
People seem to have a natural need for friends and with good reason. Friends increase your enjoyment of life and relieve feelings of loneliness. They even can help reduce stress and improve your health. Having good friends is especially helpful when you are going through any kind of hard time such as when you are experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, or depression.
When you are with good friends you feel good about yourself, and you are glad to be with them. A friend is someone who —
●you like, respect, and trust, and who likes, respects and trusts you
●doesn’t always understand you, but accepts and likes you as you are, even as you grow and change
●allows you the space to change, grow, make decisions, and even make mistakes
●listens to you and shares with you both the good times and the bad times
●respects your need for secrets, so you can tell them anything
●lets you freely express your feelings and emotions without judging, teasing, or criticizing you
●accepts the limitations you have put on yourself and helps you to remove them
A person once said, “Friendship is a continuing source of bonding(连接), releasing, and creating in yourself and with the other person. There is an emotional bond between the two people.”
A good friend or supporter may or may not be the same age or the same sex as you, and may not have the same educational, cultural, or religious background, or share interests that are similar to yours. Friendships also have different depths. Some are closer to the heart and some more superficial, but they’re all useful and good.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT a function of a friend?
A.He brings you some happiness.B.He helps you feel less lonely.
C.He helps you get over the difficulties.D.He helps you cheat on the exam.
小题2: The underlined word “superficial” means _______.
小题3:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.A Friend in Need Is A Friend Indeed B.What Kind of Person A Friend Should Be
C.To Be A Good FriendD.How to Get on with Your Friend

I truly hope that at the end of this short essay(短文) you will know how to learn English.
I was born in Somalia, and Italian is my mother tongue. 31 enough, soon after I arrived in London when I was 17, I was admitted to a sixth-form college. I found caring (体贴的) teachers there, who 32  taught me English. This, I think, was a(n) 33 factor(因素) that encouraged me to learn the language. The most important thing, 34, is to work hard. So those of you who don’t have such good teachers should not 35. When I was in London, I 36 myself to English learning as I 37 to go to university very much. Mastering the language was the only 38 to achieve my goal.
Now I have 39 my master’s degree from Oxford University. Looking back, I 40 I was quite innocent (天真的),for I never imagined learning English was going to be so much 41. The more fluent I become, the 42 the language became. One can master it only 43 years of tireless efforts(努力).
Some basic 44 which I would give to people who are interested in learning the language are:
1. Buy a good dictionary. 45 English learners use their dictionaries all the time.
2.46 English newspapers. Don’t forget to 47 the new words in your dictionary.
3. Listen to the radio 48 watching TV as listening to the radio helps you more.
4. Talk, talk and talk to 49 at anytime and anywhere.
And even though at times it may be embarrassing(尴尬的) to make 50,you will finally correct them and remember them. Soon you will start to become fluent.
A.for example
D.what’s more
A.fall behind
B.show up
C.go away
D.lose heart
A.such as
B.because of
C.instead of
D.as a result of
If Mickey Mouse slips (滑倒)on a banana skin on TV, viewers laugh. But for ordinary people, falling is not   36 . For example, if you   37 over a stone or fall off your bike, you have to take days to get well. For   38 people, the result of a fall could be worse.
Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, wanted to know why some people are   39 likely to fall than others.
The researchers found that   40 means more than planting your feet on the ground and standing tall. Your brain   41 your sense of balance with information from your eyes and inner ears and the   42 from your feet and legs. If something goes wrong with any of these, you’re   43  to fall. People   44 to fall more often as they grow older because their senses are slower.
State of mind is important too. The research shows that when people know they’re walking on a slippery surface, they   45 their pace and walk with flatter feet. As a result, they fall less often.
“We actually   46 people slip and fall,” researcher Mark Redfern said. People of different ages fall on   47 in his lab. Cameras   48 their falls and a computer analyzes the information. Scientists then can   49 people who fall often how to be more watchful.
“If they get   50 to a lifelike but controlled environment, people can   51 learn to handle the   52 thing,” Redfern said.
Falls happen to everyone sometimes.   53 you see someone fall, think about why and offer a helping   54 . This person’s painful experience may   55 you from falling at the same place.
A.Even ifB.While C.As far asD.Next time
Man has a big brain. He can think, learn and speak. Scientists thought that men are different from animals because they can think and learn. They know now that dogs, cats and birds can learn too. They are beginning to understand that. They make noises when they are afraid, or angry or unhappy. Apes(猿) can understand some things more quickly than human, one or two of them have learnt a few words. But they can not join words to make sentences. They can not think like us because they have no language. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been able to build a modern world because he has language. Every child can speak his own language very well when he is four or five, —but no animal learns to speak. How do children learn it ? Scientists do not really know. What happens inside our body when we speak? They do not know. They only know that man can speak because he has a brain.
小题1:The best title for this passage is          .
A.Animal’s LanguageB.Man and ApeC.Brain and languageD.Man’s Brain
小题2:Men are different from animals in the way that           .
A.men can understand things quicklyB.men can learn
C.men have learnt to use languageD.men have brains
小题3:An ape can not           .
A.make noisesB.understand thingsC.learn wordsD.speak like man
小题4:Scientists now know            .
A.how children learn to speakB.why apes can learn a few words
C.man’s brain helps him to learn to speakD.what happens when men speak
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true ?
A.Some animals can learn.B.Apes can understand some things more quickly than men.
C.Apes can put the words they know together.
D.Apes have no language though they can learn some words

Most dog owners feel that their dogs are their best friends. Almost everyone likes dogs because they try hard to please their owners. One of my favorite stories is about a dog who wanted his owner to please him.
  One of my friends has a large German shepherd ( 牧羊狗) named Jack. Every Sunday afternoon, my friend takes Jack for a walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.
  One Sunday afternoon, a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time, and he talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk, but the visitor didn’t leave. Jack became very worried about his walk in the park. He walked around the room several times and then sat down directly in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention. He continued talking. Finally, Jack couldn’t stand it any longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he held the man’s hat in his mouth.
  German shepherds aren’t the only intelligent dogs. Another intelligent dog is a Seeing Eye dog. This is a special dog which helps blind people walk along the streets and do many other things. We call these dogs Seeing Eye dogs because they are the “eye” of the blind people and they help them to “see”. Seeing Eye dogs generally go to special schools for several years to learn to help blind people.
36. The writer tells the story about the dog Jack to show that____.
  A. it always tried to please its master like many other dogs
  B. it always wanted its master to please it unlike many other dogs
  C. it was more intelligent than many other dogs
  D. it was the most faithful dog of his friend’s
37. Jack came to sit in front of the visitor in order to______.
A. please him     B. be pleased    C. ask him to leave immediately   D. invite him for a walk
38. The underlined sentence “Finally, Jack couldn’t stand it any longer.” Means______.
  A. Jack could no longer put up with the visitor
  B. Jack could no longer stand but he might sit down
  C. Jack was very tired and wanted a rest
  D. Jack was very angry with the owner
39. Seeing the dog holding his hat in its mouth, the visitor would probably______.
A. think the dog was foolish and boring
B. kicked the dog away by himself
C. beat the dog in front of its owner
D. get up and say good-bye to his friend
40. Which of the following titles would be the best for the passage?
A. Dogs─A Great Help to People
B. Dogs ─ Our Faithful Friend
C. An Introduction to Dogs
D. Famous Dogs in Germany
According to some talk, the younger generation in Smithville is the most antisocial in history. This seems far from the truth. Young people today as a whole are better, more informed, more ambitious, healthier, and more smart than ever before. Why then, it may be asked, do we see such restlessness and such antisocial behavior among our young people?
For the answer the citizens of this community must look at themselves. What have they done to the grounds that have been built in the last fifteen years? How many swimming pools are there? How many vocational training projects have been started? How many community – organized youth parties and picnics have been held?
The average citizen will answer that the responsibility for these activities belongs to the schools. But the schools cannot be held responsible for all the free – time activities of all the young people of this community. The job of the schools is formal education, not free – time recreation(娱乐).
This community needs a youth center suitable for such activities as picnics, camping, sports, music, art and so on. There should be social and recreational activities to meet the needs and interests of every member of our school age youth.
Mayor Elmo D. Greely has proposed the formation of a Youth Club as the first step in the direction of a Youth Center. Mayor Greely has called a meeting at the City Hall on Friday, August 15, at noon.
Giving up a lunch hour is a very little sacrifice for a project that can be of great importance to this community.
This newspaper urges every adult and young person of Smithville to attend this important meeting. We believe our industrial, business, and professional leaders have an especially strong duty to be present.
This newspaper will be present and intends to support this project with vigor.
小题1:The underlined word “antisocial” probably means “           ”.
A.opposed to an orderly society or way of lifeB.promising
C.suitable to present societyD.having a lot of social experience
小题2:What does the writer think of the sentence “The younger generation in Smithville is the most
antisocial in history.”?
A.He thinks it is true.B.He thinks it is not true.
C.He thinks it is partially true.D.He thinks it is nonsense.
小题3:The main idea of Paragraphs 2 and 3 is                 .
A.to give us lots of questions to show that problem is serious.
B.that school should hold the responsibility for education rather than free – time recreation.
C.to analyze the reasons why the youth are antisocial.
D.that we should take more activities or start many vocational projects.

第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分)
A lot of us lose life's tough battles by starting a frontal attack--when a touch of humor might well enable us to win. Consider the case of a young friend of mine, who was on his trapped way to work shortly after receiving an ultimatum(最后通牒) about the job. Although there was a good reason for Sam's being late--serious illness at home--he decided that this by-now-familiar excuse wouldn't work any longer. His supervisor was probably already pacing up and down preparing a dismissal speech.
Yes, the boss was, Sam entered the office at 9:35. The place was as quiet as a locker room; everyone was hard at work. Sam's supervisor came up to him. Suddenly, Sam forced a grin and stretched out his hand. "How do you do!" he said. "I'm Sam Maynard. I'm applying for a job, which, I understand, became available just 35 minutes ago. Does the early bird get the worm?"
The room exploded in laughter, except that the supervisor had to clamp off a smile and walked back to his office. Sam Maynard had saved his job--with the only tool that could win, a laugh.
Humor is a most effective, yet frequently neglected, means of handling the difficult situations in our lives. It can be used for patching up differences, apologizing, saying "no", criticizing, getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face. For some jobs, it's the only tool that can succeed. It is a way to discuss subjects so sensitive that serious dialog may start a quarrel. For example, many believe that comedians on television are doing more today for racial and religious tolerance than people in any other forum.
51. Why was Sam late for his job?
A. Because he was seriously ill at home.           B. Because he received an ultimatum.
C. Because he was busy applying for a new job.  D. Because he was caught in a traffic jam.
52. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Sam Maynard saved his job with humor     B. Humor is important in our lives
C. Early bird can get the worm               D. Humor can solve racial discriminations
53. The phrase "clamp off" in Paragraph 3 means       .
A. try to hold back    B. pretend to set      C. send off         D. give out
54. Which of the following statements can we infer from the passage?
A. Many lose life's battles for they are always late.
B. Sam was supposed to come to his office at 8:30.
C. It wasn't the first time that Sam came late for his work.
D. Humor is the most effective way of solving problems.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)
Suppose you want to buy some new clothes or a new TV. Or maybe you need some work done on your car. How can you find the best price without shopping all over town?Ads can help you. Ads can show you lots of prices. And you don’t have to go anywhere to see them. Just open a newspaper or magazine, and you’ll find plenty of ads. The following is an ad about TV sets for sale.
(   )41. How many different kinds of TV sets does the store advertise here?
A. Six.        B. Five. C. Four.       D. Three.
(   )42. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the ad?
A. The lowest price is a little more than $300.
B. You can buy any kind of TV set on July 14th.
C. The larger the screen is, the higher the price will be.
D. The service time is 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day except Monday.
(   )43. Which is NOT mentioned in the ad?
A. The name of the store.                    
B. The address of the store.
C. The deadline (最后期限) for TV sales.       
D. The postcode (邮编) of the place where the store is.
(   )44. What can ads do for us according to the passage?
A. They can help us cut down the prices before shopping.
B. They can show us plenty of prices after shopping all over town.
C. They can help us learn about the quality of the advertised things.
D. They can help us find the best price without shopping everywhere.

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Free Parking/Exercise Gym/No Smoking Rooms/ No Pets Allowed/Indoor Pool/Restaurant/Wheelchair Access
Ramada Inn Anchorage Downtown AK★★★
115 East 3rd Avenue
Anchorage, AK99501
Nightly Rates: $ 79. 00~ $ 99.00
Located in the heart of downtown Anchorage, minutes away from shopping and restaurants, the Ramada Anchorage Downtown offers free shuttle service to/from the Anchorage International Airport and Downtown Railroad Depot, free High-speed Wireless Internet throughout the hotel and a free 24-hour fitness center. Free local paper and free USA Today are available.
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Howard Johnson Anchorage★★★
239 West 4th Avenue
Anchorage, AK99501
Nightly Rates: $ 219.00~ $ 225.00
We are a 246 Room Full Service Hotel Centrally located downtown Anchorage, with free Parking, an Indoor Swimming Pool, and all Exercise Room. And you will find shopping within walking distance.
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Best Western Golden Lion Hotel★★★
1000 East 36th Avenue
Anchorage, AK99508
Nightly Rates: $150~ $190
The Best Western Golden Lion is conveniently located in Midtown Anchorage. Close to shopping, hospitals, theaters, government offices, and the University of Alaska. The Golden Lion is a full service hotel with restaurant, fitness room, and business center.
Fitness Center/Beauty Shop/Elevators/Fishing/Free Parking/Free Local Telephone Calls/No Smoking Rooms/Skiing/Pets Allowed
60. A disabled person with a wheelchair can choose __________.
A. Clarion Suites Hotel Anchorage           B. Ramada Inn Anchorage Downtown AK
C. Howard Johnson Anchorage              D. Best Western Golden Lion Hotel
61. How much money will you and your pet spend for two nights at least?
A. $ 486.           B. $158.           C. $ 438.           D. $ 300.
62. If you want to be woken up, you should choose __________.
A. Clarion Suites Hotel Anchorage           B. Ramada Inn Anchorage Downtown AK
C. Howard Johnson Anchorage             D. Best Western Golden Lion Hotel
63. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Free Newspapers are offered by Best Western Golden Lion Hotel.
B. Howard Johnson Anchorage has a Beauty Shop.
C. The guests can ski in Clarion Suites Hotel Anchorage.
D. Ramada Inn Anchorage Downtown AK offers free local telephone call

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