
4.China is one of the countries with the richest history,culture and the most developed civilization,economy and political system on the planet.Their language has fascinated people a very long time and still does.These are only a few reasons for which today there are still a lot of students and tourists that are attracted by this country,its culture and economical growth.Numerous students decide to study abroad China every year as they want to experience the life there and learn its fascinating language.
There are over 500dialects in China because of the big distance between villages and towns from the capital cities such as Beijing.In spite of great popularity that the English language has around the globe,Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the entire world because of the fact that China is the most populated country on Earth,having more than 1.3billion citizens.This is the main reason for which most students want to study Chinese in China.
On the other hand,China has the fastest growing and expanding economies in the world and this might give you the chance to take part in future projects in different areas of China.These are well-trained specialists around the world that decide to study Mandarin in China where they can become leaders in their specific field of operation.People who study Chinese in Beijing will have a lot of opportunities after mastering the Chinese alphabet and a lot of doors will open for them,giving them a lot of chances to succeed in their career.
To sum up,if you decide to study Chinese in Beijing,the best place to start your research and gather information is the Internet.Here you have various opportunities to study in China at affordable prices.

25.Why do large numbers of foreign students decide to come to China to study every year?A
A.To experience the life here and learn Chinese.
B.To learn different dialects in China.
C.To earn money by teaching English in China.
D.To taste Chinese food and enjoy beautiful scenery.
26.We can know from the third paragraph thatB.
A.China has paid much attention to development
B.More people will come to China to learn Chinese
C.it is fairly easy to find a favorite job in China
D.people can make more money in China in the future
27.What would be the best title for this passage?
A.The reasons of learning Chinese in Beijing
B.Chinese is easy for the foreigners to learn
C.Most people speak Chinese in the world
D.Chinese can help to find a good job in Beijing.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了由于中国古老的文化,快速发展的政治经济使得越来越多的外国人来到中国学习汉语,这对他们来说学习汉语对未来他们的发展也有很多益处.

解答 25.A.细节理解题.根据文章第一段"Numerous students decide to study abroad China every year as they want to experience the life there and learn its fascinating language"可知每年有大量的学生来到中国是因为他们想体验生活以及学习中国古老的文化;故选A.
26.B.推理判断题.根据文章第三段"People who study Chinese in Beijing will have a lot of opportunities after mastering the Chinese alphabet and a lot of doors will open for them,giving them a lot of chances to succeed in their career"可知中国经济在世界上发展迅速,学习汉语对他们未来职场有许多益处,可以有更多更好的发展机会,所以会有更多的人学习汉语;故选B.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

14.After the birth of my second child,I got a job at a restaurant.Having worked with (25)an experienced waitress for a few days,I was allowed to wait tables on my own.All went well that first week.When Saturday night came,I (26)was given (give) the tables not far from the kitchen.However,I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays(托盘).
The restaurant was full of people (27)beforeI could realize that.I moved slowly,and minded every step.I remember how happy I was when I saw the tray stand near the tables; It had nice handles,(28)making(make) it easier to move around.I was pleased with everything and began to believe I was a natural at this job.
Then,an old man came to me and said,"Excuse me,dear,my wife and I loved watching you work.(29)It seems that your tray stand has been very useful to you,but we are getting ready to leave now,and my wife (30)can'twait to take her walker back."
At first his message did not get across."What was he talking about!"Then,I got it.I (31)had set (set) my trays on his wife's orthopedic walker(助步器).My face was on fire.I wanted to get into a hole and hide.
Since then,I've learned that sometimes there's no point(32)being (be) too sure of myself.
19.At most schools,"going green"means generating less trash or making an attempt to recycle.But at New York's Riverdale Country School,it means being encouraged to run and even jump in the hallway.That's because the school was the first to install ( 安装 ) the specially-designed Pavegen floor tiles (地砖) in America.
The tiles use kinetic energy (动能) expanded by the kids and transform it into electricity that can be used to power classroom lights,science projects and charge electronic devices.The first US installation of Pavegen tiles near the school's student center is thanks to 14-year-old Zach Halem,who managed to convince the officials to purchase them.
Besides providing fun green energy,the tiles also serve as a learning tool.Every time a student steps on one,a brightly-lit LED board provides instant feedback (反馈信息) on how much energy was generated.Depending on the force,every step results in between one to seven watts-enough power to light an LED street lamp for about 30seconds.
Made largely from rubber and other recycled materials the tiles are invented by the 26-year-old British industrial designer Laurence Kembell-Cook.While new to the US,they have been installed in numerous places in Europe,ranging from a London underground station to a marathon track in Paris.However,it was not until Pavegen started getting popular in London schools that Laurence realized that his invention not only saved energy,but was also fun!
Though the young inventor will not give too many details about the technology behind this green tile,he says that it is very different from other kinetic energy harvesting systems.
Whatever the secret,let's hope more US schools decide to install these fun tiles.In fact,why stop at schools?These tiles could be installed everywhere,from sidewalks to homes.Then we could all be"green"and have fun!Who knew that was even possible?
13.What can we learn from the first paragraph?C
 A.American students are encouraged to run and jump as much as possible.
B."Going green"means generating less trash or making an attempt to recycle.
C.New York's Riverdale Country School took a different way to go green.
D.New York's Riverdale Country School is the first US school to try new ways to go green.
14.Which of the following statements is TRUE about Laurence Kembell-Cook?A
A.His original motive to invent the Pavegen tiles was to save energy.
B.He believed his invention would be popular with students.
C.He keeps all the technology behind this green tile a secret.
D.He persuaded the school to install Pavegen tiles.
15.Which part of a website is the passage probably taken from?A
9.Police Officer Tidwell left the station just after 8 a.m.on Sunday June 4.He had spent aboring night on duty and was looking forward to his day of rest.By habit he took a short-cutdown the path behind Dugby Hall road and after a minute or two he saw a man climbing down a drainpipe (雨水管) from an open bedroom window of Number 29.In silence,Tidwell crept into the garden.The man reached the ground and was dusting himself down when he felt his arm caught.
"It's 8:15 on a Sunday morning,"said the officer,"and this sort of thing seems an unlikely adventure at such a time.Would you mind explaining?"
The man was obviously scared but tried to keep calm.He said,"I know what you are thinking,officer,but it isn't true.This is a funny mistake."
"It's part of my job to take an interest in unusual events.I think you've just left this house in a manner other than the customary one.That may be quite innocent,but I'd like to make sure."Tidwell took out his notebook and a pen."Name,address and occupation and then,please,tell me your story…"
"Charlie Crane,lorry driver,from Nottingham,51 Breton Street.My story…"
"Yes.What were you doing like a fly on that wall,Mr.Crane?"
"Well,I had a breakdown yesterday and had to stay the night here.Bed and breakfast.Theland-lady's name is Mrs.Fern.She gave me breakfast at seven,and I was out of here in the right way and down at the lorry by half past seven.Only when I felt around for a cigarette did I realize I'd left﹩80in my envelope under the pillow here at number 29.I always put it under my pillow at night.It's a habit I've got into.I even do it at home…"
"I see.Why didn't you miss it when you went to pay Mrs…What's her name?"
"I'd paid her last night.You've got to pay when you take the room,see?So I came rushing back,but it's Sunday,and she'd gone back to bed,and could I wake her?I rang the bell and banged on the front door for ten minutes before I came round here to the back and spotted my bedroom window still open.Up I went,then,up this pipe.It's a trick I learned in the army.She didn't make the bed,and money was still there.You know the rest,I hope you believe it because…"
"Mr.Crane,whatever are you doing here?I thought you'd gone an hour ago."It was Mrs.Fern,speaking from the kitchen at the corner of the house.

41.Why was Tidwell walking along the path behind Dugby Hall road?D
A.He usually discovered something suspicious along that way.
B.He had an appointment with a man at number 29 there.
C.He chose to go that way by chance.
D.He knew he would get home quicker that way.
42.The police officer questioned the man becauseA.
A.he had seen him do a strange thing
B.he thought he knew him
C.the man had fallen and needed attention
D.the man had tried to escape from a window
43.Crane stayed the night at number 29 becauseB.
A.he had lost his way in the dark
B.there was something wrong with his lorry
C.Nottingham was too far for him to drive that night
D.he had suddenly fallen ill that night
44.Why didn't the man realize he had left his money at the landlady's earlier?C
A.Because he trusted the landlady.
B.Because he had put the money under the pillow.
C.Because he had no occasion to remember the money thing.
D.Because he was in such a hurry that morning.
45.In the end,Officer Tidwell would probablyC.
A.take Crane back to his office
B.accuse Crane of misbehaving
C.just let Crane go
D.force Crane to pay Mrs.Fern some money.
16.A Pen That Draws in Any ColorThe Scribble is amagical pen that can scan colors and instantly reproduce the colors.Hold the Scribble's scanner up to any color,and within a second that color is stored in its memory.Once stored,that color can be used to draw on paperor on a digital screen.
Who can use the Scribble?
Children will love the Scribble because it can create different colors,replacing even their biggest box of crayons (蜡笔).Besides,anyone working with color in their professional lives,such as artists,will be able to scan and reproduce colors instantly.
The Scribble isthebestcolor-Green
One of the most importantcharacteristics of the Scribble is that,since it can reproduce any color,it replaces marking pens,greatly reducing the huge amount of plastic waste.
What's inside the Scribble?
There will be two different versions of the Scribble,the Scribble INK and the Scribble STYLUS.The INK will be able to reproduce exact colors on paper.It includes a color sensor,1GB of internal memory that will store over 100,000colors,a rechargeable battery,Bluetooth 4.0connectivity,a processor and 5ink cartridges (盒).The STYLUS is exactly the same as the INK,minus the ink cartridge as it is intended for use on screen.
How did we create the Scribble?
We've been in the design process for two years and the Scribble has gone through various design changes to get it to where we are now.Because of its small size we have created someideas never seen before in the color reproduction industry.We created the Scribble for YOU and want you to be a part of the process!
Thank you for your support
Thank you so much for your concern about the Scribble.Thank you also for your support!Make sure to bookmark our website and check back often to see the progress as well as the updated times for production and delivery of your Scribble.
56.According to the passage,the ScribbleC.
A.has replaced the common pens
B.brings environmental problems
C.is the product of high technology
D.is designed for a certain group of people
57.How is the Scribble different from other pens?A
A.It can copy colors.
B.It is smaller in size.
C.It has different versions.
D.It can only be used on screen.
58.The main purpose of the passage is toB.
A.seek advice about the Scribble
B.introduce the Scribble to readers
C.compare the Scribble with other pens
D.provide methods of using the Scribble.
14.The end of my sophomore year was approaching.Mom called me at the dorm one evening during the last week of May.My summer break would be spent with grandma and grandpa,helping out around their farm.The arrangement made good sense to all the family.I wasn't fully convinced of that myself but guessed it was just one summer.Next year would be my little brother's turn.
I arrived late that afternoon.Grandma had fixed more food than the three of us could possibly eat.She loved me entirely too much.The next morning,Grandpa fixed breakfast for the two of us. He told me Grandma had tired herself out yesterday and was going to rest in bed a little longer.I made a mental note to myself to not ask her to do things for me while I was there.I was there to help,not be a burden.
    Weeks passed.I gradually settled into a routine of daily work with Grandpa.In the evenings I usually read or talked with Grandma.She never grew tired of hearing about college or anything I was involved in.She told me stories about her childhood,family and the early years after she and Grandpa had married.
    The last Saturday in June,Grandpa suggested going fishing.We hadn't expected what we saw when we got to the pond that morning:One of the swans was dead.Grandpa had given the pair of swans to Grandma on their 50th anniversary."Why don't we see about buying another one,"I suggested,hoping the situation could somehow be righted.Grandpa thought for a few moments before answering.
    He finally said,"no…it's not that easy,Bruce.You see,swans mate for life."He raised his finger to point,holding the fishing pole in his other hand."There's nothing we can do for the one that's left.He has to work it out for himself."
A few days later,we drove by the pond while doing our morning check on the cows.We found the other swan lying near the same spot we had found the first one.It,too,was dead.
    The month of July started with me and Grandpa putting up a new stretch of fence.Then July 12 came.That was the day Grandma passed away.Grandma had died suddenly that morning of a stroke.By the afternoon,my parents were there.The old house was soon crowded with relatives and Grandpa's friends.
    The funeral was held the next day.Grandpa had insisted on having it as soon as possible.On the second day after the funeral,Grandpa announced at the breakfast table,"This is a working farm. We have a lot of things to do.The rest of you should get back to your own lives."Most of the family had already left,but this was Grandpa's way of telling the rest it was time for them to go home.My parents were the last to leave after lunch.
    Grandpa was not a man who could outwardly express his grief around others,and we all worried about him.The rest of the summer flowed by.We stayed busy working.I thought there was something different about Grandpa but couldn't quite put my finger on it.
    September was nearing,and part of me did not want to leave.I thought of skipping the fall semester and staying around a few more months.When I mentioned it,grandpa quickly told me that my place was back at college.
The day finally came for me to pack my car and leave.I shock his hand and chanced a hug.As Idrove down the driveway,I saw him in the rearview mirror.He waved to me and then walked to the pasture gate to start the morning livestock check.
    Mom called me at school on a stormy October day to tell me Grandpa had died.A neighbor had stopped by that morning for coffee and found him in the kitchen.He died of a stroke,the same as Grandma.At that moment,I understood what he'd clumsily tried to explain to me about the swan on that morning we fished together by the pond.

55.We can learn from Paragraph 1 thatD.
    A.Bruce regarded working on the farm as a rare chance
    B.Bruce longed to enjoy himself freely on the farm
    C.the brothers took turns to attend their grandparents
    D.Bruce was not happy with his parents'arrangement
56.What did the writer think at the sight of the first dead swan?A
    A.Another swan should be bought in place of the dead one.
    B.The other was bound to die since swans mate for life.
    C.Grandma would be in deep sorrow over its death.
    D.The living can do nothing for the dead.
57.Grandpa quickly dismissed the family after the funeral becauseB.
    A.he wanted to carry on with his farm work
    B.he tended to deal with grief in life by himself
    C.he didn't want his normal life disturbed
    D.he took for granted the matter of life and death
58.By"I couldn't put my fingers on it",the writer means thatC.
    A.I could do nothing to help him out of grief
    B.I was so busy that I couldn't give a hand to Grandpa
    C.I couldn't tell exactly what was different about my Grandpa
    D.I stayed busy working and couldn't keep Grandpa's company
59.Which of the following best describes Grandpa's character?B
    A.Outgoing,clumsy and considerate.   B.Loyal,considerate and independent.
    C.Talkative,clumsy and independent.  D.Romantic,outgoing and loyal.
60.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A
    A.Mate For Life    B.Unforgettable Summer Break
    C.Death of Swans   D.Everlasting Love Story.

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