
5.You are supposed to write a composition on the topic Making Friends Selectively or Extensively?You should write about 120words and base your writing on the outline given below:
Making Friends Selectively or Extensively?

分析 本文主题为:Making Friends Selectively or Extensively(有选择性地交友还是广泛交友?)

解答 Making Friends Selectively or Extensively?
When it comes to whether we should make friends selectively or extensively,there is no complete agreement among people.Some people take it for granted that we should make friends selectively and carefully.However,others maintain that making friends extensively should be regarded as the better choice.
Those people who hold the first opinion believe that it's sensible to look for friends who have similar ideal and outlook on life as well as temperament.In addition,they needn't waste time dealing with the people they don't like and prevent themselves from being affected by those  people.However,still others think differently.In their opinions,the more friends we make,the easier our life will be.Besides,they argue that we can absorb and learn from the advantages of different people.
Weighing up these two arguments,I prefer the former one.For one thing,not all friends are suitable for us and easy to get along with.For another,friends with similar goals will help us sweep off difficulties.Considering these,we may reasonably conclude that making friends selectively can bring us a true friend.

点评 考生需熟悉议论文文体的写作.考生需了解写作要点及写作意图,合理安排写作结构,平时注意积累词汇及语法知识.

3)1984年,在美国洛杉矶举行的第23届奥运会上中国队战胜美国队获得冠军时,被称为"铁榔头iron hammer"的朗平是中国队的主力队员之一.
It was announced On Thursday at a press conference held by the Chinese Volleyball Association that Lang Ping was appointed head coach of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team.This is the second time for her to lead the team after an absence of 14years.
Lang Ping started to practice playing volleyball at the age of 13 in 1973.Only five years later in 1978,she was moved from Beijing Women's Volleyball Team to the National Women's Volleyball Team because of her outstanding performance in the national volleyball competitions.When the Chinese team defeated the American team to become champion of the 23rd Los Angeles Olympics in 1984,Lang Ping,nicknamed"Iron Hammer",was one of the main players of the team.From 1980 on,Lang Ping won quite a number of honors and awards.After retirement,she coached quite some volleyball teams in more than 20 years,and in 2008,coached by her,the American Women's Volleyball Team took a silver medal at the Beijing Olympic Games.
20.Winning style
    Failure is unavoidable on one's way to success and should not be afraid of.If one wants to succeed,he should have a plan and stick to it.
    Experiencing failure is unavoidable on your journey to success.Every defeat is only a small part of victory.You'll find that the number of times you succeed is in direct proportion(成比例) to the number of times you fail and keep trying.
Failure is nothing but education,and nothing but the first step to something better.You can't be afraid to lose.It isn't enough to just want something.You're going to need a plan to get the things that you want.
The problem is learning how to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goals that you want to reach.With a definite step-by-step plan you cannot fail because each step will carry you along to the next step like a track.All you need is the plan,the road map and the courage to move on to your destination.
Knowing where you're going is all you need to get there.You can't get lost on a straight road.

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