
Andy was still traveling in Spain when he realized he had to confirm (确认) his flight home with the airline company (航空公司). He was visiting Spain in order to improve his Spanish. When he was speaking to people face to face, he had no difficulty understanding what they said. However, when he was speaking on the phone, he still had a problem. Andy called the airline. And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine o'clock three days from that day. She also told Andy to be at the airport two hours earlier in order to check in his luggage and get a seat.

Since he was leaving in three days, Andy didn't lose any time. He visited as many places as he could. He thought that it would probably be a while before he had enough money again. He wished he could come back and spend a year in Spain.

Too quickly, the final day arrived. Andy left early for the airport to arrive two hours before take-off. He hated to rush. He went to the clerk to show his ticket. The clerk looked at the ticket in surprise. "Why, sir, but your flight was at nine o'clock in the morning, and now it is eight in the evening." "But I confirmed my flight," insisted Andy. "Will I have to pay for another ticket?"

"No, sir. However, the next flight out will be three days from now."

Andy's look of shock turned to pleasure as he realized that now he could continue his vacation.

1.Why was Andy in Spain?

A. He was there on a business trip.

B. He hoped to learn Spanish better.

C. He liked to visit places of interest in Spain.

D. He was visiting friends there

2.Andy missed his flight because________.

A. he forgot his flight time

B. the clerk gave him the wrong time of his flight

C. the clerk misunderstood him

D. he misunderstood the clerk

3.Which word can best describe the feeling of Andy when he came to know that his stay in Spain would be longer?

A. happy B. shocked C. upset D. angry

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Travelers always have to confirm the time of flight with airline companies by phone call.

B. It’s more difficult for Andy to understand others in Spanish face to face than on the phone.

C. Andy was enjoying himself when visiting places in Spain.

D. Andy would spend the next three days at the airport.


Museum fans with limited time should consider a visit to Ueno Park where a variety of first class museums are concentrated closely together, including the impressive Tokyo National Museum, the National Museum of Western Art, the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, the National Science Museum and Ueno Zoo along with some smaller museums.

Museums in Tokyo are typically closed on one day of the week (usually Mondays) and during the New Year holidays (typically December 29 to January 4). If the regular weekly closing day falls on a national holiday, most museums will open on the holiday and close the next day instead.

Some museums have extended hours on certain days (typically Fridays), and some offer free entrance to selected exhibitions or on certain days of the month. Most museums allow entry until 30 minutes before closing time.

Tokyo National Museum

Hours: 9:30 to 17:00 (extended hours on some Fridays and weekends)

Closed: Mondays (or following day if Monday is a holiday), New Year holidays

Admission: 600 yen

As the oldest and largest museum in Japan, it is made up of five buildings, each like a separate museum in itself. They house the largest collection of national treasures and important cultural items in the country.

National Museum of Western Art

Hours: 9:30 to 17:30 (until 17:00 in winter, until 20:00 on Fridays)

Closed: Mondays (or following day if Monday is a holiday), Dec 28 to Jan 1

Admission: 420 yen, special exhibitions extra

This museum displays western art, primarily by European artists. There is no permanent gallery and the rotating (轮流的) exhibits are mostly from the museum’s collection. Admission is free on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month.

Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum

Hours: 9:30 to 17:30 (until 20:00 on Fridays)

Closed: First and third Monday of each month, New Year holidays

Admission: Varies by exhibition

Reopened in April 2012, this museum displays all types of art in its six galleries. There is no permanent collection, but there are multiple temporary exhibitions by various art groups.

National Science Museum

Hours: 9:00 to 17:00 (until 20:00 on Fridays)

Closed: Mondays (or following day if Monday is a holiday), Dec 28 to Jan 1

Admission: 600 yen

This museum covers both science and natural history with hands-on physics and robotics experiments and a 360 degree virtual theater relocated from the Aichi Expo.

1.Visitors are advised to go to Ueno Park mainly because ________.

A. there are many great museums there

B. it has one of the best parks in Japan

C. it is a landmark building in Tokyo

D. it is free of charge throughout the year

2.We can learn from the text that the Tokyo National Museum ________.

A. is the oldest and largest museum in Asia

B. has the largest collection of artwork in Japan

C. has a 360 degree virtual theater

D. is full of Japan’s national treasures

3.According to the text, you can visit the ________ for free on certain days.

A. Tokyo National Museum

B. National Museum of Western Art

C. Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum

D. National Science Museum

4.The passage is most likely taken from ________.

A. a tourist guide

B. a geographic report

C. a travel journal

D. a science textbook

Once upon a time, there lived two parent parrots. Every morning they flew out to food for their two young birds. One day, a hunter the young birds. The young birds to free themselves from the hands of the hunter. One from the hunter, while the other was taken in a cage by the hunter to his house. He gave it to his .

The other parrot flew away and came to a place where some holy men lived. They did not the young parrot, so it stayed there. It their talk and learned to say a few words.

Several years later, a traveler was walking near the hunter’s hut(小屋). He sat near the hut, extremely . He heard the parrot that lived there say, “ , why have you come here? I will cut your throat.” The traveler got up and left the place in a hurry. Then he happened to reach the place where the other parrot lived. The parrot was sitting on a tree. Seeing the traveler, it said, “Welcome, traveler. Welcome to this hermitage(偏僻的寺院). We have a lot of good in this forest, which looks sweet and delicious. Eat whatever you like. The holy men will you well.”

The traveler was . He couldn’t understand why this parrot was so polite the other one was so rude. They were both parrots, after all. it wasn’t strange. The parrot he met first lived with the hunter’s children who often spoke words, while the parrot he met later had learned the of holy people.

Our growing environment is of great . It is the company that shapes our words and deeds. Good company helps us learn good things while bad company the contrary. Therefore, choose the people to grow up with.

1.A. get B. preserve C. cook D. buy

2.A. defeated B. threatened C. caught D. observed

3.A. flew B. screamed C. advanced D. struggled

4.A. disappeared B. learned C. escaped D. died

5.A. cousins B. kids C. neighbors D. parents

6.A. harm B. follow C. know D. demand

7.A. looked for B. cared for C. referred to D. listened to

8.A. disappointed B. tired C. concerned D. excited[

9.A. Father B. Officer C. Fool D. Sir

10.A. suddenly B. gradually C. hardly D. immediately

11.A. rice B. fruit C. meat D. bread

12.A. treat B. understand C. guide D. protect

13.A. interested B. thrilled C. surprised D. relaxed

14.A. though B. unless C. as D. while

15.A. Necessarily B. Actually C. Fortunately D. Strangely

16.A. dirty B. short C. dishonest D. amazing

17.A. language B. joy C. attitude D. experience

18.A. difference B. shock C. value D. importance

19.A. picks up B. consists of C. leads to D. makes up

20.A. lucky B. right C. kind-hearted D. educated

China started late in network technologies and has lagged behind for years. With the rapid development of wireless technologies, the concept of the Fifth Generation (5G) mobile communication system started to emerge(出现). Although the development of 5G network technology in the international community is still in the research stage, a number of foreign countries and organizations are working on it. In order to catch up with the pace of the times, China also needs to have its own place in such a competitive environment.

Compared with 2G, 3G and 4G, 5G is not independent and brand-new. It is a combination and further development of present mobile communication technology. Besides the speed upgrade, 5G will also meet the requirements of large bandwidth, super high capacity, super dense site, super high reliability and whenever and wherever possible assess.

There are some rapid changes in China’s telecom space. With the 3G network now widely used, and 4G just around the corner, China is now preparing to enter the 5G era. China has started research and development on the 5G network, and plan to launch the network testing by around 2020. It’s expected that a unified standard will be adopted globally with the 5G technology.

"Under a same standard, different enterprises can be connected, and form a competition environment. Therefore, we can guarantee that enterprises can gain reasonable profits, and at the same time provide faster, better, more convenient and cheaper services to consumers." Wu Ku, Director of Dept. of Science & Tech., MIIT said.

Wu Hequan from Chinese academy of engineering said, "5G will make it possible to connect one million devices to the so-called Internet of Things within one square meter. In the future, it will also be available on high-speed trains moving as fast as 500 kilometers per hour. In the area of the Internet of Vehicles, it can be used in unmanned vehicles, assisted driving and the management of smart cities."

Wu believes China's future Internet will be faster, more intelligent and more reliable.

Chinese government pays more attention to the development of 5G and adopts a more open attitude. With the joint effort of the industry, China will play an increasing important role in the global 5G development.

1.】The first paragraph mainly wants to tell us ____________.

A. the concept of 5G network technology

B. the reason why we need 5G network technology

C. the fact that China fell behind network technology

D. the fact that 5G network technology is good

2.From paragraph 2 and paragraph 3, which kind of network technology is the fastest?

A. 2G B. 3G C. 4G D. 5G

3.What’s Wu’s attitude towards the 5G network technology?

A. Negative. B. Positive.

C. Unknown. D. Neutral.

4.After reading the passage, we can infer that _______________.

A. China is No.1 in 5G network technology.

B. China has already entered 5G ages.

C. China will launch the network testing before 2020.

D. China will use 5G network technology in transportation.

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