
A study published Monday found that people who sleep less tend to be fat, and experts said it’s time to find out if more sleep will fight fatness.
“We’ve put so much emphasis on diet and exercise that we've failed to recognize the value of good sleep,” said Fred Turek, a physician at Northwestern University.
Monday’s study from Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk covered 1,000 people and found that total sleep time decreased as body mass index - a measure of weight based on height - increased.
Men slept an average of 27 minutes less than women and overweight and fat patients slept less than patients with normal weights, it said. In general the fatter subjects slept about 1.8 hours a week less than those with normal weights.
“Americans experience insufficient sleep and fat bodies. Clinicians are aware of the burden of fatness on patients,” the study said.
“Our findings suggest that major extensions of sleep time may not be necessary, as an extra 20 minutes of sleep per night seems to be associated with a lower body mass index,” it added.
“We caution that this study does not establish a cause-and-effect relationship between restricted sleep and fatness (but) investigations indicating success in weight loss via extensions of sleep would help greatly to set up such a relationship.”
The study was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine along with an editorial by Turek and Northwestern colleague Joseph Bass commenting on it and related research.
In an interview, Turek said some studies have shown sleep causes declines in an appetite suppressing protein hormone, and increases in another hormone that causes a longing for food. In addition neuropathies(神经疗法)in the brain governing sleep and fatness appear to overlap(重叠), he said.
Patness has been rising dramatically in developed countries and reached epidemic(流行病) levels in the United States, it added, leading to a variety of health problems.
66. What’s the passage mainly about?
A. People who sleep less tend to get fat.
B. Fat people need lots of sleep to lose weight.
C. Sleeping has nothing to do with fatness.
D. Fatness has been rising dramatically in developed countries.
67. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Lack of sleep causes declines in a desire limiting protein hormone.
B. Americans experience sufficient sleep and fat bodies.
C. The findings suggest that major extensions of sleep time may be necessary.
D. Fatness has been rising dramatically in America.
68. Which of the following is NOT close to the underlined word suppress?
A. limit          B. restrict       C. accept         D. control
69. According to the passage, which of the following people is the lowest possible one to get fatness?
A. Americans      B. Chinese        C. Japanese       D. English
70. We can conclude the attitude of the author is           according to the passage.
A. worried        B. uninterested   C. critical       D. optimistic

66-70 ADCBA




A 17-year-old boy, caught sending text messages in class, was recently sent to the vice principal's office at Millwood High School in Halifax, Nova Scotia.The vice principal, Steve Gallagher, told the boy he needed to focus on the teacher, not his cellphone.The boy listened politely and nodded, and that's when Mr.Gallagher noticed the student’s fingers moving on his lap.He was texting while being scolded for texting.“It was a subconscious act,” says Mr.Gallagher, who took the phone away.“Young people today are connected socially from the moment they open their eyes in the morning until they close their eyes at night.It’s compulsive.”

A study this year by psychology students at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Ga., found that the more time young people spend on Facebook, the more likely they are to have lower grades and weaker study habits.Heavy Facebook users show signs of being more sociable, but they are also more likely to be anxious, hostile or depressed.( Doctors, meanwhile, are now blaming addictions to “night texting” for disturbing the sleep patterns of teens.)

Almost a quarter of today’s teens check Facebook more than 10 times a day, according to a 2009 survey by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit group that monitors media’s impact on families.Will these young people get rid of this habit once they enter the work force, or will employers come to see texting and “social-network checking” as accepted parts of the workday? k5u

Think back.When today’s older workers were in their 20s, they might have taken a break on the job to call friends and make after-work plans.In those earlier eras, companies discouraged non-business-related calls, and someone who made personal calls all day risked being fired.It was impossible to imagine the constant back-and-forth texting that defines interactions among young people today.

Educators are also being asked by parents, students and educational strategists to reconsider their rules.“In past generations, students got in trouble for passing notes in class.Now students are adept(熟练的) at texting with their phones still in their pockets,” says 40-year-old Mr.Gallagher, the vice principal, “and they’re able to communicate with someone one floor down and three rows over.Students are just fundamentally different today.They will take suspensions rather than give up their phones.” .

1.The underlined word “a subconscious act” refers to an act __________.

A.on purpose              B.without realization        

C.in secret                   D.with care

2.Young people addicted to the use of Facebook _________.

A.are good at dealing with the social relationships and concentrate on their study

B.have high spirits and positive attitudes towards their life and work

C.have been influenced mentally in the aspects of behaviors and habits

D.are always in bad mood and have poor performance in every aspect

3.Through the situation of today’s older workers in their 20s, it can be inferred that ___.

A.the employers will accept young people’s sending text messages

B.a cellphone is a must for today’s older workers instead of young people

C.the employers prefer older workers to young people

D.the employers will find it hard to control the interaction among young people

4.Mr.Gallagher reminds us that the students in the past and those today _________.

A.like to break rules and have the same means of sending messages

B.are always the big problem for the educators and their parents

C.like sending text messages but those today do it in a more secret and skillful way

D.cannot live without a cellphone

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Teenagers and Cellphones         B.Teenagers’ Texting Addiction

C.Employers and Teenagers          D.Teenagers’ Education



“You’re going to the United States to live? How wonderful! You’re really lucky!”

Does this sound familiar? Perhaps your family and friends said similar things to you when you left home. But does it seem true all the time? Is your life in this new country always wonderful and exciting? A great many facts show that it’s not easy for newcomers to adjust to life in a new culture. They have to experience culture shock.

What causes culture shock? Maybe the weather is unpleasant.  Perhaps the customs are different. Perhaps the public service systems such as the telephone, post office, or transportation are difficult to figure out and you make mistakes. The simplest things seem difficult. The language may be difficult. The food may seem strange to you. If you don’t look similar to the natives, you may feel strange. You may feel as ff everyone is watching you. In fact, you are always watching yourself.

Everyone experiences culture shock in some form or another. But culture shock comes as a surprise to most people. A lot of the time, the people with the worst culture shock are the people who never had any difficulties in their own countries. They were active and successful in their community(社区). They had hobbies or pastimes which they enjoyed. When they come to a new country, they do not have the same positions or hobbies as they already had in their countries. They find themselves without a role, almost without an identity. They have to build a new self-image.

Culture shock produces a feeling of disorientation(晕头转向), which may be homesickness, imagined illness, or even paranoia(偏执症). When people feel the disorientation of culture shock, they sometimes feel like staying inside all the time. They want to protect themselves from the unfamiliar environment. They want to create an escape within their room to give themselves a sense of security. This escape does solve the problem of culture shock for the short term, but it does nothing to familiarize the person more with the culture. Familiarity and experience are the long-term ways to settle the problem of culture shock.

67. Who is the passage mainly for?

A. The family and friends of those who came to the US.

B. Those who have got rid of culture shock.

C. People who have just moved to a foreign country.

D. People who can easily adjust their life in the US.

68. The underlined part “you are always watching yourself’” (in Paragraph 3) means         .

A. you are always feeling homesick

B. you are always worried too much about yourself

C. you are always looking at yourself in the mirror

D. you are always nervous about meeting other people

69. Which of the following would be a case of culture shock for newcomers?

A. They have trouble using public telephones.

B. Their positions or hobbies stay the same.

C. They are active and successful in the new community.

D. They have got used to the life in the new country.

70. Which of the following may cause newcomers to lack a sense of security?

A. A new identity.                                      B. Local food.

C. A new serf-image.                                    D. Strange environment.

71. The best way for the newcomers to overcome culture shock is         .

A. to stay inside to protect themselves

B. to make a study of the new hobbies

C. to adapt themselves to the new environment

D. to ask people for help when having difficulties


第二节 信息匹配(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

若选E项填涂AB :若选F项填涂CD


A. A Look at American Literature(文学)

A Look at American Literature is a course(课程), which gives us a brief outline of American


B. Works(作品) of Some Famous American Writers

Works of Some Famous American Writers show us the introductions to eleven famous writers

and their works and also give us some comments on the works.

C. Detailed Reading of American Literature

Detailed Reading of American Literature is a course which focuses on some important and  

moving details in the works of American literature. It will analyse the detail.

D. Story and Plot

It’s a course which analyses the setting of the main plots in some famous stories. The aim of this

course is to help those who want to become writers in the future.

E. Characters and Life

As you know, literature comes from our life, but it’s more than our life. This course will analyze

the personalities of some important characters in the world literature, and combine the analysis

with our life. It will help us gain wisdom from the characters.

F. Literature Comments

The course is a study of how to write literature comments through some vivid examples.


Helen wants to become a famous writer in the future. She is eager to take a course which can help her realize her dream.

Peter was ill last term and missed a lot of lessons in American literature. He wants to take a course which can give him an outline of it.

Kate likes to read literature works and she has many opinions after reading, but she doesn’t know how to express her ideas properly.

Tommy has the basic knowledge of American literature. He wants to take a course which can help him read more famous works about American literature.

Jerry wants to write some articles to show the significance of researching literature today. He is looking for a course which can help him.

待选课程学生                        课程名称

66. Helen                     A.  A Look at American Literature

67. Peter                      B.  Works of Some Famous American Writers

68. Kate                      C.  Detailed Reading of American Literature

69. Tommy                   D.  Story and Plot

70. Jerry                      E.  Characters and Life

F.  Literature Comments


Chinese reports say the country’s vast pool of cheap labor is getting smaller, which could hurt an economy that heavily depends on labor-intensive manufacturing.

The academy’s research shows that China’s rural labor surplus, the source of migrant workers for the country’s factories, is about 50 million people—far less than the previously estimated 150 to 200 million.

Jonathan Unger, director of the Contemporary China Center at the Australian National University, says fewer rural residents are willing to leave their farms today. This is partly because there are more employment opportunities in rural areas, and because agricultural prices have gone up.

“And at the same time taxes in the countryside, fees in the countryside have gone down because of new sets of government policies,” he explained. “So people are not eagerly forced in the way they were five, six years ago to leave the farm in order to earn enough money for their families.”

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says another reason for the reduced labor pool is the country’s population policy, which allows city residents to have just one child, and farmers up to two if the first one is a girl.

A UN study predicts that China’s workforce will reach its top in 2015 and then gradually drop. Some of China’s major manufacturing areas, such as Guangdong Province, already face labor shortages.

Some economists think these shortages are, at least for now, a regional rather than a national problem. Sun Mingchun, an economist with investment bank Lehman Brothers in Hong Kong, points out that there are still millions of people in China who can not find work.

57. According to the academy’s research, China’ rural labor surplus today is about _______.

A. 150 million      B. 50 million      C. 200 million      D. 175 million

58. The reason why many rural residents don’t leave their farms today is ________.

A. the farmers are older than before.

B. the farmers are lazier than before

C. the farmers have much more money

D. there are more employment opportunities and agricultural prices have gone up

59. Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?

A. A study of UN estimates China’s workforce will come to the top in 2015.

B. No a study shows millions of people can’t find work in China.

C. The country’s population policy isn’t a reason for the reduced labor.

D. Five years ago, few farmers left their homes to earn money for supporting their families.

60. According to some economists, the shortage of Chinese workforce __________.

A. is a national problem                     B. is a regional problem

C. is not a problem                         D. can be solved easily


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