
8.The top ten hottest English words in 2015
Selfie(自拍) is"taking a photo by yourself",Now"taking a selfie"is generally a way of self-expression.
Budget wife is the opposite of budget husband(经济适用男).By name,you can see that the economy strength of budget male is not strong as the"diamond man"(钻石男),but he is both economically and emotionally  reliable.
Phubbing refers to impolite behavior that in social situations people don't pay attention to the people around,but just look at the  mobile phones,we can call it"down".People are called phubber"down"(低头族).
Bromeo(男闺蜜) are male girlfriends.He is one of your most loyal friends,will support you in every situation.
"Fangirl"or"fanboy"(脑残粉) refers to those who are crazy about something or a star,even to the point of sanity.
Gayriage(基婚) refers to two people of equal gender form of marriage.Two men to get married,the marriage is called gayriage.
Mompetition,it is the competition between mothers,comparing whose child is more beautiful,more smarter,more fashionable.It can be compared two or more mothers,and the children being compared can be adult.
Social bubble(社交泡沫),which means that some people seem to know many people,but only few people could be friends.After"financial bubble","housing bubble",personal bubbles begin to hit career people.

28.Who will be the most reliable in marriage?B
A.Diamond man    
B.Budget husband    
29.Tom is aA,crazy about selfies.
A.fanboy     B.phubber   
C.bromeo     D.photographer
30.Today's career people meet many problems exceptD.
A.personal bubble   
B.financial bubble   
C.housing bubble   
31.What will the text talk about next?C
A.The use of the hottest words     
B.The way of picking the hottest words
C.The ninth top hottest words      
D.The effect of the hottest words.

分析 本文主要介绍2015年最流行的十大英语热点词语.

解答 28--31 BADC
28.B 细节理解题.根据第二段By name,you can see that the economy strength of budget male is not strong as the"diamond man",but he is both economically and emotionally  reliable可知,由名字可以看出,经济适用男的经济实力不如那些"钻石男",但这种平凡却能保证稳定.故选B.
29.A 细节理解题.根据"Fangirl"or"fanboy"(脑残粉) refers to those who are crazy about something or a star,even to the point of sanity可知,"脑残粉"指的是那些极度痴迷于某事物或某明星的粉丝,甚至狂热到失去理智的地步.故选A.
30.D 细节理解题.根据最后一段After"financial bubble","housing bubble",personal bubbles begin to hit career people可知,在"金融泡沫"、"房产泡沫"之后,"人际泡沫"开始冲击职场人士.故选D.
31.C 细节理解题.本文主要介绍2015年最流行的十大英语热点词语,但只讲了八个,下文应是介绍第九个.故选C.

点评 历史文化类阅读理解文章属高考常选材料之一.这类文章常涉及历史、文化、法制、宗教等方面的文学艺术、发明创造、文化遗产保护、宗教与文化、风俗与习惯、道德与法制、中外文学名著节选、等等.这类材料的命题点往往落在主旨大意题、事实细节题上.

20.If you talk to a man in a language he understands,that goes to his head.If you talk to him in his own language,that goes to his heart.-Nelson Mandela
But learning a language can seem difficult,so I'm going to provide an overview of the general strategy before we get into the specifics.
Here is the breakdown.We'll go more in depth into each of these later on.
1.Get the right resources for learning:a grammar book,memorization software,and films or books.
2.Get a private tutor.You want one for at least a month.I recommend four hours per day.
3.Attempt to speak and think only in the new language.Every time you can't remember a word,put that word into your m emorization software.Practice your vocabulary daily.
4.Find friends,language partners,and other speakers of the language.Once you can have basic conversations with your private tutor,you need to find other partners.If you haven't already,think about moving to the country where the language is spoken.Consider a group class.Practice continuously.Stop speaking English.
That's the basic strategy.Again,this strategy is intensive,because learning a language in three months is a difficult task.If you'd prefer to learn the language more slowly or you don't have the ability to move to a new country and practice 4-8 hours a day,the n you can modify the plan.It is extremely important that you practice every day,however-20 minutes a day is much better than once or twice a week.
Some of these concepts are hard to understand through the written word,so I created a video series,just for Zen Habits readers,that teaches the steps to learn a language.Get the Hack The System Language Learning Videos here.
33.The quote in the first paragraph is used toB.
A.let readers study a famous saying
B.introduce the topic of the passage
C.show who is Nelson Mandela
D.tell reader the famous saying of Nelson Mandela
34.The passage is written for readers who speakC.
A.French            B.Chinese          C.English      D.Italian
35.The underlined word"modify"can be replaced by"A".
A.change            B.measure          C.manage       D.destroy.
18.How to prepare for exams?Well,it is a big question that you always ask yourself.
There is no short cut to success,which is the first thing you should remember.For this reason you have to study hard first of all.Besides,here are some tips for you.
Never fear or hate exams and be confident.Some students study well but still may be afraid of exams and due to this reason they won't be able to get good marks.So leave all your fears behind and free your mind before starting your studies.You have to be confident and it is the most important thing for attaining victory.
Prepare a good timetable.Prepare a timetable before starting your studies.This should include all subjects,but tough subjects can be given more time while easier ones less.And remember some time shall be spared for entertainment and also there should be enough break time between each subject.
Select a proper atmosphere for studying.No need to explain this point.Can anyone study well while watching TV?So select a place where you feel comfortable and can concentrate.And importantly it is better to study early in the morning when you will have quiet surroundings and you can concentrate more.
Make notes while studying.This is a very important point.Make small notes while studying can help you remember all the points.It will work better if you use these notes for revision in the last one or two hours than you skip through pages of your textbook.It won't take much time to go through these notes.
Write well.As we all know,the first impression is the best impression.So your handwriting affects your marks.Try to write neatly.If it is not good enough,don't worry; if you present it in a good manner you can score more marks.
1.Which proverb can show the writer's attitude towards our studies?A
A.No pains,no gains.
B.Knowledge is power.
C.It's never too old to learn.
D.Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
2.Why do some students hate exams according to the passage?D
A.Because they think exams are meaningless.
B.Because preparing for exams takes up most of their time.
C.Because there are too many exams at school.
D.Because they don't have enough self-confidence.
3.Why does the writer say"No need to explain this point"in Paragraph 5?B
A.Because it's difficult to explain.
B.Because it's easy to understand.
C.Because we need to study in silence.
D.Because a proper atmosphere can be formed anywhere.

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