
_____ in a poor family made Jack very hardworking when he was still young.

   A. Brought up                                     B. Bringing up

   C. Having brought up                    D. Being brought up


Zinedine Zidane, who dreams of leading France to its second World Cup title in a row next month, has always preferred to express himself with a football rather than with words.

    Last Wednesday Zidane scored the decisive goal when Real Madrid of Spain won the Champions League final against Germany’s Leverkusen 2-1.

He became one of the world’s most expensive players when he joined Real Madrid from Italy’s Juventus for US $ 66 million. And he has been a national hero since he scored twice in the 3-0 defeat of Brazil in the 1998 World Cup Final.

    But despite his success, Zidane has always kept his feet on the ground. He leads a quiet family life, there is hardly any gossip about him and he avoids putting his wife and two children in the spotlight.

“Just because I’m a public figure it doesn’t mean I have to express myself on everything. I don’t like to discuss some personal matters publicly.” he said.

    Even as a child playing football in the slum area of Marseille, France, where he was raised by his Algerian parents, Zidane was shy.

    He loved football even as a little kid. “I realized football is a wonderful mixture of a sharp mind and hard training rather than just talking,”he said.

    Even when the match awards were just chocolate and bread, Zidane found that football made his poor childhood rich.

    Before he was 10 years old, it was obvious that he could become a great footballer. He was offered his first professional contract when he was just 20. Now, at the age of 29, he has already picked up two World Player of the year awards.

This quiet striker has not yet spoken of his hopes for the coming World Cup. But his fans across the world will be eagerly watching him to see what he’ll do this time.


gossip  n. 流言蜚语

spotlight  n. 聚光灯

contract  n. 合同

What did Zidane learn from his childhood football experience? He learned that _______.

A. he could become a great footballer

B. he could become rich if he became a footballer

C. football is a mixture of a sharp mind and hard training but not just talking

D. football is a favorite sport in the future

According to the article, what are Zidane’s main characteristics?

A. He is a shy but successful man.

B. He loves his wife and children.

C. He doesn’t like to speak in public.

D. He is a quiet, down-to-earth person of few words.

When the writer says “Zidane has always kept his feet on the ground”, he means that _______.

A. Zidane spends more time standing than sitting most days

B. Zidane is a down-to-earth person

C. Zidane has spent most of his time training on the pitch

D. Zidane likes standing when he succeeds

The sentence “Zidane found that football made his poor childhood rich” means ________.

A. football made Zidane’s poor family wealthy when he was a child

B. Zidane knew that football could bring him fame and wealth even when he was a child

C. football brought happiness to Zidane when he was a child in a poor family

D. Zidane knew that if he wanted 10 be rich he must play football from childhood

Jenny lived in a town.Her father,Mr.Young,had a shop there and sold clothes in it.The shopkeeper was born in a poor family and was in school no more than a year.He was always sorry for it though he had much money now.He hoped his daughter could become a scientist.But the girl didn’t 1ike anything else except singing.She often went to the concerts,bought a lot of records the famous pop stars made and insisted on listening to the music when she was free.Of course she wanted to be a pop star,too.Her parents wanted to prevent her,but she didn’t listen to
them and they had to agree to her choice.They engaged an old man who was good at music as a private teacher.
Five years passed.Mr.Young bought all kinds of musical instruments for Jenny and they visited some places where the famous singers were born.Of course he spent a lot of money on it.But he found the girl didn’t make any progress.At last the teacher didn’t think the girl could become a singer at all and had to tell Mr.Young about it.The man became angry and said,“Why didn’t you tell me about it earlier? My daughter learned nothing but I paid you month after month!”
“I think you should thank me for it,”said the teacher.“Another teacher, who teaches
badly,is paid more than I was.And I saved much money for you!”
【小题1】Mr. Young was in school for a short time because______  .

A.he was too poor to go on studyingB.he had to help his parents
C.he was weak in his lessonsD.he didn’t like studying at all
【小题2】Jenny spent much money buying records and went to the concerts in order to ______
A.visit some placesB.know some pop stars
C.become a pop star D.1earn singing
【小题3】Mr.Young became angry because______.
A.he paid a lot of money to the teacher
B.his daughter decided to drop music
C.his daughter spent four years on music
D.the teacher taught his daughter nothing

Growing up to Be Independent
Growing up is not always easy. When facing difficulties, courage and a spirit of independence can be morn useful than crying for help. That's what Hong Zhanhui's story of growing from boy to man with family hardships tells us.
Hong who was born 1982 in a poor family in Xinhua County, Henan Province is now a hero in people's mind. When he was only 11, his father became mentally ill and one day came back with an abandoned baby girl. A year later, Hong's mother and younger brother both left home because of poverty and pressure from his sick father. Their burdens fell onto the 12-year-old's shoulders: to treat his father's illness, bring up the adopted sister Chenchen, and to go on to study.Hong didn't give up. Since a young age, he has worked in part-time jobs to feed his family. At the same time, he has studied at college. To take care of Chenchen, he worked hard to rent a room
near his campus for her, and send her to school. After Hong's story went public, people were moved to tears by his unselfishness. Hard as his life sas, Hong didn't abandon his father and the adopted sister, because they needed his help. With his hard-won money, he even aided other students struggling against misfortunes.
Hong's story shows that with love and willpower, no hardship can defeat a person but himself.So when facing difficulties, don't complain about bad luck. Consider what morn you could do for your family and society and you'll find the world smiling back.

American children are not the only couch potatoes with nearly one third of children globally spending 3 hours a day or more watching TV or on computers, according to the study of over 70,000 teens in 34 nations.

? From Argentina to Zambia, Regina Guthold of the World Health Organization in Geneva and her colleagues found most children were not getting enough exercise and that it made no difference whether they live in a rich or a poor country. “With regards to physical levels, we didn’t find much of a difference between rich and poor countries,” Guthold said, “Growing up in a poor country doesn’t necessarily mean kids get more physical activities.”

? The researchers defined adequate physical activity as at least an hour of exercise outdoors for at least 5 days a week. Children spending 3 or more hours a day watching TV, playing computer games or chatting with friends were classified as sedentary.

? The researchers found only a quarter of the boys and 15 percent of the girls were getting enough exercise by these definitions. A quarter of boys and nearly 30% of girls were sedentary and didn’t get enough exercise with girls less active than boys in every country aside from Zambia.

? Girls from India were the most active with 37 percent meeting exercise recommendation, while girls from Egypt were the least active with 4 percent getting enough exercise. Children in Myanmar were the least sedentary while the most sedentary nations were St .Lucia and the Cayman Islands.

? People show deep concern for kids’ lack of physical activity in various nations. Why do they have a low level of physical activity? Guthold speculated(认为)that urbanization could be a factor as well as easy access to cars and TVs.

1.If you are sedentary, you ____________.???

A. are a diligent student spending much time doing homework

B. have at least an hour of exercise outdoors 5 days a week.

C. like watching TV and playing computer games

D. spend longer hours sitting or lying without moving

2.Which of the following statements is true as to Guthold’s finding?

A. Most children around the world don’t meet the exercise recommendation.

B. Girls in every country are no more active than boys.

C. Children in rich countries relatively get less physical activity.

D. Only 4% of the girls from Egypt are not active in exercise.

3.All the following statements are wrong except _______.

A. Children in poor countries get more physical activities.

B. Girls in Egypt are more active than those in India.

C. Couch potatoes are those children addicted to snacks.

D. Children in Myanmar are less sedentary than those in St .Lucia.

4.What would the writer be most likely to discuss in detail in the paragraph that follows?

A. The suitable amount of physical activities for students.

B. Some of the factors for the popularity of cars and TVs among the kids.

C. The reasons behind the lack of physical activities.

D. The ways to make the most of cars and TVs.


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