






A day I happened to find a chatting room on the internet, where people were chatting on English. I tried to chat with some of them. To my surprised, I found the fact that the spoken English of some junior students were better than mine. I asked them for an advice and they told me to practise more on QQ. What I wish I could speak English as good as these fellows! Therefore, every day after that I would spend one hour practise my spoken English on QQ. Day by day I learned many good and use words and expression. With time going by, I found that I could even communicate with some college students freely.

【答案】1. A→One

2. on→in

3.surprised →surprise

4. were→was


6. What→ how

7.good →well

8. practise→practising


10. expression →expressions

【解析】第一处:考察代词,有一天我进入一个网络聊天室,某一天one day,位于句首,第一个字母大写。故要将A改为One.

第二处:考察介词,聊天室人们用英语聊天, “用英语”应该用介词in English,故要把on改为in .

第三处:考察名词,我惊讶的发现,有些中学生口语比我好。to one’s surprise 令某人惊讶,故要将surprised 改为surprise。


第五处:考察冠词,我想他们寻求学英语的建议。“建议” advice是不可数名词,故要将an去掉.

第六处:考察虚拟语气引导词,我多希望自己的口语和小伙伴们一样好呀。How引导虚拟语气,位于句首首字母要大写。,故要将What改为 How.

第七处:考察副词,我多希望自己的口语和小伙伴们一样好呀用副词“好”修饰动词“说”,故要将good 改为well.



第十处:考察名词单复数,我学会了很多有用的词汇和短语, “词汇”和“短语”并列,很多的短语”,名词应该用复数形式。故要将expression 改为expressions。


【题目】Auckland is New Zealand’s largest urban area with a population of just over a million people. It is not, however, the capital, although it was at one time, until the capital moved to Wellington. Auckland is the center of commerce and industry, and is perhaps the most energetic, prosperous and multicultural city in New Zealand.

The city’s landscape is decided by volcanic hills, the twin harbors, bays, beaches and islands. Its nickname “the city of sails” is very suitable. Auckland has more boats for each person than anywhere else in the world.

Auckland has many volcanic hills, many of which currently afford great views of the city. And Auckland’s geography is such that shiny waters seem to attract people from every point. It is a water lovers’ best place, with some of the best beaches, swimming, diving, fishing, sailing, windsurfing and water sports in the country.

Wellington is the capital city of New Zealand. It is also the cultural, administrative and political center of the country. Two aspects of the city that will immediately strike any visitor are the harbor and hilly landscape. Everywhere you go, the sounds and the smell of the ocean hang in the air, and green hills and valleys wrap you in a bear-hug embrace. At night, Wellington offers a spectacular, shimmering(闪闪发光的) cityscape that is unlike almost anywhere else in the world. Even after seeing it for a hundred times, it takes your breath away.

Wellington is a scenic, windy and diverse place. It has some of the best museums, art galleries, restaurants, and coffee houses in the country. It is the storehouse for the nation’s historic, cultural and artistic treasures. Being the first place where European settlers arrived, it also boasts lots of historic streets and buildings.

Wellington is host to an excellent Festival of the Arts every two years.

1What would be the best title for the passage?

A. The Landscape of New Zealand B. The Capital of New Zealand

C. Auckland and Wellington D. Welcome to New Zealand

2Auckland is the best city in New Zealand for people to ______________.

A. study New Zealand culture B. see green hills

C. visit historic streets and buildings D. do water sports

3What’s the author’s attitude towards the cityscape in Wellington?

A. Critical B. Neutral

C. Preferable D. Indifferent

【题目】The biggest challenge faced by travelers especially those who like to have a hiking trip is how to ensure a steady supply of clean clothes. Now, thanks to a great invention called Scrubba Wash Pack, that worry may be a thing of the past.

The portable(手提的) washing machine was invented by Ash Newland in 2010, while planning to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. Struck by the limited packing space, he got inspiration(灵感) from traditional washboards to create a bag that could be used to clean clothes. Then he gave up his career as a lawyer and focused on perfecting the bag’s design. By 2012, the bag was ready for the public. It weighed only 180 grams and required very little storage space, making it perfect for anyone wishing to travel light.

Not surprisingly, the bag worth 55 dollars was an instant hit with travelers, university students and even passengers. However, Newland was not satisfied. He still saw a flaw(缺点) with his invention – dirty clothes had to be carried around in a separate bag! The recently introduced Scrubba Wash Pack solves that problem.

In order to make the pack active, dirty clothes are placed inside the bag along with two to three liters of water. The bag is then shut tightly to ensure all air is squeezed out(挤出去) and the clothes are massaged for a few minutes. After a quick wash, they are clean and ready to be dried. According to Newland, the pack can clean anything from jeans to smelly socks! What’s even more amazing is that with a capacity to hold 13-liters of water, it can be used to wash more clothes at a time.

The best part is that the 99-dollar pack that will be available for sale later this year, only weighs 300 grams and is completely foldable, making it easy to store when it’s not in use. With the Scrubba Wash Pack, wandering through foreign cities searching for a washing shop, or paying for washing machines may soon be a thing of the past!

1What led Ash Newland to create the Scrubba Wash Bag?

A. His job requirements. B. His personal experience.

C. His interest in invention. D. A traditional washboard.

2Why wasn’t Ash Newland satisfied with his former invention?

A. The invention was not so convenient.

B. Clothes couldn’t be washed well.

C. The bag couldn’t contain enough water.

D. The cost of the invention was very high.

3It can be inferred that the improved Wash Pack ______.

A. turns to be much environmentally friendlier

B. will replace the traditional washing machines

C. can encourage more people to travel a long distance

D. will be widely used by more travelers in the future

4What is the passage mainly about?

A. Introducing a great new invention.

B. Explaining the development of backpack

C. Listing some common problems for travelers.

D. Comparing two kinds of washing machines.


Two of the hardest things to accomplish in this world are to acquire wealth by honest effort and, having gained it, to learn how to use it properly. Recently I walked into the locker room of a rather well-known golf club after finishing a round. It was in the late afternoon and most of the members had left for their homes. But a half-dozen or so men past middle age were still seated at tables talking aimlessly and drinking more than was good for them. These same men can be found there day after day, and, strangely enough, each one of these men had been a man of affairs and wealth, successful in business and respected in the community if material prosperity were the chief necessity for happiness, then each one should have been happy. Yet, it seemed to me, something very important was missing, or else there would not have been the constant effort to escape the realities of life through Scotch and soda. They knew, each one of them, that their productivity had ceased(停止).When a fruit tree ceases to bear its fruit, it is dying. And it is even so with man.

What is the answer to a long and happy existence in this world of ours? I think I found it long ago in a passage from the book of Genesis which caught my eye while I was looking through my Bible. The words were few, but they became memorably impressed on my mind:“In the sweat of the face shall you eat the bread.

To me, that has been a challenge from my earliest recollections (memories). In fact, the battle of life, of existence, is a challenge to everyone. The immortal words of St. Paul, too, have been and always will be a great inspiration to me. At the end of the road I want to be able to feel that I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith.

【1】Which of the following is indicated in the first paragraph?

A. Wealth results from honest effort.

B.The men seated at tables in the locker room are lost in the significance of life.

C.For some people, no way can be found to escape the realities of life other than Scotch and soda.

D.The men acquire wealth by planting fruit trees.

【2】 The underlined sentence “In the sweat of the face shall you eat the bread” means “________”.

A. Bread tastes delicious when sweat pours off your face

B.No pains, no gains

C.Failure is the mother of success

D.Bread comes from the sweat on your face

【3】We learn from the passage that the author ________.

A.was a wealthy person in the community

B.held a positive attitude towards an active life

C.was fond of associating with celebrities (名人)

D.kept a secret of the reason why he was so impressed

【4】What is implied in the passage by the writer?

A.To use wealth properly, eat, drink and be merry.

B.Where there is a will, there is a way.

C.As life is but like a dream, a man is like a fruit tree.

D.If you cease to struggle, you cease to live.

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