
【题目】The strike may hold __________ production of cars for several months__________ a great loss.

A. out; cause B. up; causing

C. out; causing D. up; cause


【解析】句意:罢工可能要耽搁汽车的生产几个月,造成巨大的损失。hold up延迟,阻碍;cause造成,导致。由句意知选B


【题目】It was very cold and I had been watching a homeless man make himself comfortable in a shelter on the river bank. His shelter was a tarpaulin (油布) tied to rocks to keep the wind from blowing it away. He had been living there for over a month. I never saw him with warm clothing or food. I knew what I wanted to do.

When I told my parents what I wanted to do they were alarmed. They said I could be putting myself at risk, taking a box to a homeless person at night! But I knew, in my deep heart, that I would be safe.

I got a box. My parents watched as I added warm gloves, a heavy blanket ... into the box until it was full! Then, I put a Christmas card on top. It said, Even though we hardly know each other, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas! I put ten one-dollar bills inside it as well.

My father insisted he went there with me as it was 10 pm on Christmas Eve. I said he could drive me but he had to stay in the car. He agreed.

I took the box and walked towards his “house”. I called, “Sir, I have a Christmas box for you!”

“Go away!” he shouted.

“Sir,” I repeated.

“Go away!” he shouted.

“Why?” I asked him.

He walked over and I expected to see an angry face. Instead I saw two of the most beautiful, gentle, blue eyes I have ever seen.

“Merry Christmas!” I said.

“Why are you doing this?” he asked.

“Because you matter to me,” I said. With that I gave him the box.

Tears came to his eyes and he thanked me. I got back to the car and watched him carry the box like it was filled with gold. I didnt want to embarrass (使困窘) him by watching him any more so Dad and I left.

【1】The underlined word “alarmed” can best be replaced by _____.

A. pleased B. worried

C. disappointed D. surprised

【2】Why did the author ask his father to stay in the car?

A. Because he wanted to prove he was brave.

B. Because he believed the homeless man was bad.

C. Because he wanted to protect his father from being hurt.

D. Because he didn’t want the homeless man to feel bad.

【3】When the homeless man saw the author first, he was _____.

A. quite angry B. very excited

C. quite puzzled D. very curious

【4】The author’s purpose in writing the text is to tell readers that _____.

A. it is easier said than done

B. poverty is the mother of health

C. where there is a will, there is a way

D. a willing helper does not wait until he is asked

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