
【题目】 P1Some people have lot of hair while others have a little. Some people have no hair on the top of their head; they are bald. The important thing is -- are you happy with the hair you have?

P2Problem hair is often a result of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

P3To ensure your hair looks its best, pay attention to what you eat. Lack of protein and iron makes your hair less shiny. So, you need adequate amounts of green vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. This will help keep your hair from becoming dry. Avoid eating sweets or high-fat foods. They can slow hair growth.

P4Stress in your life can also secretly rob your hair of its shiny beauty. Relaxing music and more rest are both remedies for stress.

P5In addition, remember to rinse your hair thoroughly after you shampoo it. Brushing your hairregularly will help it grow. It will also make it look healthy. Do not rub your hair too quickly when you dry it. It could damage your hair.

P6Last, be sure to choose the right hair products. The choices you make are they key to healthy hair.

1The author mentions the different people’s hair in paragraph 1 to ________.

A.introduce the following topic of hair care

B.show the importance of having a lot of hair

C.stress people’s dissatisfaction with their hair

D.describe the current situation of hair care market

2According to the passage, if you want to fasten hair growth, you can ________.

A.have more green vegetables and dairy products

B.eat fewer candies or foods containing much fat

C.drink eight or more glasses of water a day

D.listen to relaxing music and take more test

3The meaning of word “regularly” (in Para 5) is closest to ________.



4Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Bald? It’s impossible!B.Healthy life, healthy hair!

C.To be bald or hairy? It’s a question.D.More Exercise, More Food, More Hair!

5Which of the following structures matches the passage above?











1推理判断题。根据第一段中的The important thing is -- are you happy with the hair you have? (重要的是——你对自己的头发满意吗?)及下文对如何正确地护理头发的介绍可知,因此第一段提到不同人的头发类型就是为了引出下文的如何正确地进行头发护理这一话题。故A项正确。

2细节理解题。根据第三段中的void eating sweets or high-fat foods. They can slow hair growth.(避免吃甜食或高脂肪食物,它们能减缓头发的生长)可知,想让头发长得更快,要少吃糖果或含有大量脂肪的食物。故B项正确。

3词义猜测题。根据划线词前的Brushing your hair(梳头发)及常识可知,经常梳头会有助于头发生长,由此可知划线词意为“经常”。故A项正确。

4主旨大意题。通读全文可知,特别是根据第二段中的Problem hair is often a result of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.(头发问题通常是不健康饮食和生活方式的结果)可知,本文从饮食和生活方式两方面介绍了如何正确地护理头发。由此可知,BHealthy life, healthy hair!(健康生活,健康发质)适合做文章标题。故B项正确。


文章标题形式的主旨大意题的难度在于要有高度的概括性,全面体现出文章内容,因此抓住文章主题很重要,例如本篇第4题,通读全文可知,特别是根据第二段中的Problem hair is often a result of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.(头发问题通常是不健康饮食和生活方式的结果)可知,本文从饮食和生活方式两方面介绍了如何正确地护理头发。由此可知,BHealthy life, healthy hair!(健康生活,健康发质)适合做文章标题。故B项正确。




Tolerance toward one’s lateness


There are few habits as annoying as someone making us wait. However, some punctually- challenged people have no intention of offending anyone. They still want to keep friends, family and bosses happy. They are often painfully aware and ashamed of the damage their lateness could do to their relationships, reputations, careers and finances.

Johnson, a doctor in New York, says his reputation for being unpunctual can sometimes be caused by a misunderstanding of opinion. “A friend will ask me to come over, and he’ll say ‘come anytime from seven.’ But if I do turn up at eight or later, he will be annoyed.”

Joanna, a teacher in London, for whom the most distressing (令人苦恼的) thing is writing school reports, never makes the deadline for herself. “I always spend weeks carefully considering everything about the reports,” she says, “just for fear that any error arises.”














Bicycle Safety
Operation Always ride your bike in a safe, controlled manner on campus. Obey rules and regulations. Watch out for walkers and other bicyclists, and always use your lights in dark conditions.
Theft Prevention Always securely lock your bicycle to a bicycle rack---even if you are only away for a minute. Register your bike with the University Department of Public Safety. It's fast, easy, and free. Registration permanently records your serial number, which is useful in the possible recovery of the bike stolen.
Brakes Make sure that they are in good working order and adjusted properly.

Helmet A necessity, make sure your helmet meets current safety standards and fit properly.
Lights Always have a front headlight---visible at least 500 feet in front of the bike. A taillight is a good idea.
Rules of the Road
Riding on Campus As a bicycle rider, you have a responsibility to ride only on streets and posted bicycle paths. Riding on sidewalks or other walkways can lead to a fine. The speed limit for bicycles on campus is 15mph, unless otherwise posted. Always give the right of ways to walkers. If you are involved in an accident, you are required to offer appropriate aid, call the Department of Public Safety and remain at the scene until the officer lets you go.
Bicycle Parking Only park in areas reserved for bikes. Trees, handrails, hallways, and sign posts are not for bicycle parking, and parking in such posts can result in a fine.
If Things Go Wrong
If you break the rules, you will be fined. Besides violating rules while riding bicycles on campus, you could be fined for:
No bicycle registration---------------------------------$25
Bicycle parking banned------------------------------$30
Blocking path with bicycle ---------------------------$40
Violation of bicycle equipment requirement -----------$35
(1)Registration of your bicycle may help you _____________.
A.find y our stolen bicycle
B.get your serial number
C.receive free repair services
D.settle conflicts with walkers
(2)According to the passage, what bike equipment is a free choice for bicycle riders?
B.A helmet.
C.A headlight.
D.A taillight.
(3)When you ride a bicycle on the campus, ___________.
A.ride on posted bicycle paths and sidewalks
B.cycle at a speed of over 15 mph
C.put the walkers' right of way first
D.call the police before leaving in a case of accident
(4)If you lock your bicycle to a tree on the campus, you could be fined _________.

【题目】 Six months ago, Jack came to China to study. He has heard that Yangzhou is famous for its gardens. And he plans to visit some gardens in July, so he has collected information about them online as follows:

The Slender West Lake, named National AAAAA Tourist Area in 2010, includes the Great Rainbow Bridge, the White Pagoda, Five-pavilion Bridge, the Twenty-four Bridge, the Small Golden Hill and so on. The best time to tour the Slender West Lake is in March. During the visit to the park, the boat travels on the water and visitors travel in the picture.

Ticket: Mar.—May. 150; Other months 90

Time: 8:30—17:00

Bus: No. 4, 5, 6, 17, 61 buses

Tel: 0514-87357803; 0514-87370091

Ge Garden, one of the four top famous Chinese gardens, got its name from bamboo. The bamboo in the garden forms the green scenery. The centre of the garden is well-known for man-like hills. Four seasons can be experienced here at a time.

Ticket: Mar. —May. 10; Other months 30

Time: Mar. —May. 7:15—18:00; Other months 7:15—17:30

Bus: No. 8, 30, 61 buses

Tel: 0514-87935285

He Garden, the most famous garden in the late Qing Dynasty, is known for its long double-way corridor (走廊), which is regarded as the earliest footbridge.

Ticket: Mar. —May. 40; Other months 30

Time: 7:30—17:15

Bus: No. 19, 61 buses

Tel: 0514-87900345; 0514-87222353

1How much will a ticket cost Jack if he visits the Slender West lake?

A.30 yuan.B.40 yuan.

C.90 yuan.D.150 yuan.

2What’s HeGarden famous for?

A.The long corridor.B.The green bamboo.

C.The man-made hills.D.The boat travelling.

3Which of the following can Jack do?

A.He can take a No. 19 bus to GeGarden.

B.He can visit the Slender West Lake at 8:00.

C.He can call 0514-87935285 for further information of HeGarden.

D.He can call 0514-87900345 to know more about HeGarden.

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