
第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

请阅读下列应用文及相关信息, 并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。


A. Beacon of Hope: A Guide to Internal Truth 

It tells the story of an alcoholic who becomes a psychologist and her spiritual journey. It is interesting to hear the story from both that of an alcoholic and an addictionologist. Her voice is very clear. The role of spirituality and recovery is the emphasis of the book. If you are in recovery this book would be helpful. Like an extended story from "Came to Believe".

B. Jonathan Livingston Seagull

HE is just a seagull, but he has inspired millions of people, including US president Barack Obama, basketball superstar Kobe Bryant and late king of pop Michael Jackson.

    The reason why a seagull can have such universal appeal is based on a simple fact. Each of us has the desire to be more than just ordinary. We see in Jonathan our longing for a higher purpose to life. But most of us remain part of the flock since “most gulls don’t bother to learn more than the simplest facts of flight — how to get from shore to food and back again”. With failure, hunger, storms, loneliness and misunderstandings to face, one can easily give up.

C. Yes Man - Movie Tie-In

Recently single, Danny Wallace was falling into loneliness and isolation. Until one day, when a stranger on a bus advised, "Say yes more." At that moment, Wallace vowed to say yes to every offer, invitation, challenge, and chance. For a year.

Soon after resolving to be more open to what the universe had to offer, Danny wins $45,000 and becomes a television executive...and a minister. He gives spare change to anyone who asks. Invents things. Travels the globe. Nods a lot. And finds that romance isn't as complicated as it seems.

Yes Man is inspiring proof that a little willingness can take anyone to the most wonderful of places.

D. Life of Pi

Life of Pi is the story of a 16-year old Indian boy adrift at sea for 227 days with only a dangerous Bengal tiger for a companion. Pi Patel's journey, and survival through the use of his wits and sheer determination, is one that grabs you and never lets go. It's a story that seems both too real and surreal at the same time. Yann Martel is a master story teller and he weaves a tale that is entertaining and thought-provoking and at the end, he challenges you to believe it all. A top-notch read. From our review, "Life of Pi is a delicious treat to savor."

E. Texas Tables

Whether you're entertaining for a party or serving up fast casual meals for the family, this triple-tested Junior League cookbook is a must have, top shelf resource. Harmonized with personal stories and culinary tips, you’ll want to read it first and cook second.


Here’s the story of how a smallish bear from “Darkest Peru” is discovered amid the bicycles and luggage of Paddington Station, in the middle of London, by Mr. and Mrs. Brown who had only planned on picking up their children from school. Luckily for all concerned, the Browns were just the sort of people to welcome a lost bear to their family.

请阅读以下读者的信息, 然后匹配读者与适合他/她们的图书:

66. Brian is frustrated with the people he works with and the job itself. Negative feelings loneliness are making him unhappy. He is expecting to retrieve his energy and passion for life with the help of an inspiring book.

67. Candy’s marriage seems to bring her more trouble than happiness. Her husband is particular about the food she cooks. She thinks she needs some help; hopefully a good cookbook will be her savior.

68. Austin used to have no purpose in life. Now he has realized he shouldn’t go on like this. He wants to read something that may direct him to find a higher purpose to life and live a more meaningful life.

69. Amanda’s summer vacation is on the way. What she wants to do most is to borrow some really interesting adventurous books from the school library to relax herself after a whole term of tiring studies.

70. Andrew used to drink excessively, but the death of his uncle, also an alcoholic, shocked him. He wants to quit drinking and is still struggling. He is dying for something, like a book, to give him some spiritual instructions.


第二节 信息匹配(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)


The Antidepressant Survival Guide: Beat the Side Effects of Your Medication
by Robert J. Hedaya, M.D,
Robert J. Hedaya, M.D., is a clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown University Hospital's Department of Psychiatry.
Motto: Live well.
B.How Fear Limits Us

On Becoming Fearless... in Love, Work, and Life
by Arianna Huffington
Arianna Huffington was raised in Greece by her fearless mother. She has written this book for her two daughters in the hope that they will lead fearless lives.
Motto: Overcome the obstacle, get over the next hill.
C.Determination: How to Set Goals and Go After Them

Fight Your Fear and Win
by Don Greene, Ph.D.
Don Greene, Ph.D., was a nationally ranked high school diver. He was the sports psychologist for the U.S. Olympic Diving Team.
Motto: Determination is drive.
D.The Anger Business

Anger : The Misunderstood Emotion
by Carol Tavris, Ph.D.
Carol Tavris, Ph.D., was senior editor. she now teaches from time to time in the department of psychology at UCLA
Motto: Reduce Stress!
E.In the Presence of Danger

The Gift of Fear
by Gavin de Becker
Davin de Becker, America’s leading expert on violence, is the bestselling author of the Gift of Fear: Survival Signals.
Motto: Trust and act on our straight instincts.
63.This useful, popular book shows that if you are gone broke and lose love, please hold yourself back. If you look fat, just face it calmly. If you are in survival thinking, the most important is that you get rid of all the difficulties in front of us, life will be safe, perfect. If your daughters are to take their rightful place in society, they must become fearless.
64.In this book, the author calls the nation’s leading experts on violent behavior, and shows you how to spot even tiny signs of danger before it’s too late. Most violent acts are unpredictable. It points out that true fear is often a signal that can save your life. Believe the threat of violence surrounds us every day. But we can protect ourselves by straight judgment.
65.This book based on his years of clinical experience. It says about twenty-five million Americans take medicine to avoid depression. Despite the advances in the treatment of depression in recent years, many patients, even with the best medical care, feel that they are not living rich and fulfilling lives. This book will direct you how to survive well.
66.This interesting book tells us that annoyance is as much a political matter as a biological one. And anger is a definite message: Pay attention to me. I don’t like what you are doing. Restore my pride. You’re in my way. Give me justice. This book suggests that when you’re angry, just let it right out.



A. Get well prepared for the job interview

This lecture is given to all students who are to graduate this summer. Professor Yang, the speaker, is an expert in advising job hunters. His talk will benefit you a lot when you go to the interview and help you succeed in getting a good job.

Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m. Tuesday

Place: Lecture Hall No.1, the First Teaching Building

B. History of Christmas and English

The lecture is about the history of Roman religion and the development of English.

Professor Philip will give you handouts to help you understand what he talks, so you can learn history and improve your English listening.

Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m. Tuesday

Place: Classroom 2201, the Second Teaching Building

C. Be an excellent interpreter

To those who are interested in speaking English. Zhou Yang, a very successful interpreter, well-known both at home and abroad for his quick reaction and wonderful spoken English, will come to share his unusual experience with you.

Time: 7:00-10:00 p.m. Wednesday

Place: Lecture Hall No.1, the First Teaching Building

D. How to appreciate the Tang poems

You will learn the background of Tang poems. You can learn the general rules of writing a poem and methods to appreciate different styles of Tang poems, reviewing some very familiar, well-known poems. Professor He from Beijing University will lead you into a wonderful world.

Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m. Thursday

Place: Classroom 2201, the Second Teaching Building

E: Enjoy classical music

Come to the hall to listen to Mr. Zhang. You will listen to some pieces of famous music and learn to enjoy them in a professor way. Two hours from 7:30 to 9:30 Friday.

F. The Internet and English study

Help you explore the Internet, so you will find your English learning easier and more interesting.

Mr. Smith will meet you in the First Building from 7:30 to 9:30 this Friday.


61. Gu Jiewen—A student who is going to graduate this summer is good at speaking English

and hopes to have the chance to communicate with different kinds of people.

62. Guan Yu—A student majors in English and wants to improve her English in listening, speaking, reading and writing. She is interested in any lecture on language learning but she won’t be free until Friday.

63. He Guangna—Studying history and going to graduate soon. He finds it not easy for a student majoring in history to get a job, so he is eager to learn how to be a successful job hunter.

64. Zhou Ronghua—Learning English but she is also interested in Chinese poems and she would like to know more about them.

65. Wang Hao—A student studying history. He likes listening to music and wants to learn how to appreciate music so that he can enjoy it better.

学生                讲座

61. Gu Jiewen          A. Get well prepared for the job interview

62. Guan Yu         B. History of Christmas and English

63. He Guangna         C. Be an excellent interpreter

64. Zhou Ronghua    D. How to appreciate the Tang poems

65. Wang Hao        E. Enjoy classical music

F. The internet and English study



第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

Harry, Tony, Collins, Jesse和Jack 几位同学欲提高学习成绩,故针对自己的情况上网找寻适合自己学习方法与资料。



A. Study Skills Self-help Information - Virginia Tech - Articles and self-assessment tests covering scheduling and time management, memory techniques, note-taking, reading, and setting up a good studying environment.


B. Academic Tips - Helping students manage time, take better notes, study more effectively, improve memory, take tests and handle the stresses of senior life.

C. Neuromod - Online Memory Improvement Course - It is possible to improve one's memory performance in specific areas by applying memory techniques. This site explain a number of systems ranging from simple to sophisticated. The training steps are clearly laid out and in most cases online training software is provided.

D. Studying Revising Exams - One-page summary of studying, examination, and writing techniques. A collection of articles about good study habits with how-to suggestions.

E. Learning Skills - University of Victoria - Copyrighted e-books with tips on organizing notes, reading, time and study management, exam preparation and writing, writing assignments, and study strategies.

F. Study Guides  - Collection of academic study guides. Topics include classroom and study preparations; studying, writing and reading skills; math and science skills; evaluating and using web content; and preparing for tests. Authored, maintained, and revised by Joe Landsberger.


56. Tony wants to better himself by means of taking notes, time management and so on.  He also  feels like solving the problem of heavy pressure in study.

57. Harry wants to improve himself through the ways of time management, memory skills etc., especially he can check himself in time and can find himself better learning surroundings..

58. Jesse will find some suggestions on how to make notes and how to do his writing homework.

59. Collins focuses on his future exams, so he would like to get some instructions for his science study and use some materials on the Net.

60. Jack hopes to train himself systematically to keep what he learns in mind a longer time.




第二节: 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

请阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请将答案填写在答题卡标号为76-80的相应位置上.注意:E=AB; F=CD

Molly 信箱是一个报刊栏目,主持人Molly 回答读者提出的各种问题. 第1至第5题是五位读者的来信.请从A、B、C、D、E、F中为每封来信选出合适的答复.

76. Dear Molly,

I have a problem. My parents are always talking to me about studying. They want me to study harder so I can go to a good school. I know studying is very important, but my parents put too much pressure on me. How can I explain to my parents that I need some free time?

          ------ Overworked

77. Dear Molly,

         My best friend Tony is a nice young man, but he has a bad habit. He is always late. No matter where he is going or what he is doing, he is never on time. Once he turned up thirty minutes late for a meeting! What can I do to break him of this bad habit?

                   ------ Worried

78. Dear Molly,

         I have a new roommate named Louis. He is a good friend of mine, but he is driving me crazy because he is very untidy. He leaves his dirty clothes everywhere, and he never makes his bed. I am extremely neat. What can I do?

                                    ---- Unhappy

79. Dear Molly,

         My cousin plays computer games a lot and he keeps on talking to me about various games. I don’t have any interest at all, but I find it difficult to stop him without hurting his feelings. Would you kindly give me some advice?

                                     ----- Shy

80. Dear Molly,

         I’m feeling upset these days because the result of my last English exam was not as good as I had expected. My teacher comforted me, saying “Don’t worry. You can do better next time.” But I’m still feeling bad. I need your help.  


A: Dear xx,

     As I see it, you have three choices. You can find a new flat for yourself, make him find a new one, or have a talk with him and see if you could both be a little less extreme in your attitudes towards housekeeping. I would suggest you start with the third.


B: Dear xx,

     You could try talking to him about the importance of being on time. If it doesn’t work, one trick you can try is to ask him to set his clock 15 minutes ahead. You could also tell him that something starts 15 minutes or more before it really starts.


C: Dear xx,

      This is a common problem for people of your age. Tell your parents how you feel. Let them know you respect them. Maybe you can make a deal with them. For example, ask them for one day off each week to do what you want to do.



D: Dear xx,

   Next time when he begins talking, you might interrupt him with a smile, saying

“That’s interesting, but I hope you understand this is my time to relax. I need to do some reading now.” He may sense your unwillingness and stop talking.


E: Dear xx,

“Be yourself ” is the best solution. If I were you, I’d tell him to leave me alone. At least tell him, “That was hurtful. Please don’t say things like that to me. I’m a football fan and like watching football games. I can make my own decision.”



F: Dear xx,

    Scores are important for students, but you don’t have to care too much about the result of one test. You are learning. Maybe it is more important to find out why you failed to achieve your goal. Try to do better next time.




第二节  信息匹配 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)



A.British Life by Anne Collins

What’s everyday life for people in Britain? Why do they talk about the weather so much? This book will tell you everything you want to know about the interesting and traditional country.

B.Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare

A sad story of two lovers. The two lovers began their secret love, but their families didn’t know. It’s one of the famous plays written by Shakespeare in the literature history.

C.Angels and Demons by Dan Brown

Robert Langdon, the hero of Da Vinci Code, which is another history thriller, tried to solve the mystery of a century-old underground organization and save the Vatican from a tomb. If you are not brave enough, don’t read it alone at night. This is the ancient mystery.

D.Happy Christmas by John Escott

This is a book, but looks like a magazine. It is made up of different sections. You can learn about the history and traditions of the western-style holidays and something else like the way of making traditional food and games.

E.The Beatles by Paul Shipton

John, Paul, George and Ringo: four young men from England were the most well-known and some of the best musicians of the 1960s. They formed the Beatles, and their music is still popular today.

F.Silver Bells by Luanne Rice

A sweet love story happening on Christmas. Chris Byne, a farmer who sold his Christmas trees on the streets on New York, one day he met Cathy Tierney, a librarian who lost her husband on Christmas Eve three years before. So a new love and a new hop started lasting a lifetime.


46.Randy: Christmas is coming. Randy wants to know all information about it, such as the games, the food, the stories, the music and the movies.                                                (   )

47.Amy: Amy has many romantic dreams. She always believes she can find her Mr. Right like the girls in the fairy stories. So she is crazy about the books with good endings only. Now she begins to bury herself in the book like that.                                         (   )

48.Vince: Vince, as the head of his own band, is able to play all kinds of musical instruments. But he dreams of becoming musician like John Lennon, a famous singer from a rock band. Therefore, he wants to search for a book on him.                   (   )

49.Alan: Mystery and adventure are always boys’ dreams. Alan, one of the boys, especially prefers the ancient ones because he always regards himself as a big man with super power, but not a small boy.(   )

50.Lin Jie: Lin Jie, a student studying English in a university, will go to England to continue his further education. So he wants to find more information about the country he will study in.    (   )


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