
When a magazine for high school students asked its readers what life would be like in twenty years, they said: Machines would be run by solar power. Buildings would rotate(旋转)so they could follow the sun to take maximum advantage of its light and heat. Walls would “give light” and “change color with the push of a button.” Food would be replaced by pills. School would be taught by electrical impulse(电脉冲)while we sleep. Cars would have radar(雷达). Does this sound like the year 2000? Actually, this article was written in 1958 and the question was, “what will life be like in 1978?

The future is much too important to simply guess about, the way the high school students did, so experts are regularly asked to predict accuately. By carefully studying the present, skilled businessmen, scientists, and politicians are supposedly able to figure out in advance what will happen. But can they? One expert on Cities wrote: Cities of the future would not be crowded, but would have space for farms and fields. People would travel to work in “airbuses”, large all-weather helicopters carrying up to 200 passengers. When a person left the airbus station he could drive a coin-operated car equipped with radar. The radar equipment of cars would make traffic accidents “almost unheard of”. Does that sound familiar? If the expert had been accurate it would, because he was writing in 1957. His subject was “The city of 1982”.

If the professionals sometimes sound like high school students, it’s probably because future study is still a new field. But economic forecasting, or predicting what the economy will do, has been around for a long time. It should be accuate, and generally it is. But there have been some big mistakes in the field, too. In early 1929, most forecasters saw an excellent future for the stock market. In October of that year, the stock market had its worst losses ever, ruining thousands of investors who had put their faith in financial foreseers.

One forecaster knew that predictions about the future would always be subject to significant error. In 1957, H.J. Rand of the Rad corporation was asked about the year 2000, “Only one thing is certain,” he answered. “Children born today will have reached the age of 43.”

1.How many examples does the author offer to describe the future life?

A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six

2.The high school students’ answers to “What would life be like in 1978?” sound __________.

A. accurate B. imaginative C. correct D. foolish

3.In the second paragraph, the writer gives examples to show _________.

A. predicting about the future can be done in a humorous way

B. no predictions are based on careful research

C. experts are always better than others in figuring out what the future will be like

D. forecasting the future is not an easy job even for experts in this field

4.From the third paragraph we can learn that _________.

A. economy forecasting is rather a new field

B. experts began economy forecasting in 1929

C. the predictions about economic situation caused the investors to lose lots of money

D. good, accurate forecasting helped the stock market overcome the difficulties

5.H.J.Rand’s prediction about the year 2000 shows that ________.

A. it is easy to figure out in advance what will happen

B. it is difficult to figure out in advance what will happen

C. only professionals can figure out in advance what will happen

D. very few professionals figure out in advance what will happen
















Spanish explorers called them Las Encantadas, the Enchanted Isles, and Charles Darwin used his studies of the islands as the foundation for his theory of natural selection. The Galapagos are among the world's most important scientific treasures, a group of volcanic islands surrounded by deserted beaches and inhabited by unique varieties of giant tortoise, lizards, and birds.
Yet life on this United Nations world heritage site has turned sour. Battles have broken out between fishermen and conservationists. Ecuador, which owns the islands, has sent a naval patrol (海军巡逻队) to put down disturbances.
The controversial director of the Galapagos National Park—which controls 97 percent of Galapagos land and the reserve extending to 40 miles offshore—has been fired, while an air of uneasy tension hangs over the islands, as the islanders prepare for election when they pick their representatives in Ecuador’s national assembly.
“It’s a very tense situation,” said Leonor Stjepic, director of the London-based Galapagos Conservation Trust, which raises money to help projects on the islands. “We are watching it with concern.”
The violence has been triggered by an alarming growth in the islands’ population. Puerto Ayora, on Santa Cruz island, housed just 45 inhabitants in the 50s. Today there are more than 10,000, while the islands' total population is more than 19,000 and growing by 6 percent a year, despite recently introduced a law to limit waves of immigrants fleeing the poor areas of Ecuador for a life “in paradise (天堂)”. On top ofthis, more than 100,000 tourists visit the islands every year.
Such numbers have put the islands, special ecology under intense pressure. Conservationists backed by the Ecuador government, have replied by exercising strict controls to protect the islands* iguanas, blue-footed boobies, and giant tortoises.
These moves have angered many local people, however. They want to exploit (开发利用) the islands’ waters and catch its protected species of sharks, lobsters and sea cucumbers, which can fetch high prices in Japan and South Korea.
Angry fishermen surrounded the Charles Darwin research station on Santa Cruz last February, threatened to kill Lonesome George—the last surviving member of the Pinta Island species of the Galapagos giant tortoise.
The situation got improved after the Ecuador government made concessions (让步) by increasing fishing quotas (配额), which angered conservationists. “It is tragic, the short-term gain of a few fishermen versus the long-term survival of the Galapagos,” said John McCosker of the California Academy of Sciences. “They are killing the golden goose.”
Then, the Ecuador government appointed Fausto Cepeda as the national park's new director, a post that has become a political football for the mainland government. There have been nine directors in the past 18 months.
This appointment was particularly controversial, however. Cepeda was known to have close ties with the fishing industry, and the rangers (管理员),who run the national park and reserve, rebelled.
More than 300 staged a sit-in at the park’s headquarters and prevented Cepeda from taking up his post. A battle broke out, and at least two people suffered serious injuries. Eventually, Cepeda—with the fishermen’s help- entered the park. “I am in office, i am in control. And I am trying to lower the tension,” he announced.
The Ecuador government took no chances, and sent a patrol boat to maintain the peace. A few days later, Ecuador Environment Minister Fabian Valdivicso met representatives of rangers. After discussions, he told newspapers that he had decided to remove Cepeda from the post.
However, as the population continues to rise, the long-term pressures on the islands are serious and will not disappear that easily.
“We have to balance its special environment with the needs of local people. In that sense, it is a microcosm (缩影) for all the other threatened parts of the world. So getting it right here is going to be a very, very important trick to pull off,” said Stjepic.
1.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 5 refer to?

A. The island’s swelling population.

B. The law to limit waves of immigrants.

C. A life in paradise.

D. The tourists’ visiting the islands every year.

2.How significant were the islands for Charles Darwin?

A. He based his theory on his studies there.

B. He built the Charles Darwin research center there.

C. He advocated the balance between ecology and people there.

D. He found the last surviving giant tortoise there.

3.What is the primary contributing factor to the conflict between conservationists and fishermen?

A. The dismissal of the previous director of the Galapagos National Park.

B. The exploitation of the islands.

C. The government's support of Galapagos Conservation Trust.

D. Cepeda’s close tie with the fishing industry.

4.We can learn from the passage that _______.

A. the projects of Galapagos Conservation Trust on the islands are profitable

B. conservationists get angry when fishermen are killing a goose

C. politicians from the mainland government play football on the islands

D. the government is trying to ease the tension

5.In Paragraph 13, what does the author mean by “The Ecuador government took no chances”?

A. The government did not seize opportunities.

B. The government made no compromises.

C. The government did not run risks.

D. The government shrank from responsibilities.



The officials in the White House and CIA (中央情报局)are rejecting Edward Snowden's beg for mercy. “Mr. Snowden has been against the U.S. law,” White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer said on Sunday about the former systems analyst who has turned fugitive (逃亡者) in Russia. “He should return to the US and face the justice and judgment, and there is no possibility for mercy and forgiveness.”

However, many people support Snowden and a sociology professor Svallfors in Sweden has recommended Snowden for the Nobel Peace Prize for his “heroic effort at great personal cost” disclosing the spying conducted by the National Security Agency of United States. He wrote, “Because of his bravery, Snowden helped to make the world a little bit better and safer”.

It may be too late for Snowden to receive the award this year, but the nomination should be taken seriously by the Nobel Prize committee for next year’s prize. If Snowden is awarded the prize in 2014, he would be the youngest Nobel Peace Winner in the history of the prize.



2.以约120词发表你对“Information Security”的看法,内容包括:













Years ago,there was a very wealthy man who,with his devoted young son,shared a passion for art collecting .Together,they traveled around the world,adding only art treasures to their collection.

One year,as winter approached, engulfed(吞没) the nation,and the young man left to in the army.After only a few short weeks,his father received a telegram.His beloved son was in action.The art collector awaited more news, he would never see his son again.Within days,his fears were .The young man had died while rushing a fellow soldier to a doctor.

Upset and ,the old man faced the coming Christmas holidays with sadness.On Christmas morning,a knock on the door awakened the old man.As he opened the door,he was greeted by a with a large package in his hands.

He introduced himself to the old man by saying,“I was a of your son .I was the one he was when he died.May I come in for a few moments? I have something to show you.”

As the two began to ,the soldier told of how the man’s son had told everyone of his,not to mention his father’s, of fine art.“I am no ,”said the soldier,“but I want to give you this.”

As the old man unwrapped the package ,he saw a portrait (画像)of his son.Though the world would consider it the work of a genius,the painting featured the young man’s face detail.

Overcome with emotion,the man the soldier.After the soldier had left,the old man put the painting above the fireplace,pushing thousands of dollars worth of art.His task completed,the old man sat in his chair and spent Christmas gazing at the he had been given.

1.A.poorest B.richest C.finest D.cheapest

2.A.flood B.fire C.storm D.war

3.A.save B.protect C.serve D.build

4.A.missing B.acting C.fighting D.dying

5.A.calmly B.anxiously C.quietly D.secretly

6.A.fearing B.doubting C.wondering D.expecting

7.A.completed B.doubled C.removed D.confirmed

8.A.nervous B.tired C.lonely D.frightened

9.A.sad B.puzzled C.angry D.worried

10.A.farmer B.soldier C.painter D.seller

11.A.guard B.photographer C.partner D.friend

12.A.rescuing B.commanding C.guarding D.hiding

13.A.argue B.move C.talk D.eat

14.A.description B.love C.sense D.understanding

15.A.artist B.businessman C.hero D.reporter

16.A.sometimes B.never C.often D.still

17.A.for B.of C.in D.on

18.A.thanked B.questioned C.welcomed D.treated

19.A.down B.up C.aside D.off

20.A.treasure B.gift C.souvenir D.package


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