eye contact with the audience.

B.So they have trouble with eye contact.

C.An important part of public speaking is practice.

D.New public speakers know that they should look at the audience while they speak.

E.A presenter does not need to stand perfectly still.

F.Improve your public speaking with body language.

G.Look for opportunities to speak and gain more confidence.

A GRANDMOTHER, Michelle Riotton, 78, survived after falling down a mountain valley. She set off for a walk alone dressed only in a light jacket and trousers. “I slipped into a valley!” said Mrs Riotton, who said the fall happened in a deep forest close to her home village.

It was warm and sunny when the accident happened, but temperatures dropped to very low when night fell, and it rained. “I wasn't afraid,” said Mrs Riotton. “But I was worried that my children and grandchildren would become too worried about me.” Mrs Riotton said she covered herself in leaves when feeling cold, taking very small bites of two biscuits which she had in her pocket and drinking rainwater which fell down her face.

She spent six nights before she was found on Saturday. She was lying at the bottom of the valley, which was less than a mile from her home. The search had once been stopped, but Patrice Fossard, one of her neighbors, insisted that the search continue. “There was no way we could give up her, even if deep inside we felt we had little hope of finding her alive,” said Mr Fossard. “It was a miracle that Michelle was finally found.”

Mrs Riotton said she would be taking life easier from now on. “Enough is enough!” she said. “No more forests — don't want to visit one again.”

A mountain policeman said walking alone in the mountain was not recommended and that Mrs Riotton should have carried a mobile phone with her. “The mountains are particularly dangerous at this time of year as sunny afternoons can quickly change into cold, wet and stormy evenings.” he said. “Anybody walking into the mountains should carry safety equipment and be prepared for any kind of emergency.”

1.When Michelle Riotton was in the valley, she ________.

A.was hurt too badly to move

B.missed her home very much

C.didn't feel afraid

D.felt very hungry

2.Michelle Riotton covered herself with leaves to ________.

A.keep warm during her suffering

B.prevent the harmful animals

C.make herself noticed by others

D.avoid getting wet in the rain

3.Michelle Riotton got lost on ________.

A.Sunday B.Saturday

C.Wednesday D.Monday

4.According to the mountain policeman, ________.

A.the mountains in the morning are very dangerous

B.one had better not walk in the mountains alone

C.people should carry safety equipment every day

D.people wouldn't be safe without a mobile phone

Year of Giving

Yesterday I started the Year of Giving, my first day of a year-long journey into exploring the act of giving and the meaning of charity. I chose December 15 as the starting date, which marked three years since my mother died from heart disease. She was one of the most generous people that I have ever known. She always thought of others first and certainly serves as an inspiration to me.

I had a rather busy day yesterday, ironic (具有讽刺意义的) for someone who is unemployed right now. In the morning I went to the gym, and unsuccessfully got the phone call from the unemployment office for some job searching. Before I knew it, it was noon. I grabbed a quick lunch and rushed down to a meeting. On my way to Connecticut, I wondered if I would see someone that I would feel forced to give my first $ 10 to. I was running late and decided to do it afterwards.

After the meeting I had about half an hour to find the first person of my Year of Giving! I decided to check out DuPont Circle. I had met a guy there named Jerry once and thought he would willingly accept my $ 10. He wasn’t there, but I did see a man sitting by himself who looked really lonely, so I approached him. Now I had to figure out what I was going to say, I think I said something like, “Hi, can I sit down here?” “I would like to know if I could give you $ 10?” He asked me to repeat what I had said, I did, then he looked at me funny, got up and left.

I then started walking south where I spotted a man standing by the bus stop on Connecticut Ave. He appeared to be in his 60s. I don’t know what drew me to him, but I thought I would make my second attempt. I was a bit nervous and asked him which bus came by that stop. Then I explained that I was starting a year-long project to give $ 10 to someone every day and that I wanted to give my $ 10 for today to him. The gentleman, I later found out that his name was Ed, responded without hesitation that he could not accept my offer and that there were many people more deserving the money than him. This was exactly one of the things that I hoped would happen. People would think of others before themselves.

1.The author set the starting date on December 15 to ____.

A. help the charity B. remember his mother

C. make an explosion D. fulfill a wish of his mum

2.In the author’s first attempt to give away the money, ____.

A. he was considered ridiculous

B. he hesitated for a long time

C. he was forced to donate the money

D. he had no time to take action

3.In the author’s second attempt, the gentleman refused his offer because ____.

A. he didn’t need other’s help

B. he thought more for others

C. he didn’t care about money

D. he wanted to get more money

4.We can infer that the author was inspired by ____.

A. true friendship B. his own kindness

C. generous donations D. human’s good nature

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