
No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _____ when the unexpected will happen.

A. prove               B. imply               C. demand             D. predict




试题分析:A.prove证明;B.imply暗示;C.demand要求;D. predict预知。句意:无论你怎样地精打细算,没有人能够预知到难以预料到的事情发生。根据when后的句子可知答案,故选D。




I had worried myself sick over Simon’s mother coming to see me. I was a new    , and I gave an honest account of the students’ work. In Simon’s case, the grades were awfully low. He couldn’t read his own handwriting.        he was a bright student. He discussed adult subjects with nearly adult comprehension. His work in no way reflected his       .

So when Simon’s mother entered the room, my palms(手掌心) were sweating. I was completely       for her lisses on both my cheeks. “I came to thank you,” she said, surprising me beyond speech.      me, Simon had become a different person. He talked of how he     me, he had began to make friends, and for the first time in his twelve years, he had      spent an afternoon at a friend’s house. She wanted to tell me how grateful she was for the     I had nurtured(培养) in her son. She kissed me again and left.

I sat, stunned (惊呆), for about half an hour,     what had just happened. How did I make such a life-changing difference to that boy without        knowing it? What I finally came to        was one day, several months before, when some students were         reports in the front of the class, Jeanne spoke       , and to encourage her to raise her voice, L had sai, “Speak up. Simon’s the expert on this. He is the        one you have to convince, and he can’t hear you in the        of the room.” That was it. From that day on, Simon had sat up straighter, paid more attention,     more, and became happy. And it was all because he    to be the last kid in the last row. The boy who most needed        was the one who took the last seat that day.

It taught me the most    lesson over the years of my teaching career, and I’m thankful that it came      and positively. A small kindness can indeed make a difference.

1.A. cleaner              B. reporter           C. monitor                 D. teacher

2.A. Or                  B. And               C. But                     D. So

3.A. courage            B. abilities            C. feelings                 D. dream

4.A. desperate             B. responsible        C. unprepared            D. unsuitable

5.A. Because of         B. In spite of         C. Apart from            D.As for

6.A. loved             B. envied              C. pleased                    D. criticized

7.A. gradually           B. constantly         C. recently                    D. obviously

8.A. self-respect         B. self-doubt          C. self-pity                   D. self-defence

9.A. imagining          B. observing          C. wondering                D. regretting

10.A. also                B. even             C. always                   D. still

11.A. expect            B. remember         C. believe                  D. accept

12.A. writing                B. reviewing         C. editing                   D. giving

13.A. quietly                B. repeatedly          C. quickly                    D. firmly

14.A. lucky                B. lonely               C. only                       D. likely

15.A. entrance             B. middle              C. front                   D. back

16.A. slept                B. smiled              C. shouted                   D. quarreled

17.A. intended              B. pretended          C. refused                    D. happened

18.A. change              B. praise            C. thanks                     D. visits

19.A. difficult              B. painful               C. valuable                    D. enjoyable

20.A. early                 B. slowly           C. frequently                D. occasionally


Close your eyes for a minute and imagine what life would be like if you had a hundred dollars less. Also imagine what it would be like spending the rest of your life with you eyes closed. Imagine having to read this page, not with your eyes but with your finger-tips.

With existing medical knowledge and skills, two-thirds of the world’s 42 million blind should not have to suffer. Unfortunately, rich countries posses most of this knowledge, while developing countries do not.

ORBIS is an international non-profit organization which operates the world’s only flying teaching eye hospital. ORBIS intends to help fight blindness worldwide. Inside a DC-8 aircraft, there is a fully-equipped teaching hospital with television studio and classroom. Doctors are taught the latest techniques of bringing sight back to people there. Project ORBIS also aims at promoting peaceful cooperation(合作) among countries.

ORBIS tries to help developing countries by providing training during three-week medical programs. ORBIS has taught sight-saving techniques to over 35,000 doctors and nurses, who continue to cure tens of thousands of blind people every year. ORBIS has conducted 17 plane programs is China so far. For the seven to ten million blind in China ORBIS is planning to do more for them. At the moment an ORBIS is working on a long-term plan to develop a training center and to provide eye care service to Shanxi Province. ORBIS needs your help to continue their work and free people from blindness.
For just US$38,you can help one person see; for $380 you can bring sight to 10 people; $1,300 helps teach a doctor new skills; and for $13,000 you can provide a training programme for a group of doctors who can make thousands of blind people see again. Your money can open their eyes to the world. Please help ORBIS improve the quality of life for so many people less fortunate than ourselves.

1.The first paragraph is intended to ______.

A. introduce a new way of reading

B. advise the public to lead a simple life

C. direct the public’s attention to the blind

D. Encourage the public to use imagination

2.What do we learn about existing medical knowledge and skills in the world?

A. They are adequate B. They have not been updated.

C. They are not equally distributed D. They have benefited most of the blind

3.ORRIS aims to help the blind by ______.

A. teaching medical students B. training doctors and nurses

C. running flying hospitals globally D. setting up non-profit organization

4.What does the author try to do in the last paragraph?

A. Appeal for donations B. Make an advertisement

C. Promote training programs D. Show sympathy for the blind

5.What can be the best title for the passage?

A. ORRIS in China B. Fighting Blindness

C.ORRIS Flying Hospital D. Sight-seeing Techniques


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