

Naturally regulate your sleep-wake cycle

Melatonin(褪黑激素) is a naturally occurring hormone(激素) that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin production is controlled by light exposure. Your brain should produce more in the evening, when it's dark, to make you sleepy, and less during the day when it's light and you want to stay awake. However, many aspects of modern life can disturb your body's natural production of melatonin and your sleep-wake cycle.

Spending long days in an office away from natural light, for example, can impact your daytime wakefulness and make your brain sleepy. Then bright lights at night—especially from hours spent in front of the TV or computer screen—can hold back your body's production of melatonin and make it harder to sleep, However, there are ways for you to naturally regulate your sleep-wake cycle, improve your body's production of melatonin, and keep your brain on a

healthy schedule.

              Increase light exposure during the day

☆Remove your sunglasses in the morning and let light onto your face.

☆Spend more time outside during daylight. Try to take your work breaks outside in sun light, exercise outside, or walk your dog during the day instead of at night.

☆Let as much light into your home/workspace as possible. Keep curtains and blinds open during the day, move your desk closer to the window.

☆If necessary, use a light treatment box. A light treatment box can create sunshine and can  be especially useful during short winter days when there's limited daylight.

            Improve melatonin production at night

☆Turn off your television and computer. Many people use the television to fall asleep or relax at the end of the day. Not only does the light hold back melatonin production, but television can actually excite the mind, rather than relaxing it. Try listening to music or audio books, or practicing relaxation exercises. If your favorite TV show is on late at night, record it for viewing earlier in the day.

☆Don't read from a backlit device at night (such as an iPad). If you use a portable electronic device to read, use an eReader that is not backlit, i. e. one that requires an additional light source such as a bedside lamp.

☆Change your light bulbs. Avoid bright lights before bed, use low-wattage bulbs instead.

☆When it's time to sleep, make sure the room is dark. The darker it is, the better you'll sleep. Cover electrical displays, use heavy curtains or shades to block light from windows, or try an eye mask to cover your eyes.

☆ Use a flashlight to go to the bathroom at night. As long as it's safe to do so, keep the light to a minimum so it will be easier to go back to sleep.

       Title : Naturally regulate your sleep-wake cycle

Passage outline

Supporting details

Deciding factor

☆ Melatonin, a hormone that (76)__________ naturally, helps regulate 

your sleep-wake cycle.

☆ (77) __________ melatonin in the evening makes you sleepy, while

less melatonin during the day makes you (78) __________.


(79) __________

☆ Long days in an office away from (80) __________ light

☆ Long hours in front of the TV or computer screen 

(81) __________ to

increasing light


☆ (82) __________ off your sunglasses in the morning

☆ Spend more time outside during daylight

☆ Keep curtains open and sit close to the window

☆ Use a light treatment box especially in (83) __________

Methods   of




☆ Listen to music (84) __________ of watching TV

☆ (85)__________ reading from a backlit device  

☆ Use low-wattage bulbs

☆ Use heavy curtains to make the room dark  

☆ Use a flashlight to go to the bathroom 


People who are outdoors in cold weather should avoid actions like suddenly lifting a heavy basket full of snow. Even walking through heavy, wet snow can strain a person’s heart.

Many people aren’t conditioned to the physical stress of outdoor activities and don’t know the dangers of being outdoors in cold weather. Those who like winter sports can suffer accidental hypothermia if they don’t make certain preparations.

Hypothermia means the body temperature has fallen below normal. It occurs when your body can’t produce enough energy to keep the internal (内部的) body temperature warm enough. It can kill you. Heart failure causes most deaths in hypothermia.

Children, the elderly and those with heart disease are at special risk. As people age, their ability to keep a normal internal body temperature often decreases. Elderly people can suffer hypothermia without knowing they’re in danger because they can’t notice the cold conditions as quickly as the young.

Besides cold temperatures, high winds, snow and rain can also steal body heat. Wind is especially dangerous because it removes the layer of heated air from around your body. At 30 degrees Fahrenheit in a 20-mile-per-hour wind, the cooling effect is equal to calm air at four degrees. Similarly dampness (湿气) causes the body to lose heat faster than it would at the same temperature in drier conditions.

To keep warm, wear more clothes. This traps air between layers. Also, wear a hat or head scarf. Much of your body’s heat can be lost through your head. Keep your hands and feet warm, too, as they tend to lose heat rapidly.

Don’t drink alcohol before going outdoors or when outside. Alcohol makes you feel warm at first because blood vessels in the skin expand. But heat is then drawn away from the body’s important organs.

1. The underlined word “strain” in Paragraph 1 means ________.

A. injure     B. warm      C. control    D. burn

2. What is implied in the passage about hypothermia?


It means the body temperature falls rapidly.


Most heart attacks are caused by it.


It is not as scary as people think.


It can threaten a person’s life.

3. Based on the passage, one of the reasons why the elderly are at special risk of suffering from hypothermia is that _______.


they like exercising outside in cold mornings


they can’t notice cold conditions if they are not told


their body temperature is generally lower than young people’s


their ability to keep a normal internal body temperature is not so good

4.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?


What causes the body to lose heat faster.


The advantages of drier conditions.


What else can steal body heat.


Dangers of high winds.

5. Which of the following is NOT a result of drinking alcohol before going outdoors?


Feeling warm at first


The body’s heat is taken away


Blood vessels in the skin expand


The risk of hypothermia is reduced


 Before going outside in the morning, many of us check a window thermometer(温度计)for the temperature. This helps us decide what to wear.__ 1.__. We want our food to be a certain coldness in the refrigerator. We want it a certain hotness in the oven. If we don’t feel well, we use a thermometer to see if we have a fever. We keep our rooms a certain warmth in the winter and a certain coolness in the summer.

Not all the thermometers use the same system to measure temperature. We use a system called the Fahrenheit scale. But most other countries use the Centigrade scale.

Both systems use the freezing and boiling points of water as their guide.__ 2.___.

The most common kind of thermometer is made with mercury(水银)inside a clear glass tube. As mercury (or any other liquid ) becomes hot, it expands. As it gets colder, it contracts(收缩). That is why on hot days the mercury line is high in the glass tube.__ 3._.

First. Take a clear glass juice bottle that has a cap ; fill the bottle with coloured water. Tap a hole in the center of the cap using a hammer and thick nail. Put the cap on the jar. Then stick a plastic straw(吸管) through the nail hole.____ 4.___.

Finally. Place a white card on the outside of the bottle and behind the straw. Now you can see the water lever easily. ___5.____.

As the temperature goes down, the water will contract, and the lever in the straw will come down. Perhaps you will want to keep a record of the water lever in the straw each morning for a week.

A.People use thermometers which are made by themselves when travelling around the world.

B. We use and depend on thermometers to measure the temperature of many other things in our daily lives.

C.Thermometers measure temperature, by using materials that change in the same way when they are heated or cooled.

D.Now that you know this rule you can make a thermometer of your own that will work.

E.The water will rise in the straw. As the temperature of the air goes up, the water will expand and rise even higher.

F.They label these in different ways. On the Fahrenheit scale water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. On the Celsius scale water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100degrees.

G.Take wax (you may use an old candle if you have one) and melt some of it right where the straw is struck into the cap to seal(把..粘住) them together.


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