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Our class had an exciting basketball match with our neighbor Class four. I had thought that our team was consisted of strong and able players, me including, while opposite team was no match for us. And when the match started, I was amazed to find that each member of the other team was fighting hardly, regardless upon the fact that they were far least capable than us. Therefore, it came as no surprised that we became the winner in the match, but the loser won our respect for their fight in the match. The result of which has taught me, however the outcome is, what counts is that we have tried our best. Only in this way can we make an improvement in life.


If you feel like you¡¯ve been listening to the same three songs on a loop£¨Ñ­»·µØ£©, maybe it¡¯s time to discover some new songs. With these apps (almost all of which are free, by the way) and some patience, you might just find your new favorite songs:

Indie shuffle

Allows you to browse through lesser-known artists¡¯ music based on genre£¨ÀàÐÍ£©, release date and various other categories£¨Àà±ð£©. You can save songs or artists you like and find bands with similar sounds.


Rormix searches your music library to find out what genres and artists you already listen to. Based on its findings, the app suggests music videos you might like just as much. It¡¯s an easy way to find new artists without getting too far away from the genres you know and love.

Band of the day

Provides you with new lesser-known artists and groups to listen to every single day! Download the app, turn on notifications, and you¡¯ll get a daily recommendation.


If you live for live music, Bandsintown will automatically download your library and suggest concerts you might like based on that list. If a new concert is announced in your area, you will get an automatic e-mail with the details. Basically, you will never miss another show. Here is the best part: You can buy tickets through the app.


It is the place to find up-and-coming musicians and remixed singles. Anyone can share and ad music, leading to endless possibilities. The app is a streaming£¨Á÷ýÌ壩service, online community, and creative outlet. For fans, it makes it possible to keep up with your favorite artists¡¯ latest releases.

1.What do Indie shuffle and Band of the day have in common?

A. They can both provide lesser-known artists.

B. They can both offer live music show.

C. Downloading music is free.

D. They are the most popular.

2.Which app could give you suggestions according to what genres and artists you already listen to?

A. Indie shuffle. B. Rormix.

C. Band of the day. D. Bandsintown.

3.What do we know about Bandsintown?

A. It provides you with new lesser-known artists and groups.

B. You can save songs or artists you like.

C. It is an online community.

D. It is the favorite of those who love live music.

4.Where does the text probably come from?

A. Science fiction. B. A biography.

C. An advertisement. D. A travel guide

When you're lying on the white sands of the Mexican Riviera, the stresses of the world seem a million miles away. Hey, stop! This is no vacation-you have to finish something!

Here lies the problem for the travel writer and critic Edie Jarolim "I always loved traveling and always liked to eat, but it never occurred to me that I could make money doing both of those things," Jarolim said. Now you can read her travel advice everywhere-----in Arts and Antiques, in Brides, or in one of her there books, The Complete Idiot's Travel Guide to Mexican Beach Resorts.

Her job in travel writing began some eight years ago. After getting a PhD in English in Canada, she took a Test

Frommer's travel guides, passed it, and got the job. After working at Frommer's, Jarolim worked for a while at Rough Guides in London, then Fodor's, where she fell so in love with a description of the Southwest of the U.S. that she moved there.

Now as a travel writer, she spends one-third of her year on the road. The rest of the time is spent completing her tasks and writing reviews of restaurants at home in Tucson, Arizona.

As adventurous as the job sounds, the hard part is fact-checking all the information. Sure, it's great to write about a tourist attraction, but you'd better get the local museum hours correct or you could really ruin someone's vacation.

1.Which country does Jarolim live in now?

A. Mexico B. The U.S.

C. The U.K. D. Canada

2.What is most difficult for Jarolim?

A. Working in different places to collect information

B. Checking all the facts to be written in the guides

C. Finishing her work as soon as possible

D. Passing a test to write travel guides

3.What do we know about Jarolim from the text?

A. She is successful in her job

B. She finds her life full of stresses

C. She spends half of her time traveling

D. She is especially interested in museums

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Adventures in Travel Writing

B. Working as a Food Critic

C. Travel Guides on the Market

D. Vacationing for a Living

Mo Yan, a Chinese writer has won the 2012 No bel Prize in Literature, announced the Swedish Academy in Stockholm on Thursday. The win makes Mo Yan the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel in Literature in its history. Informed of his win today, the author, who was having dinner at home, was ¡°overjoyed and scared¡±.

He published his first book in 1981, but found literary success in 1987 with Hong Gaoliang Jiazu, which was successfully filmed in the stone year, directed by famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou. It was adapted from his 1986 novel of the same name and filmed in Gaomi, bringing to life a visual landscape of red sorghum fields and a fiery setting sun. His most famous works include Big Breasts and Wide Hips, Sandalwood Penalty and the 1985 novel Red Transparent Radish.

Born in 1955 to parents who were farmers, Mo Yan-- a pen name for Guan Moye, grew up in Gaomi in shandong province in eastern China. At the age of 12, he left school to work, first in agriculture, later in a factory, In 1976 he joined the army and during this time began to study literature and writing. Gaomi county is where most of Mo¡¯s stories happen. It¡¯s a place that has inspired him throughout his 31-year writing career.

¡°I grew up in an environment full of folk culture, which comes into my novels when I pick up a pen to write. This has definitely affected, even decided, my works¡¯ artistic style, ¡±Mo told a group of reporters in his hometown of Gaomi, Shandong, shortly after he won the award.

¡°I really didn¡¯t see this coming, ¡± Lu Jiande, director of the Institute of Literature at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told 21st Century. ¡°I know Mo Yan pretty well and one thing a lot of people don¡¯t know is how good he is with words. His writing is surprisingly beautiful. In his writing, he can make words live and breathe. ¡±Lu said. ¡°He is far ahead of other Chinese in the sense that he takes the critical perspective inside first, starting from criticizing himself instead of the outside world. ¡±

Some critics point out that Mo¡¯s works have a tendency toward vulgarity(´ÖË×).

In an interview with South China Morning Post, Professor Xiao Ying of Tsinghua University said ¡°the award was outside of my expectation, as Mo Yan¡¯s works are still short on the idealism of pursuing humanity, which marks previous N obel literature prize winners¡±. (346W)

1.How did Mo Yan feel when he was told about the news?

A. Excited and proud. B. Worried and cautious.

C. Uncertain and shocked D. Happy and surprised..

2.Which of the following statements about Mo Yan is RIGHT?

A. He was the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize.

B. He grew up in a poor family.

C. Red Sorghum was his first work.

D. Gaomi is famous for its beautiful scenery.

3.What has inspired Mo Yan when he is writing?

A. His experience in the army.

B. His living environment in Gaomi County.

C. Modern urban life.

D. Other writers¡¯ works.

4.Professor Xiao Ying of Tsinghua University thinks that Mo Yan______.

A. can match previous Nobel literature prize winners

B. focuses on the idealism of pursuing humanity in his works

C. is worth admiring

D. doesn¡¯t deserve to be given the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012

A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes,as a rule,to have it retold in almost the same words,but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as formal texts.It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book,and,if a parent can produce what,in the actual situation of the time and the child,is an improvement on the printed-text,so much the better.

A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or making him sad thinking.To prove the latter,one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often sorry for cruelty than those who had not.As to fears,there are,I think,some cases of children being dangerously terrified by some fairy story.Often,however,this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.

There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true,that giants, witches£¨Å®Î×£©,two-headed dragons,magic carpets,etc.do not exist;and that,instead of being fond of the strange side in fairy tales,the child should be taught to learn the reality by studying history.If I find such people,I must say so strange that I do not know how to argue with them.If their cases were reasonable,the world should be full of mad men attempting to fly from New York to Philadelphia on a stick or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their beloved girl-friend.

No fairy story ever declared to be a description of the real world and no clever child has ever believed that it was.

1.In the author's opinion,when is a fairy story more effective?

A. It is treated as a joke.

B. It is set in the present.

C. It is repeated without any change.

D. It is made some changes by the parent.

2.According to the passage,great fear can take place in a child when the story is .

A. heard for the first time B. in a realistic setting

C. repeated too often D. told in a different way

3.What advantage does repeating fairy stories to young children bring?

A. It develops their power of memory.

B. It makes them less fearful.

C. It encourages them not to have strange beliefs.

D. It makes them believe there is nothing to be afraid of.

4.Which is one of the reasons why some people are not in favor of fairy tales?

A. Fairy tales are not interesting.

B. Fairy tales are full of imagination.

C. Fairy tales just make up the stories which are far from the truth.

D. Fairy tales make teachers of history difficult to teach.

Humans have been keeping animals as pets for tens of thousands of years, but Dr Jean-Loup Rault, an animal scientist at the University of Melbourne in Australia, believes new companions are coming: robot pets.

¡°Technology is moving very fast,¡± Rault told ABC News, ¡°The Tamagotchi in the early 1990s was really the first robotic pet, and now Sony and other big companies have improved them a lot.¡±

This may not sit well with pet lovers. After all, who would choose a plastic toy over a lovely puppy? But Rault argues that the robotic kind has a lot going for it: ¡°You don¡¯t have to feed it, you don¡¯t have to walk it, it won¡¯t make a mess in your house, and you can go on a holiday without feeling guilty.¡± The technology also benefits those who are allergic to pets, short on space, or fearful of real animals.

It¡¯s not clear whether robot pets can replace real ones. But studies do suggest that we can bond with these smart machines. People give their cars names and kids give their toy animals life stories. It¡¯s the same with robots. When Sony stopped its repair service for its robot dog Aibo in March 2014, owners in Japan held funerals.

As an animal welfare researcher, Rault is concerned about how robotic pets could affect our attitudes towards live animals. ¡°If we become used to a robotic companion that doesn¡¯t need food, water or exercises, perhaps it will change how humans care about other living beings,¡± he said.

So are dogs and cats a thing of the past, as Rault predicts? For those who grew up with living and breathing pets, the mechanical kind might not do. But for our next generation who are in constant touch with smart technology, a future in which lovely pets needn¡¯t have a heartbeat might not be a far-fetched dream.

1.What does the underlined phrase ¡°sit well with¡± means?

A. be refused by B. be beneficial to

C. make a difference to D. receive support from

2.What are the advantages of robot pets?

a. They are plastic and feel smooth.

b. Owners needn¡¯t worry about them when going out.

c. They can help cure allergies(¹ýÃô).

d. They save space and costs.

A. ab B. bc

C. bd D. cd

3.We can learn from the passage that___________.

A. Sony is the first company to produce robot pets Aibo.

B. People can develop strong bond(ÁªÏµ¡¢¹Øϵ) with their robot pets.

C. Rault thinks robot pets still have a long way to go.

D. Robot toys may help people care more about living beings.

4.The passage mainly tells us___________.

A. the advantages of robot toys B. the popularity of robot pets

C. living pets are dying out. D. robot pets are coming.

Lazy people will never achieve anything in life.However,laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind.

1.Many people lack sleep constantly,since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work. These people have little motivation once they arrive home.Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency to put off things.By adjusting yow sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest,you can fight laziness throughout the day.

Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active.Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from project to project.Others take a more proactive approach,viewing each project or task as a challenge they must overcome alone.2.

Some people fight laziness by removing the temptations that surround them.A television in the living room may provide entertainment,but watching too much TV often promotes laziness3.Complete a certain number of chores and reward yourself with a good dinner or a film.

Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home.Couples and children may all have different energy levels,but laziness can be spread if not dealt with quickly.4.Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal.Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own chores.It is difficult to practice laziness when you are surrounded by motivated people.

5.Enough exercise and a balanced diet can help you to develop a healthy lifestyle,thus enabling you to have more energy and help boost your mood.

A.Knowing how to fight laziness is important.

B.Om way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep.

C.Finally,taking exercise regularly can help you fight laziness.

D.With strong determination,you will be able to achieve your goal.

E.Laziness sets in when you no longer feel in charge of your own life.

F.Create a reward system for yourself,just as parents do for the children.

G.To fight household laziness,set an example.

We always celebrated my Dad¡¯s November birthday on Thanksgiving Day, even after he entered a nursing home. As years went on, these events took on a(n) ______meaning ¨C a traditional birthday party for Dad, and a personal ______for all that he had done for me in my life.

When we knew that it might be Dad¡¯s ______birthday, the whole family decided to come together for a huge birthday celebration at the nursing home. It was a crowded party _____all of us sitting around him. Dad was a wonderful _______, and here was a biggest audience he¡¯d ever had.

During a quiet moment, I announced that it was now Dad¡¯s turn to ______stories from us. I wanted everyone to tell Dad what we loved about him. ____, we told stories from our hearts, ______Dad listened with wet, flashing blue eyes. We ______all kinds of lost memories ¨C stories about when we were little, stories about when Dad was young and stories that are shared as family ______. Even the littlest grandchildren couldn¡¯t ______to tell their grandfather why they loved him. For a man who had been kind to so many people in his life, here was our _____to honor him.

A few months later, at Dad¡¯s memorial service, we fully realized what we had given Dad that night. Those were the stories people normally tell at a ______. They are told, then, full of tears, with the hope that the departed will somehow hear the outpouring of love.____ we had given those loving ______to Dad when he was ____, told through laughter, accompanied by hugs and joy. I¡¯m sure the stories and memories ______over in his mind during his last months and days.

Words do ____, and they are enough. We need to say them, to speak them ____to the ones we love, for everyone else to hear. That¡¯s the way to ______love, and our chance to honor a person in life.

1.A. original B. modern C. complex D. double

2.A. congratulation B. wish C. thanking D. apology

3.A. late B. lost C. living D. last

4.A. with B. as C. though D. by

5.A. writer B. listener C. storyteller D. reader

6.A. hear of B. listen to C. make up D. talk about

7.A. Little by little B. Now and then C. All at once D. One after another

8.A. if B. because C. while D. before

9.A. recalled B. recorded C. regretted D. Remembered

10.A. thoughts B. treasures C. possessions D. tales

11.A. afford B. help C. wait D. offer

12.A. chance B. task C. duty D. decision

13.A. burial B. party C. meeting D. wedding

14.A. And B. But C. So D. Or

15.A. kindness B. memories C. care D. hugs

16.A. healthy B. old C. young D. alive

17.A. went B. flew C. rolled D. came

18.A. benefit B. matter C. work D. mean

19.A. publicly B. properly C. consciously D. correctly

20.A. fall in B. search for C. hand over D. give back

Every living thing has genes. Genes carry information. 1. They make sure that humans give birth to humans and cows give birth to cows. They also make sure that a dog doesn¡¯t give birth to a frog, or an elephant to a horse. However, genetic engineers take genes from one species-for example, a snake, and transfer them to another-for example, corn. 2. Such new life forms have been described, by some scientists as a real-life Frankenstein(¿Æ»Ã¹ÖÈË).

Genetic engineers put duck genes into chicken to make the chickens bigger. They put hormones(¼¤ËØ) into cows to make them produce more milk. They put genes from flowers into beans and from fish into tomatoes. 3. It just makes them easier and faster for the farmer to grow.

The effects of genetic engineering on the natural world may be disastrous. The engineers may create strange life beings, or monsters. that we cannot control. 4. They¡¯ll have to find one, fight for one-or kill for one. It may be your land they fight for-or you that they kill. Moreover, the effects of these experiments can often be cruel. In America, pigs were given human genes to make them bigger and less fatty. The experiment failed. The pigs became very ill and began to lose their eyesight. We would all like a better, healthier and longer life, and genetic engineering might give us this. On the other hand, it may be a dangerous experiment with nature. In the story of Frankenstein, the doctor created such a terrible and dangerous monster that he had to destroy it. 5.

A. The information tells us what to do or what not to do

B. We must make sure that this tale remains a story-and no more than that

C. This doesn¡¯t make them cheaper, tastier, or healthier

D. The new life forms have no natural habitat or home

E. Then they feed the tomatoes to the fish

F. In this way a new life form is created

G. They are passed on from generation to generation

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