
As a group of young African immigrants struggle to adapt to life in the United States, an after-school drama program at White Oak Middle School aims to make their lives easier by first making them a little harder.

Project X is a program that uses drama, dance, poetry and other creative outlets to help students discuss the tough and sometimes painful problems they face as pre-teen immigrants with language barriers. A final unveiling of their creation will be performed for friends and family at the end of the year at Imagination Stage.

Wanjiru Kamau, coordinator of White Oak’s African Club said it’s important to give troubles to group members to help them find their place at the school. “It comforts those who are uncomfortable, and it discomforts those who are comfortable,” Kamau said of Project X.

Kamau teamed up with Imagination Stage after she noticed that many African students seemed uncomfortable talking about problems, such as being laughed at by their fellow students about how they look and talk. When most of the kids join the club, they speak little or no English, Kamau said. Each week, the club typically draws five to ten students who are originally from Africa for discussion sessions and the Project X programme.

“We are going to express ourselves through our words and our actions, and that’s powerful,” said teaching artist Meg Green as she introduced fill-in-the-blank poems the students wrote about their identities.

One student, Frank Ketchouang, 13, wrote, “I am from the world; I am love,” which drew oohs and aahs from the group. Ketchouang has been in the United States for less than a year, said Program Coordinator Chad Dike. When Ketchouang started attending Project X, he had been in the United States for two months and spoke no English. Now he’s one of the group’s most outgoing members and helps translate instructions from English to Creole for the group’s newest member, who is from Haiti.

Many people will give up when there’s a language barrier, “but these students prove them wrong”. Kamau said. “You do have something to give. You are important. When TV, media, etc. are bringing them down, this program is bringing them up.”

1.Project X is intended for helping the young African immigrants to_________.

A. get over language barriers                               

B. enrich after-school life         

C. overcome tough problems                               

D. become more creative

2.How well the members learn in the Project X program is shown by_________.

A. their annual creative performances               

B. their annual scores gained at school

C. the comments of friends and family              

D. the comments of the program teachers

3.What do we know about the Imagination Stage?

A. It’s established by Kamau for Project X.

B. It’s a cooperative partner of White Oak’S African Club.

C. It’s a project designed by White Oak Middle School.

D. It’s operated once at the end of each year.

4.According to the author, what Franck Ketchouang wrote was______.

A. silly                 B. simple       C. excellent   D. contradictory

5.The passage is written mainly to_______.

A. introduce the Project X program

B. inspire immigrants to never give up

C. advocate White Oak’S African Club               

D. call for more attention to immigrants










试题分析:这篇文章是介绍一个Project X项目,旨在通过每年的创造性的表演帮助年轻的非洲移民克服困难的问题。

1.细节题:从文章第二段的句子:Project X is a program that uses drama, dance, poetry and other creative outlets to help students discuss the tough and sometimes painful problems they face as pre-teen immigrants with language barriers.可知Project X是想帮助年轻的非洲移民克服困难的问题,选 C

2.细节题:从文章第二段的句子:A final unveiling of their creation will be performed for friends and family at the end of the year at Imagination Stage可知会员对Project X了解的多好是通过每年的创造性的表演展示的。选A

3.细节题:从文章第四段的句子:Kamau teamed up with Imagination Stage after she noticed that many African students seemed uncomfortable talking about problems, such as being laughed at by their fellow students about how they look and talk.可知Imagination Stage 是由White Oak’S African Club.的合作伙伴,选B

4.细节题:从文章倒数第二段的句子:One student, Frank Ketchouang, 13, wrote, “I am from the world; I am love,” which drew oohs and aahs from the group.可知Franck Ketchouang写的是很优秀的,选 C

5.主旨题:从全篇文章和第二段的句子:Project X is a program that uses drama, dance, poetry and other creative outlets to help students discuss the tough and sometimes painful problems they face as pre-teen immigrants with language barriers.可知这篇文章是介绍一个Project X项目,选A




Why do women earn less than men?

Women earn less than men. For example, in 1988 the hourly wages of women in the U.S. were 16% less than those of men. The gap between male and female incomes varies with age. The gap between the labor incomes of young women and young men is much smaller than that between middle-aged women and men. It is also clear that jobs in which women are concentrated pay less. The larger the number of workers in an industry who are women, the lower the average wages.

Why do women earn less than men? Are the differences explained by the fact that women are looked down upon? If so, the government has to intervene, to force the employers to pay equal wages to equal jobs. however, there is no agreement among economists about the causes of the gap. One view argues that women on the average have chosen low-paying jobs in which workers enjoy the freedom of entering and leaving the labor force, which reduces their years of experience relative to men. Other people say the gap can also be explained by the difference in educational background which is shown in the difference in the marginal product between men and women.

Much of the gap, however, has not been fully explained. It might be the result of some bias against women. It is this part that has produced calls for government action. What would happen if the government did intervene to increase the wages paid to women? One possibility is that incomes for women as a group might actually decline. An increase in wage decreases the quantity of labor input demanded, resulting in decreased employment as the rate of hiring new workers declines. The result will be a surplus of labor. Those who can find jobs might be better off while those who had jobs might find themselves out of work.

The difference in labor incomes is most obvious between _______.

A. young men and young women

B. young women in the same industry

C. middle-aged men and middle-aged women

D. middle-aged women in the same industry

Some economists believe women earn less than men partly because ______.

A. women are less experienced than men

B. women are only provided with low-paying jobs

C. women have much freedom in selecting their jobs

D. there is more than enough women in the labor force

Which of the following cannot be inferred from the second paragraph?

A. Women receive less education than men.

B. Women are not as productive as men.

C. Levels of education are closely related to productivity.

D. Goods produced by women are not as good as those by men.

What does the author suggest that the government should do for women workers?

A. To ensure equal pay for women.

B. To explain why women are paid less.

C. To force employers to hire more women.

D. No solution is clearly suggested.

What would happen if women’s wages were raised?

A. Input of capital would be increased.

B. The unemployment rate would go up.

C. Those that have jobs would become better off.

D. Women as a group would earn more than before.

Whether you have a toddler(学步儿童)or a teen, here are five of the best strategies to improve nutrition and encourage smart eating habits;
1. Have regular family meals.
2. Serve a variety of healthy foods and snacks.
3. Be a role model by eating healthily yourself.
4. Avoid battles over food.
5. Involve kids in the process.
But it’s not easy when everyone is juggling busy schedules and convenience food, such as fast food which is so readily available.
Here are some ways to incorporate all five strategies into your routine/schedules.
Family meals are a ritual(日常惯例)for both parents and kids. Children like to know family meals in advance and parents get a chance to catch up with their kids. Kids who take part in regular family meals are also:
more likely to eat fruits, vegetables and grains
less likely to snack on unhealthy foods
less likely to smoke or drink alcohol
In addition, family meals offer the chance to introduce kids to new foods and to act as a role model for healthy eating.
Teens may turn up their noses at the prospect(期望)of a family meal—not surprising because they’re busy and want to be more independent. Yet studies find that teens still want their parents’ advice, so use mealtime as a chance to reconnect.Also, consider trying these strategies:
Allow your teen to invite a friend to dinner.
Involve your teen in meal planning and preparation.
Keep mealtime calm—no lectures or arguing.
What counts as a family meal? Any time you and your family eat together—whether it’s takeout food or a home-cooked meal, strive for nutritious food and a time when everyone can be there. This may mean eating dinner a little later to accommodate a child who’s at sports practice. It can also mean setting aside time on the weekends, such as Sunday brunch, when it may be more convenient to gather as a group.
1. The following are the reasons that prevent children from having family meals well EXCEPT that_______.
A. they are independent from their parents’ advice
B. they are busy dealing with their lessons
C. there are convenience foods so readily available
D. family meals are not as good as convenience foods.
2. Which of the following is NOT the best strategy to encourage smart eating habits?
A. Let children have meals independently.
B. Don’t scold children during the meals.
C. Set a good example to children.      
D. Don’t skip any one of the three meals.
3. The underlined phrase “turn up their noses at” is nearest in meaning to “_______”.
A. look forward to     B. keep up with    C. look down upon    D. be addicted to
4. In the author’s opinion, the most important thing is______.
A. strictly obeying the strategies all the time
B. involving kids in the process of meals.
C. never allowing children to have snacks.
D. letting children prepare their meals.

Welcome A board Your Piccadilly Flight To Heathrow
The Piccadilly line to Heathrow(伦敦希思罗机场) is not only the most convenient (方便的) way to travel but also the most cost-effective. So the next time you’re traveling to Heathrow, make sure you fly Piccadilly line.
Your Piccadilly flight features:
l Departures from 36 stops on the Piccadilly line, or from over 200 stations only one change way
l Service every 5 minutes to and from Heathrow throughout the day
l Journeys from central London taking less than 50 minutes
l Only £3.70 for a single adult fare
l See tables below for journey times
Fares to and from central London
l Adult single £3.70
l Child single £1.50
If you are traveling as a group, then you are allowed to use the Family Travelcard, which means each adult can travel for £3.40 and each child for £0.80.
The group must be made up of 1 or 2 adults traveling with 1-4 children (from 09:30 Monday-Friday and at any time weekends and Public Holidays).
Members within the group do not need to be related.
Traveling to Heathrow
Mon — Sat
Journey Time
First Train
Last Train
First Train
Last Train
Earls Court
39 mins
5 mins
Piccadilly Circus
49 mins
5 mins
Traveling from Heathrow
Mon — Sat
Journey Time
First Train
Last Train
First Train
Last Train
Earls Court
34 mins
5 mins
Piccadilly Circus
45 mins
5 mins

【小题1】 Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Piccadilly line?
A.The Piccadilly line is the most convenient one around the world.
B.Taking the Piccadilly line can save the passengers more money.
C.The Piccadilly line is the only public transportation to Heathrow.
D.The flight from Earls Court to Piccadilly Circus takes 39 minutes.
【小题2】 At what time does the first train from Earls Court arrive at Heathrow on Sunday?
【小题3】 If Mr. Smith wants to take the train with his five-year-old son and seven-year-old daughter at 08:00 on Sunday morning, how much should he pay?
A.£5.00.B.£6.70 .C.£5.20.D.£4.20.
【小题4】 When taking the Piccadilly line, whether to or from Heathrow, one may _________.
A.expect a train every 5 minutes at the stopB.get to the first stop no later than 23:30
C.get a discount once traveling in groupsD.get to the destination within 34 minutes

If I raised the question, “What would be the last thing you would expect to happen while watching your son’s flag football game?” you probably still couldn’t come up with what happened to me and my family.

As we were sitting on the sidelines enjoying the game, a low-flying bird came swooping in attempting to land on my daughter’s head! It honestly came out of nowhere. We were seated by ourselves on the tree lined side of the field. I was able to calm my daughter’s shock and fear once I showed her that the bird was not some wild animal, it was in fact, somebody’s pet!

Now, we’re sitting at the outdoor fields of the Pontiac Silverdome, far from any populated area, wondering where this very social cockatiel, an Australian parrot (澳洲鹦鹉) could have come from. I walked up to the bird and put out my hand. Immediately, it hopped on and chirped in a friendly way. We looked around us and knew that we could not just leave and suppose that the bird would return to where it came from. This was a very domesticated bird that needed help or it would not survive.

The flag football game had ended so we walked the bird over to other groups of adults and asked if they knew of anyone who had lost a bird. All the kids were excited about the bird and fed it with some post game snacks. The bird’s nails were getting long and he was looking pretty dirty, so we knew it had been out here for a long time and was hungry. Since its wings were clipped, it could fly a little but probably not more than 100 yards or so at a try. We all just scratched our heads as a group wondering what to do with the lost bird.

We explained to the kids that this bird needed our help since it was someone’s pet and would not know how to get its own food, and it could not fly well since its wings were clipped. The kids understood, and all of them wanted to take the bird home! The parents however, knew this was not a good choice as one had a large dog, another two cats, etc. We explained to the kids that one of us could take the bird home for the night and then bring it to the Humane Society in the morning in hopes to connect it to its owners. We couldn’t keep the bird. It wasn’t ours. This was tough for the kids to understand at first. We couldn’t just leave the bird either. There was no way it could attend itself. The group of us sat around the Silverdome practice fields for quite a while trying to determine the best course of choice for the lost bird. It was getting dark out but no one was willing to leave that parking lot until we had a game plan for how to help the bird.

The owner of the football league, Chris Novak, offered to take the bird. It was extremely nice of him and he really stepped in to help while all the rest of us who had kids tugging on our shirts and begging to take it home. We took a box and put a bunch of holes in it and he brought it home for the night. Another mom went online and found a family that had lost a bird that looked just like the one we’d found. She emailed the info to Chris who got in touch with the family and the next day, reunited the bird with the family that lost it almost 3 weeks earlier! When Chris emailed us to let us know, we could not believe that this bird had traveled from The Rochester Tienken area all the way to the Silverdome!

We were so happy to be able to save this bird and get it back to its family. I showed my kids the email about how the other family got their pet back. The family has 3 kids who were so happy to see their bird. My kids realized what a nice ending this story had. Not only had we been able to save this bird’s life, but we were able to bring it back to the family that loves and misses him.

The life lesson in the missing bird story seemed to miss its mark with my kids at first. They were a little bummed out that they couldn’t keep the lost bird. I explained to them that when an animal or someone needs help, you just can’t turn a blind eye and hope everything works out OK. The “lost bird incident” was also a reminder to them that teamwork and the kindness of strangers can make a world of difference and that a group of well-meaning strangers can work together to help someone. It wasn’t a heroic act, but one that I knew had sunk in with my kids when they realized that trying to help was the best and only real course of action.  

1.What happened when the author watched his son’s football games?

A.A parrot tried to eat their food.

B.His daughter was hurt by a parrot.

C.A parrot flew towards his daughter.

D.A parrot landed on his daughter’s head.

2.The underlined word “domesticated” in the second paragraph probably means_______.

A.having been abandoned                  B.having been used to home life

C.having been used to life in the wild          D.having been week and hungry

3.Who was the first one to find the bird’s owner?

A.The author                            B.Chris Novak

C.The Humane Society                     D.A participant’s mother

4.What can be learned from the “lost bird incident”?

A.Strangers can also work well together.

B.Humane Society helps children in teamwork.

C.Children can keep lost injured pet birds home.

D.Helping others is always regarded as a heroic act.

5.What did the author want to tell in the text?

A.How to help a lost parrot to find home.

B.The experience of watching a football games.

C.The importance of teamwork and helping others.

D.How a parrot can fly a long distance from home.

6.The best title of the text should be________. 

A.What Animals Can Teach Us

B.Complete Care for a Lost Bird

C.Life Lessons When You Least Expect It

D.Love First, Teamwork and Kindness Second


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