
Bell Teacher Campus 2016: Cultural Talks

Our talks start at 16:00 on the first week in August, and each one lasts about one hour. Each talk will be offered only once during your 4-day stay. Please sign up on the main Bell Noticeboard (Second floor, Mary Allan Building).

August 1st

BRITISH MUSIC, by Pete Sharma in Room 106. British music is famous worldwide. In this talk, I’ll discuss what’s popular and what’s not right now and the top music festivals in the UK. We will listen to some of the artists and share some thoughts about singing and dancing.

August 2nd

LOVE ME, LOVE MY CAT, by Lis Harrison in Room 207. We will be looking at this national interest through idioms(习语), songs, and everyday British life, and along the way covering some vocabulary for “talking cat”. At the end, we’ll be discussing that old topic: do we Brits treat out pets better than we treat our kids?

August 3rd

A GAME AS ENGLISH AS CROQUET(槌球游戏),by Anna Young in Room 218. First, we will look at the origins of croquet, a much loved garden game in England. We will look at simple croquet rules, and then practice time! We’ll go out and play!

August 4th

WHY ENGLISH PEOPLE LAUGH, by Jim Scrivener in Room 117. Let me try to show you a little bit of what British people find funny. You will discover some of the most popular radio& TV comedy game shows. You probably won’t find it funny at all! But you will learn a bit more about us Brits!

1. If you are interested in the best music festivals in the UK, you may find the talk on _____ valuable.

A. August 1st B. August 2nd

C. August 3rd D. August 4th

2.Who will give the talk on a popular game in England?

A. Pete Sharma B. Lis Harrison

C. Anna Young D. Jim Scrivener

3.The text is most probably written for those who ______.

A. plan to do business in Britain

B. take short-term training courses

C. are interested in new technologies

D. want to learn about the history of Britain


Pooja Dhingra is an Indian chef and businesswoman, the owner of macaroon bakery chain Le 15 Patisserie (西饼店) in Mumbai. She should have been a lawyer. But while studying ________ at university in Mumbai, she decided to ________ her major and do something more creative.

Dhingra’s father and her elder brother are both restaurant owners. Remembering helping her mother in the ________ during her childhood, she decided to work with food instead of legal cases. She ________ her parents to let her attend a hospitality (招待) and management course in Switzerland. Three years later, she went to Paris to learn the ________ of French baking. There her friends took her to one of the best macaroon shops. After just one ________, Dhingra determined that when she returned to Mumbai she would ________ her own shop, the first of its kind in India.

After graduation, she started making macaroons in her parents’ kitchen, ________ it was a complete failure. The hot and wet weather in Mumbai made it ________ to make delicious cakes. It took her around six months of research and 60 failed ________ to finally get a favorite recipe. Yet being both young and female ________ she faced extra challenges. “The biggest problem was to get people to take you ________,” she says. “For example, if I had to buy machinery, I would have to ask my father to make these calls for me.”

Dhingra eventually opened her first shop in 2010. To ________ sales in a city where very few people knew what a macaroon was, Dhingra gave away some ________ macaroons to customers, which made her cakes popular immediately. She continued ________ new recipes. “Once you know basic techniques, inventing recipes is very ________,” she said. “All you need is an open ________. I get a lot of my ideas and ________ from basic things around me.”

Dhingra is the author of a best-selling cookery book, The Big Book of Treats. She also started running classes on how to make macaroons and other cakes. In 2016, Dhingra ________ her business, opening a new location called Le 15 Café. Today, as a professional baker, Dhingra ________ up one of India’s finest patisseries.

1.A. artB. lawC. historyD. medicine

2.A. quitB. checkC. enjoyD. follow

3.A. bedroomB. basementC. studyD. kitchen

4.A. remindedB. warnedC. convincedD. allowed

5.A. techniquesB. situationsC. functionsD. results

6.A. drinkB. kickC. breathD. bite

7.A. visitB. openC. sellD. name

8.A. soB. orC. butD. for

9.A. difficultB. unusualC. reasonableD. available

10.A. preparationsB. messagesC. programsD. attempts

11.A. includedB. meantC. admittedD. explained

12.A. seriouslyB. properlyC. differentlyD. peacefully

13.A. ignoreB. reportC. promoteD. examine

14.A. strangeB. modernC. famousD. free

15.A. introducingB. creatingC. demandingD. protecting

16.A. typicalB. familiarC. simpleD. regular

17.A. taskB. replyC. mindD. secret

18.A. inspirationB. authorityC. progressD. equipment

19.A. preservedB. inspectedC. acquiredD. expanded

20.A. coversB. headsC. picksD. brings

Imagine you are in a jumping contest. Animals and insects can also enter this contest. But they might just leave humans in the dust!

The first event is the long jump. The human athlete is Mike Powell. In 1991, he jumped nearly 30 feet, which is the world record for the long jump. That is about five times his own height.

His competitor in the long-jump contest is a frog named “Rosie the Ribbiter.” Rosie set the world record for frogs in 1986 by jumping more than 21 feet. Her record has never been broken by any other frog. Compared to Mike Powell, Rosie’s jump is not that amazing. But wait! Rosie is only about 10 inches long when her legs are stretched to their full length. She can jump more than 25 times her size. Rosie, the frog, wins the long-jump event.

The next event is the high jump. Javier Sotomayor, the world record holder, can jump a bar (横杆) 8 feet high. That is about as high as the ceiling in most homes.

Looking around for someone to challenge his record, Javier might need a magnifying glass (放大镜). The next contestant is a tiny insect called the spittlebug (吹沫虫).

The spittlebug can jump 28 inches into the air. It is only a quarter-inch long, less than the width of a pencil. If the spittlebug were the same size as Javier, it would be able to jump 600 feet into the air. That is like a human jumping over a building 55 stories high!

Though the humans lose the “jumping contest,” their competitors would probably agree that Mike and Javier are still pretty excellent athletes. If only Rosie and the spittlebug could speak!

1.The underlined word “contestant” in Paragraph 5 means “_____”.

A. coachB. teammateC. challengerD. record holder

2.What can we learn about the spittlebug?

A. It likes living on the ceiling.

B. It is good at flying in the air.

C. It is the same length as a pencil.

D. It has a wonderful jumping talent.

3.In the author’s opinion, Rosie and the spittlebug’s jumping abilities are ________.

A. surprisingB. promisingC. doubtfulD. fearful

4.How does the author develop the text?

A. By giving instructions.

B. By making comparisons.

C. By following the order of time.

D. By following the order of importance.

A few years after Mom died, Dad handed me a plastic bag. That evening, I ________ the bag to find dozens of shells, each one ________ in white tissue paper(纸巾)and having Mom’s handwriting.

The shells were pretty ________, but to Mom, they were evidence of her endlessly magical life and ________ me of the seashore trip with her. She was 61 when she ________ these shells, and already showing ________ of the lung disease. We knew something was ________ and Mom needed an adventure. She suggested a dinner and a movie. But two friends and I had bigger ________.

Mom had been to the ocean only twice, but she ________ the seashore. Her kitchen was decorated(装饰) with souvenirs from those two trips. I told Mom that we would ________ for Jersey Shore. Mom was so ________ that she screamed and Amber, her dog was ________ to jump onto the floor.

One of my favorite ________ on the road was a discussion about movies. Mom often got the titles wrong. “Ohhhh,” she said, “what was that movie about a teacher at the boys’ school?” Before anyone could ________, she shouted, “The Dead Man’s Poet!” I looked back and saw a back seat full of ________. “Mom,” I said. “You mean Dead poets Society?” “That’s it!” Mom yelled. ________ filled the car.

Once we got to Stone Harbor, she began to ________ the trip, greeting strangers and spending hours gathering shells. The morning we left, I found her photographing every inch of her bedroom. “I don’t ever want to ________ this,” she said.

For a long time, Mom’s shells stayed ________ in a drawer. Last month, I ________ them again while searching for something else. I put them in a visible place as a reminder from a mother who never lost her sense of wonder.

1.A. receivedB. openedC. checkedD. packed

2.A. foldedB. includedC. trappedD. covered

3.A. hardB. commonC. heavyD. big

4.A. remindedB. requiredC. informedD. warned

5.A. movedB. boughtC. collectedD. found

6.A. causesB. riskC. signsD. record

7.A. wrongB. missingC. strangeD. boring

8.A. tasksB. changesC. dreamsD. plans

9.A. understoodB. trustedC. lovedD. respected

10.A. waitB. headC. lookD. pay

11.A. encouragedB. relaxedC. determinedD. excited

12.A. frightenedB. embarrassedC. disappointedD. pleased

13.A. debatesB. thoughtsC. memoriesD. questions

14.A. concentrateB. continueC. adviseD. answer

15.A. confusionB. worryC. sadnessD. peace

16.A. PrideB. LaughterC. ShoutsD. Challenges

17.A. enjoyB. organizeC. supportD. take

18.A. decideB. forgetC. believeD. keep

19.A. lostB. unexpectedC. unknownD. buried

20.A. hidB. washedC. discoveredD. prepared

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