
Have you heard of the saying, “If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing well”? The proverb is a piece of advice to make effects towards perfection in whichever job one does. It could be a small task like folding up your clothes, or a major one like organizing a business meeting in your later life.

Perfection just needs paying attention to details. If it is your job to dust the furniture at home, dust it so that not a single spot of dirt shows from any direction. If your task is to make the beds, make them so that not a single crease(皱纹)shows on the bed-covers.

There are only two ways to do a job: either sloppily, or well. If you choose the latter, you need to realize that any job that qualifies as (取得…的资格)“your” work deserves your best. Perfection is an attitude that can be developed with just a little effect. It is a habit that is helpful to a person in later life. Let us prove with an example: you may be asked to turn in an essay on, for example, wildlife, for a school project. Instead of writing carelessly a few facts that you already know, you could make the project more effective by looking up a reference books, encyclopedias(百科全书)or websites for additional information. You could then go over the finished essay for slips(疏漏)and errors, and provide pictures where necessary. If you make it a habit to put in extra effort in your school homework, will it not help you to handle more difficult projects at the college or university level?

As Michelangelo, the famous 16th century sculptor and painter, once put it: Trifles(琐事)go to make perfection, and perfection is no trifle.

1.According to the passage, to achieve perfection is _______.

A.to realize the quality of the work

B.to pay attention to details of one’s work

C.to do as many jobs as possible

D.to form the habit of doing things ahead of time

2.The underlined word “sloppily” in paragraph 3 may mean _______





3.What can be inferred from the third paragraph?

A.It is necessary to provide pictures for your essay.

B.Websites are the sources of information you want.

C.Perfection is a habit that promises a good future.

D.You should make much effort to develop perfection.

4.The purpose of writing this passage is to _______.

A.introduce the famous painter Michelangelo

B.advise us to do the things that are worth doing

C.explain to us the meaning of the perfection

D.expect us to give our best to our work









1.细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句话Perfection is nothing but attention to details可知,完美就是细节。选B


3.推理判断题。第三段的It is a habit that stands one in good stead in later life(stand sb in good stead意思是“对某人有好处”)和下面的例子证明了从一开始对任何任务讲究美的话,就会对以后的生活有所帮助。选C






1.That lovely cottage by the seaside has been in the         (拥有)of their family for  more than eighty years.               1.             

2.July 13,2001 saw a very bright night in Beijing that will never.              (交谈)from memory.                     2.             

3.He give us an       (描述)of what happened.                         3.             

4.He is leading an        (独立的)life. He lives on his own.        4.             

5.There office is on the            (第九)floor.                       5.             

6.         (相比较)with the service industry, foreign trade is more important.


7.Have you h ad any           (冒险的)experience?                 7.             

8.Your advice at present is       (有价值的)to me.                   8.             

9.On       (平均),people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do.


10.Young people usually have more    (能量)than older people.   10.             

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