

  根据下列图表以“How People Spent Their Holidays”为题,写一篇80~120词左右的短文,以便发表在《二十一世纪英文报》上。

  Changes in the ways people spent their holidays


How People Spent Their Holidays

  The way people spent their holidays has changed a great deal in the 1990s. In 1990, 40 of the people spent their holidays at home. But in 1999, the number dropped to 9. It seemed that people had more spare time than before.

  A great number of people spent their holidays travelling abroad. Compared with 1990 (12), the rate in 1999 (24) is doubled. It shows that people now are richer than before and can afford the overseas journey.

  Besides, the number of the people who went to the seaside for their holidays remained nearly the same. And more people preferred to camp (from 10 to 36). The reason may be that the true nature attracts people very much and they want to enjoy the real world around them.


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