The purpose of a letter of application(求职信) is to help you to “sell” yourself. It should state ___1___ the job you want, and should tell what your abilities are and what you have ___2___. It should be simple, human, personal and brief without ___3___ out any necessary facts.

In writing a letter of application, keep in ___4___ that the things a possible employer is most ___5___ to want to know about are your qualifications(条件), your achievements and your aims. The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part. ___6___ the first few sentences fail to ___7___ the reader’s attention, the rest of the letter may not be ___8___ at all. Try to key your opening remarks to the needs or interests of the employer not ___9___ your own need or desires. For example, instead of beginning with “I saw your ___10___ in today’s newspaper,” you might say “I have made a careful ___11___ of your advertising during the past six months” or “I have made a survey in my neighborhood to find out how many housewives ___12___ your product and why they like it. ”

Try to ___13___ generalities. Be clear about the kind of job for which you are now ___14___. College graduates looking for their first positions often ask “What can I ___15___ in a letter? Employers want experience—which, naturally, no ___16___ has.” The answer is that everything you have ever done is ___17___.

It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter. ___18___ a specific request for an interview or give the possible employer something definite to do or expect. An excellent ___19___ is to enclose(内附) a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your letter. That makes it ___20___ for a possible employer to get in touch with you.

1. A. clearly          B. carefully      C. obviously               D. easily

2. A. found           B. done              C. known              D. heard

3. A. sending         B. taking            C. leaving              D. picking

4. A. brain            B. sight              C. order                D. mind

5. A. probable         B. possible         C. likely                D. able

6. A. While           B. Although        C. As                 D. If

7. A. pay             B. win               C. show                D. fix

8. A. kept                 B. continued          C. written              D. read

9. A. to                B. for                C. into                  D. from

10. A. advertisement    B. report        C. article               D. introduction

11. A. watch         B. search             C. study              D. discussion

12. A. change        B. make              C. sell                 D. use

13. A. avoid          B. remember          C. protect                   D. gain

14. A. losing         B. applying          C. preparing            D. fitting

15. A. offer           B. supply              C. mean              D. provide

16. A. worker       B. beginner          C. owner         D. manager

17. A. success       B. development      C. practice              D. experience

18. A. Make          B. Ask             C. State                D. Get

19. A. result          B. decision           C. promise             D. idea

20. A. happier       B. easier               C. cheaper             D. safer



    With the invention of the Internet several decades ago, do you feel that since then it has made us human beings feel more connected to the world and one another, or has it isolated(使孤立)us and made us feel more alone than ever before?

    What about you as an individual?

   ●  The Internet enables us to know what’s happening in the world. We couldn't imagine talking to people everywhere in the world twenty years ago.

   ● It unites us because we talk to others from all around our country and tha world, but the Internet can be addicting, and keep us away from people for a while, There is an inherent (内在的) human need for direct human contact (e.g. touching, talking face to face, etc.) that the Internet has all taken away.

   ●    It has given me freedom beyond my imagination. I’m home-bound with many duties to attend to. My life is a bit too crowded. Duties duties duties. I get lost many times not knowing who I really am!This medium is my best friend. It just lets me BE!I can speak here without fear or favour.

   ●   Chatting online is completely different from hanging out with friends outside or hearing their voice over the phone.I find that it’s not just the Internet that has increased this sense of isolation,even iPods,MP3s,such devices kind of separate us,make us lose focus on the everyday happenings of life.

    A. I think that the Internet isolates as well as unites us.

    B. I believe it unites us more than it isolates us.

    C. Do you feel that the Internet unites us or isolates us?

    D. What is happening in the world today?

    E. The Internet is playing a more and more important role.

    F. I think it has isolated us more.

    G. I am truly grateful for this new technology.

People seem to have a natural need for friends and with good reason. Friends increase your enjoyment of life and relieve feelings of loneliness. They even can help reduce stress and improve your health. Having good friends is especially helpful when you are going through any kind of hard time such as when you are experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, or depression.

When you are with good friends you feel good about yourself, and you are glad to be with them. A friend is someone who —

●you like, respect, and trust, and who likes, respects and trusts you

●doesn’t always understand you, but accepts and likes you as you are, even as you grow and change

●allows you the space to change, grow, make decisions, and even make mistakes

●listens to you and shares with you both the good times and the bad times

●respects your need for secrets, so you can tell them anything

●lets you freely express your feelings and emotions without judging, teasing, or criticizing you

●accepts the limitations you have put on yourself and helps you to remove them

A person once said, “Friendship is a continuing source of bonding(连接), releasing, and creating in yourself and with the other person. There is an emotional bond between the two people.”

A good friend or supporter may or may not be the same age or the same sex as you, and may not have the same educational, cultural, or religious background, or share interests that are similar to yours. Friendships also have different depths. Some are closer to the heart and some more superficial, but they’re all useful and good.

Which of the following is NOT a function of a friend?

A. He brings you some happiness.       B. He helps you feel less lonely.

C. He helps you get over the difficulties.  D. He helps you cheat on the exam.

The underlined word “superficial” means _______.

A. deep      B. hard     C. shallow   D. close

Which is the best title for the passage?

A.A Friend in Need Is A Friend Indeed  B. What Kind of Person A Friend Should Be

C. To Be A Good Friend             D. How to Get on with Your Friend

A car needs gas to run and your body also needs food to work for you. Eating the right kind of food is very important. It can help your body grow strong to take care of what you eat.

   There are four main food groups altogether. The dairy group has food like milk, cheese and sour milk(酸奶). The other three groups are the meat and fish group, the fruit and vegetable group, and the bread and rice group. Each meal should have at least one food from all four main groups. With all these food together, you will be given enough energy during the day.

   It is easy to get into bad eating habits. You may eat your breakfast in a hurry to get to school on time. Or you may not have time for a good lunch. It may seem easy to finish your supper with fish and chips all the time. But you will find yourself tired in these days and you can not think quickly.

   Watching what you eat will help keep your body healthy and strong. It is also good to take some exercise. It will help you eat more if you take a walk or play games in the open air. Having a good eating habit with some exercise is the key to your health.

Which of the following is a good eating habit?

A. Going to school without any breakfast

B. Eating fish and chips for supper all the time..

C. Having at least one food from all four groups each meal.

D. Having different food from all four food groups.

In this passage the writer mainly tells us that _____.

A. every person needs food to grow well

B. taking exercise can keep your body strong

C. the right kind of food with exercise will keep you healthy

D. enough energy helps people think more quickly

The underlined word “dairy” in the second passage means _____.

       A. the food made out of cows such as milk and butter

       B. she shop that sells milk and butter

       C. a farm where cows are kept

       D. a place where milk products are made.

The best title for this passage is _____.

      A. The Four Food Groups        B. A Healthy Diet

      C. Your Body And Food          D. Food And Your Health







Most families in China hoped their single children will               76. ______

have a happy future, so they are very strict in their children.          77. ______

So do teachers in schools! Many children are given so much     78. ______

homework that they have hardly any spare time have sports.   79. ______

The children are forbidden to do anything but to study. No     80. ______

wonder so many children are tired of lessons. Some even             81. ______

attack or kill his parents and teachers! I believe many people          82. ______

already read this kind of news in newspapers or magazines.           83. ______

Shouldn’t we draw lesson from the accidents? Now our              84. ______

government is carry out a plan to solve the education problems. 85. ______

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