
13.How Learning Habits Influence On Learning Results.
It's useful and necessary to discuss learning habits.There is a famous saying"Good habits lead to good endings.",(61)whichshows the importance of habits.
"An apple a day keeps a doctor away."also shows how a healthy everyday habit helps to build up our body.(62)Thus/Therefore,good learning habits can help us gain great learning results(63)including(include) high scores and abundant(丰富的) knowledge.At first,learning habits form our ways of thinking and attitudes(64)towards/tothe content of our learning.(65)Obviously(Obvious),a good habit can help us to speed up to reach our(66)destinations(destination).As we can see,developing a good habit is so important(67)thatI would like to introduce one kind of good learning habits----keep a learning diary every day.We can start the habit by(68)writing(write) learning summaries and remember to record something impressive and(69)meaningful(mean).Keep it in mind,and gradually we can gain this good learning habit and benefit from it.
What's more,I find out that I still have some bad learning habits as well.I can only concentrate on reading for a short time and I(70)will conquer( conquer) this problem by spending more effort on concentration practice in future.
I believe that through my efforts,I can gain good learning results by having good habits.

分析 本文主要写了学习的习惯能够影响学习的结果.

解答 61.which 考查定语从句.本句是一个非限制性定语从句,which指代的是那句名言,而且在从句中做主语.
62.Thus/Therefore  考查连词.上文用苹果和健康的关系,同理下文是学习习惯和学习结果的关系,thus/therefore是连词"因此,如此".
63.including 考查介词.根据句意:良好的学习习惯可以帮助我们获得良好的学习效果包括高分和丰富的知识.including是介词"包含,包括".
64.towards/to 考查介词.对于…的态度,在英语中的表达用介词to或者是towards.
66.destinations 考查名词.根据句意:明显,好的学习习惯可以帮助我们提高达到目的速度.destination是可数名词,我们的目的用复数形式.
67.that 考查固定句型.so…that 引导英语中的结果状语从句.根据句意:养成良好的习惯很重要,我想介绍一种好的学习习惯,答案填that.
68.writing 考查非谓语.by 是介词,介词后边用动名词作宾语.
69.meaningful 考查形容词.根据句意:我们可以通过写学习总结和记一些令人印象深刻和有意义的东西来开始这个习惯.meaningful是形容词"有意义的".
70.will conquer 考查时态.根据时间状语in future可以推断出为将来时态,所以答案填will conquer.

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.

2.When I brush my teeth each morning,I see my tongue,and feel slightly amazed that it's going to be insured(投保) for£1 million.I had never really paid much attention to it until I became a baby-food tester.Now,my tongue---or rather,its ability to determine tiny changes in flavor---is the primary tool of my job.The company I work for believes I'm so valuable in terms of getting the balance of tastes in baby food just right that it's worth getting insured.
I'm what you call a"supertaster"---one of a small percentage of the population born with twice as many taste buds(味蕾) as the rest.Babies are typically born with more than 10,000taste buds,but in later life they decrease to as few as 5,000.At 24I should really be at the height of my tasting power.
At first,baby food tasted strange to me---it took a while to get used to eating a meal that had been reduced to a paste(糨糊).Also,I have to make a real effort to think like a baby---to imagine that each time I put a spoonful of pie in my mouth,I am six months old again.I still avoid tasting baby fish pie after breakfast.
I am more aware of the need to protect my tongue these days,particularly before a tasting session,and to avoid any strong tastes or smells,such as coffee and perfume.I also drink plenty of water during the day to clean my palate(味觉).
It's not really something that affects my personal life.Outside work it's a joy to be able to taste everything so deeply.One consequence is that eating is a much richer experience for me than for most people.If I take one bite of a salad,I can tell immediately what's in the dressing.I like the challenge of guessing what's in anything I eat,and the satisfaction of rarely getting it wrong.

24.The reason why the author is being insured is thatA.
A.few people have his tasting power
B.he manages valuable assets for his company
C.baby-food testers'taste buds are easily injured
D.he makes well-balanced meals for babies
25.The author is a good baby-food tester because heB.
A.is good at making baby food
B.has more taste buds
C.knows a lot about nutrition
D.is young
26.How does the author protect his tongue?D
①By avoiding strong tastes.
②By brushing his teeth every day.
③By staying away from strong smells.
④By drinking plenty of water.
27.What does the author mean by saying that"eating is a much richer experience for me than for most people"?C
A.He can learn a lot about food by tasting it.
B.He can easily tell which of two foods is better.
C.He is more sensitive to flavor than other people.
D.He spends much of his time eating every day.
8.Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good,most would admit that their spoken English is poor.Whenever I speak to a Chinese student,they always say,"My spoken English is poor."(36)DI would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.
First,they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary.(37)CHowever,you can speak with a limited vocabulary,if you choose a positive attitude.Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.
(38)ASometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous.Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY.Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using them to get your message across.But to talk to someone in English,as quickly and well as you can,even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense,but it doesn't matter.(39)FThe third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening.You have one mouth but two ears!All the hearing is necessary for you to start speaking.
Fourth,most Chinese students are reactive rather than proactive(主动的) language learners.Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor.(40)G

A.Second,they are afraid of making mistakes.
B.They may try to avoid making similar mistakes next time.
C.Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary.
D.However,their spoken English does not have to remain"poor"!
E.The second reason lies in the reluctance of using what has just been learned.
F.The person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.
G.If you have this proactive outlook,then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.
18.If you see a group of people dancing and singing on the street or in the railway station,you don't need to feel surprised.They are a flash mob(暴民).Who are they?Are they mobs?Don't be confused by their name.Actually,a flash mob is a group of people who gather suddenly in a public place,do something unusual for a brief period of time,and then quickly disappear.
They are usually organized with the help of the Internet or other digital communications networks.The messages may be sent to friends,who send to more people.At a predetermined time,they gather and perform some activities such as exchanging books,coming together to look at the sky,waving their hands and yelling something at the top of their voice for 30 seconds.Then,they quickly disappear before the police can arrive.Using mobile phones,the flash mob can change its place if the first one has been cancelled for any reason.
Bill Lasik,senior editor of Harper's Magazine,organized the first flash mob in Manhattan in May 2003 and the first successful flash mob came together on June 3,2003.Wasik claimed that the he created the flash mob as a social experiment designed to laugh at fashion seekers and stress the cultural atmosphere of wanting to be an insider or part of"the next big thing".
Flash mob gatherings can sometimes shock people.Such an activity might seem amusing and magical,but it also might frighten people who are not aware of what is taking place.Undoubtedly,flash mob can serve as good political tools and have great potential,such as using flash mobs to advertise a product.
    The flash mob is now becoming more and more popular.People use it to do many things.For example,in 2009,Michael Jackson's fans took part in a flash mob to remember him.Hundreds of his fans gathered singing and dancing Michael's famous song"Beat It"together.Flash mobs give people from all walks of life an opportunity to come together to create a memory.
28.What is NOT the feature of the flash mob?D
A.It can get together quickly                 
B.It can change its place freely
C.It can do activities suddenly               
D.It can injure people seriously
29.How do flash mobs inform one another?B
①By using the Internet         ②By writing letters        ③By yelling
④By waving hands            ⑤By using mobile phones  ⑥By holding a meeting
30.Why did Bill Wasik create the flash mob?C
A.To advertise some products             
B.To help people make friends
C.To make fun of fashion seekers          
D.To create some memories
31.What can we learn about the flash mob from the passage?B
A.Bill Wasik organized the first successful flash mob in May,2003
B.People are encouraged to take a more active part in an activity
C.Flash mobs tend to do something illegal for a short time
D.Flash mob gathering can frighten all the people present.
2.Art is influenced (56)bythe customs and faith of a people.Styles in Western art have changed many times.During The Middle Ages,the main aim was to represent (57)religious (religion) themes.A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols.(58)Butit was evident that ideas were changing when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.During the Renaissance,People began to concentrate (59)less (little) on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude (60)to/towardlife.They tried to paint people and nature as they really were.This technique was first used by Masaccio in 1428.By coincidence,oil paints were also developed at this time.
In the late 19th century,Europe changed a great deal.(61)Naturally (nature) these changes also led to new painting styles.The Impressionists were the first painters (62)to work (work) outdoors.They were eager to show how light and shadow (63)fell (fall) on objects at different times of day.
At first,the Impressionist paintings were controversial,but today they accepted as the beginning of(64)whatwe call"modern art".These styles are so different.Who can predict what painting styles there(65)will (be) in the future?
3.Are you too old for fairy tales?If you think (61)so,Copenhagen is sure to change your mind.
See the city first from the water.In the harbor sits Denmark's bestknown landmark:the Little Mermaid.Remember her?She left the world of the Sea in search of a human soul in one of Andersen's popular (62)fantasies(fantasy).From the harbor you can get a feel for the(63)attractive(attraction)"city of green spires".At dawn or in cloudy weather,the spires of old castles and churches lend the city a dreamlike atmosphere.You'll think you've stepped into a watercolor painting.
Churches and castles are almost all that are left over in the original city.Copenhagen became(64)thecapital of Denmark in 1445.During the late 16th century,trade grew,and so did the city.But fires in 1728and 1795(65)terribly (terrible) destroyed the old wooden structures.Much of what we see today (66)dates(date) from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Copenhagen was the first city(67)to declare(declare) a street for pedestrians only.The city has the (68)least(little) traffic noise and pollution among European capitals.(69)Wherever/Anywhere you're from,you can come to dance,dine,and take in outdoor and indoor concerts.Even without money,you can still enjoy the proud old trees,the colored night lights and the beautiful gardens.You might feel as if you (70)were(be) in a fairy tale.

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