
I always pay attention to the first impression I leave upon strangers. However, I have  16 that no stranger cares much about what you have done.

It was Saturday. I was very excited after a week’s hard study. What was more, my former classmate and best friend was coming to visit me.

When dusk   17   near, my friend appeared on time. We decided to have supper together and went to a restaurant. To my astonishment, many people were   18   at us as if we were monsters from another planet. I looked myself up and down but found nothing was   19  . When I cast my eyes at my friend, suddenly I realized what had happened: I was with a boy   20  .

My friend also noticed it. We looked at each other and smiled.  21  , people kept staring at us throughout our meal   22   the strange atmosphere made me uncomfortable.

During the meal, I   23  that my friend finish as fast as possible so that we could get out of such an embarrassing situation.

Suddenly my friend noticed another classmate passing by the   24   and he rose to his feet to   25   him. But he was in such a hurry that he knocked down the table, leading to the hot soup pouring all over me. What was more, his voice caught people’s   26   again. The   27   on their faces showed that they were laughing at us.

How embarrassed I was! My face turned red and I wished I could find a hole to   28   in. as quickly as possible, I rushed out of the restaurant.

My friend   29   and he caught up with me when I was so tired that I had to stop. But he was so   30   that it surprised me.

“Don’t be too   31   what people think about you”, he said to me. “In fact, to many   32  , you are just a passing figure, like a piece of cloud in the sky, which will disappear in no   33  . Nobody knows who you are. You can just be yourself.”

Yes, he is right. No one in the restaurant actually knew who I was. I should just be myself and   34   others’ prejudices aside.

Life is a long road and we need not make so much fuss of (大惊小怪)  35   things, or it is too tiring.

A. recognized                B. realized                     C. guessed                    D. predicted

A. ended                       B. fell                           C. stood                       D. drew

A. staring                            B. smiling                     C. speaking                   D. aiming

A. new                         B. lost                          C. wrong                      D. fresh

A. completely                B. separately                 C. lonely                       D. alone 

A. Meaningfully             B. Therefore                 C. However                  D. Similarly

A. but                          B. while                        C. or                            D. and

A. called                       B. suggested                 C. thought                    D. whispered

A. shop                        B. bank                        C. restaurant                 D. school

A. stop                         B. join                          C. prevent                    D. hold

A. laugh                       B. worry                      C. thought                    D. attention

A. joy                           B. expression                C. disappointment          D. appearance

A. live                          B. sleep                        C. hide                         D. wait

A. finished                    B. followed                   C. completed                D. stopped

A. calm                        B. excited                     C. pleased                     D. angry

A. curious about            B. surprised at               C. nervous about           D. interested in

A. customers                B. strangers                  C. classmates                D. waiters

A. time                         B. hurry                       C. wait                         D. line

A. manage                    B. gather                      C. make                       D. leave

A. tiny                          B. incredible                  C. additional                  D. interesting

BDACD   CDBCA          DBCBA        CBADA





认真阅读下面对话, 并根据各题所给的首字母的提示,在标有题号的右边横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。

M: Hi, Rebecca, haven’t seen you for (76) y_____! You seem to have lost a lot  76. _________

in the weight.

W: Yes, I have. I have been on a (77) d______ and exercising a lot.            77. ________

M: There will be a baseball game in the stadium this afternoon. Would you

like to (78) w ______ it ?                                           78. ________

W: No, I think baseball games are (79) b______.                           79. _________

M: Do you like volleyball?

W: Yes, I do, but I (80) p   ___ soccer to volleyball.                       80. _________

M: Did you (81) e___  _ play soccer in high school?                      81. _________

W: Yes, I was on the school team. We were required to (82) p______ four      82. ________

hours a day.

M: Did you often play (83) a______ other school and play well?             83. _________

W: Yes, we often did. We almost always won the championship.

M: You (84) m______ have had very good teamwork.                      84. _________

W: Yes, we did. Teamwork is the most (85) i______ element(因素)in winning.  85. __________






D="David     " P=Peter

D: Peter , ten years ago you wanted to become a doctor . . .

P: Yeah , but unfortunately I didn’t (76)m       the requirements .

D: So what did you do then ?

P: Well , I was very (77) d       , but I just had to move on and do something else with my life . So I took a year off and worked as a volunteer on an aid program . That made me realize (78)h       important it is to raise money to help people (79)l       a poor life . So that’s what I do .

D: Can you explain a bit more about what you (80)a       do ?

P: I go to see people , put (81)f       our suggestion and organize activities to collect money .

D: So have you (82)a_____any of your goals ?

P: Well , I guess so . I always said I wanted to help (83)o       people .

D: And what about your plan for the (84)f       ?

P: My girlfriend and I intend to get married next year .

D: (85)C_____!






80.            81.           

82.            83.           




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