
第二部分完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分) 

It was a cold winter night when I stopped for gas on my way home from work. I was tired and had a slight 21 .

I worked in a 22 doctor's office and this was one of those days when the unexpected happened,making the schedule run 23 than usual. It seemed I was going to be late 24 home and my husband,being the 25 person,would be ready to pronounce me late once again. Maybe 26 I hurried,I could still make it home.

I was heading inside to 27 for my gas when I noticed an older couple at the counter. I heard them asking for 28 to the local hospital. It was the same hospital that I had just 29 a few minutes ago.

The young man at the counter was trying to be 30 in explaining how to get there,with two other people making 31 . One of them was 32 trying to give them a whole different route back. It was then that I walked over to the couple and said ,“Would you like to follow me to the 33 ?”

A look of 34 crossed the woman's face. “I'm going right by there ,” 1 said,which wasn’t a 35 since I had just made up my mind to do 36 that.

I got in my car and began the journey back. I was trying to watch to be sure they were right 37 me. It took only fifteen minutes to get there as rush hour traffic was beginning to 38 . I felt better than I had all day and my headache was nearly gone.

Late,as I arrived home,my husband 39 "So you aren’t ever late any more."1 said ,"Sometimes it's 40 to be late. "

21. A. break   B. fever   C. cold   D. headache

22. A. foreign   B. common   C. busy   D. noisy

23. A. earlier   B. later   C. easier   D. simpler

24. A. getting   B. cooking   C. calling   D. working

25. A. tough   B. punctual   C. generous   D. careful

26. A. as   B. since   C. while   D. if

27. A. pay   B. change   C. wait   D. search

28. A. opinions   B. trouble   C. directions   D. money

29. A. reached   B. visited   C. called   D. left

30. A. skilled   B. helpful

   C. experienced   D. active

31. A. comments   B. promises   C. jokes   D. offers

32. A. only   B. still   C. even   D. ever

33. A. station   B. office   C. hospital   D. hotel

34. A. panic   B. relief   C. sadness   D. peace

35. A. duty   B. fact   C. reason   D. lie

36. A. partly   B. properly

   C. exactly   D. perfectly

37. A. across   B. before   C. beside   D. behind

38. A. go up   B. die down

   C. speed up   D. turn down

39. A. teased   B. shouted   C. burst   D. laughed

40. A. possible   B. special   C. good   D. safe

21. D解析:从文章倒数第二段最后一句话I felt better than I had all day and my head-ache was nearly gone.可以判断,应该选   D.

22. C解析:从整篇故事的叙述可以判断作 者工作很“繁忙”,故应选busy。

23. B解析:由于有一些没有预料到的事情 发生,因此会使日程安排比平时“晚”,故 选纪

24. A解析:get home意为“到家”,为固定 搭配。

25. B解析:从下文作者的丈夫说她又一次 回家迟到了可以判断,她丈夫应该是一个 “守时的”人。故应选   B.

26. D解析:“如果”“我”能快一点儿,“我”还 能按时到家。故应选表示假设的“if”。

27. A解析:pay for为固定搭配,意为“付 钱”。

28. C解析:“我”听到他们在问去当地医院 的路。

29. D解析:那正是“我”几分钟之前离开的 那家医院。

30. B解析:从后面他在解释怎样可以到达 那家医院可以判断柜台处的年轻人是想 “帮助”那对夫妇。

31. 'A解析:从下句“其中一个人正试图给他 们指往回走的、完全不同的路”可以判断, 另外两个人在“表达意见”。

32. C解析:从给指出完全相反的路可以判 断,此处应用even表递进。

33. C解析:由这对夫妇想去医院可以断定 作者让他们跟随自己去“医院”。

34. B解析:听到这句话,这对夫妇肯定会感 到一些“安慰”。

panic意为“惊慌”; sadness意为“悲伤,难过”;peace意为“平 静”,均不符合题意。

35. D解析:作者刚刚决定要做的,一定不是


36. C解析:exactly that指的是返回医院这 件事。其余三项均不符合题意。

37. D解析:因为作者在给他们带路,所以要 确保&对夫妇跟在她“后面”。

38. B解析:由于作者来回折腾了一段时间, 可以判断这时候交通拥挤应该逐渐“消 失”。

39. A解析:因为“我”又回家晚了,守时的丈 夫会“取笑”“我”,故应选teased。

40. C 解析:根据上段的 I felt better than I. had all day可以判断作者感觉有时候回家晚一点儿也挺好的,故应选good。




There is a large park in Montana. A lot of bison (野牛) live in the park. These animals are like buffalo (水牛) .The bison have lived there for a long time.

The government wants to protect the bison that live in the park. Sometimes the bison move out of the park. They begin to eat food that is supposed to be for cows. The farmers who raise the cows do not want the bison eating their food.

The state of Montana lets the bison be killed if they are not inside the park. Bison have been killed by the farmers since 1990. The farmers claim there is not enough food for both the cows and the bison.

Some people want the shooting of these animals to stop. Too many bison have been killed. Some of the bison are very young and some are pregnant (怀孕的) . Some people think that the bison are important to Native American culture.

Others want the bison to be killed because they carry a disease. The farmers are afraid the bison will give their cows the disease. The farmers also say that the bison ruin all of their fences.

Right now there is no easy answer to the problem. Some people want to hunt them. Others want to stop them from having babies. The killing will continue because there is no simple answer.

36. Bison have been killed by the farmers since 1990 because .

   A. they are useless for the farmers

   B. they have lived there for too long

   C. they eat food that is supposed to be for cows

   D. they are harmful to the health of the farmers

37. Some people want the shooting of bison to stop because .

   A. the cows have enough food to eat now

   B. the bison can help farmers with hard work

   C. the bison are important to Native American culture

   D. the bison hardly ever move out of the park now

38. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?.

   A. Many bison have been killed since 1990.

   B. The bison inside the park should also be killed.

   C. It is possible that bison will give cows the disease.

   D. People have different views on the shooting of the bison.

39. The main idea of the passage is that .

   A. people should stop killing bison

   B. bison carry a disease and it will spread quickly

   C. too many bison that move out of the park have been killed

   D. views vary about whether to protect or kill bison

40. Where can we probably find the passage?

   A. In a sports magazine.

   B. In a science magazine.

   C. In a nature magazine.

   D. In an art magazine.

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