
Sure, it’s good to get along with your teacher because it makes the time you spend in the classroom more pleasant.

And yes, it’s good to get along with your teacher because, in general, it’s smart to learn how to understand the different types of people you’ll meet throughout your life.

“But really, there’s one super-important reason why you should get along with your teacher. When you do, learning bursts right open,” says Evelyn Vuko, a longtime teacher who writes an education column called “Teacher Says” for the Washington Post newspaper.

In fact, kids who get along with their teachers not only learn more, but they’re more comfortable asking questions and getting extra help. This makes it easier to understand new material and do your best on tests. When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher, he or she can be someone to turn to with problems, such as problems with learning or school life, such as bullying.

As a kid in a primary or middle school, you’re at a wonderful stage in your life. You’re like a sponge (海绵), able to absorb lots of new and exciting information. On top of that, you’re able to think about all this information in new ways. Your teacher knows that, in most cases, is very excited to be the person who’s giving you all that material and helping you make it. Remember, teachers are people, too, and they feel great if you’re open to what they’re teaching you. That’s why they wanted to be teachers in the first place—to teach!

Some kids may be able to learn in any situation, whether they like the teacher or not. But most kids are sensitive to the way they get along with the teacher, and if things aren’t going well, they won’t learn as well and won’t enjoy being in class.

1.In the passage, the author mainly talks about _______.

A. how to get along well with others

B. how much the students are expected of to get along with teachers

C. the importance of a good relation with teachers

D. how to make the time in the classroom more pleasant

2.“Learning bursts right open” in the third paragraph really means _______.

A. there will be more problems with learning

B. you find an opening to learning

C. learning becomes easier for you at once

D. there will be no problems at all with learning

3.Which of the comments is FALSE on teachers and their work according to the passage?

A. Teachers sometimes have the same feelings as students do.

B. Teachers are excited even if you wouldn’t like to accept their teaching.

C. Though few, there are still some students who can learn even if they don’t like the teacher.

D. Having a bad relationship with your teachers does more or less harm to your studies.


根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Michael' s birthday was coming soon, so he asked his dad for a bicycle so that he wouldn't have to walk to school anymore. 1. Michael got a book instead but he did not complain ( 抱怨 ).

One bright and sunny day while Michael was walking past a bookstore on his way to school, he saw a big boy on a bike . The bike was too small for the boy. 2.

The boy was a student in Michael' s school . Michael recognized him. The boy's name was William. His leg seemed to have broken. Michael picked up William' s bike which was not damaged and rode to the nearby hospital to get help. 3. Michael rode William' s bike to school so he would not be late for class.

After school , Michael quickly rode the bicycle to William' s house with a book for him. 4. But he had to put some medicine on his leg and stay in bed for some time.

To Michael' s surprise, William was getting a new bike for his birthday in two months so he let Michael have his old bike . Michael was overjoyed(喜出望外).

5. . Michael visited William every day until Williams 's leg was better.

A. Luckily, William was not seriously hurt.

B. Michael found it interesting and couldn't help laughing.

C. From then on, Michael and William became good friends

D. William gave his new bike to Michael to show his thanks.

E. However, Michael' s dad had lost his job and did not have much money.

F. As the boy was turning around a corner , the bike crashed into a tree.

G. A few minutes later, an ambulance (救护车)came and took William to the hospital .


Nowadays it is found that school students seldom pay much attention to sports. Is it because they have no _________ in sports? It may not be the fact. They often say they have _________ more important things to do.

_________ are these important things? Examinations! They have to _________ themselves for the most important School Certificates of Education Examination (毕业会考), and also to _________ with the tests and the exams in school. So many of them tend to_________ bookworms.

In the summer holidays of the former years they could do _________ they liked, but in the summer holidays of the _________ years, they have to _________ all their time to the preparation. So studies have _________ them form going in for sports.

Because of the pressure_________ their parents and teachers, they have to work harder and spend most of their time on books. Many parents _________ their children to pass this examination in order to get a stepping stone for higher studies or better jobs. As for the _________ themselves, they want to get good results so that they can _________ their studies in the universities. So it is necessary that they _________ up their school activities, especially sports.

Indeed, a complete education cannot go _________ physical training, for a quick mind seldom goes along with a _________ body. It is well said, “All work and no play _________ Jack a dull(迟钝的) boy.” In one word, without a strong body, you can never _________ anything, let alone(更不用说) a great success in _________ .

1.A. lesson B. time C. interest D. place

2.A. very B. some C. few D. other

3.A. What B. How C. Which D. Where

4.A. get B. prepare C. make D. ask

5.A. agree B. fight C. work D. deal

6.A. become B. have C. change D. grow

7.A. that B. nothing C. anything D. which

8.A. this B. present C. last D. future

9.A. spend B. take C. cost D. give

10.A. separated B. divided C. stopped D. taken

11.A. from B. of C. in D. to

12.A. force B. let C. make D. want

13.A. parents B. teachers C. students D. examinations

14.A. develop B. further C. prove D. stop

15.A. keep B. put C. take D. give

16.A. for B. without C. with D. after

17.A. weak B. strong C. good D. bad

18.A. turns B. makes C. gets D. brings

19.A. receive B. do C. achieve D. accept

20.A. life B. exams C. training D. sports



Around the world there is an increase in the demand for reforestation. This is because the consumption of the forests has affected not only the animals living in the area but also the people. And reforestation is about the rebuilding of the forests that have been severely destroyed. It can offer a lot of benefits when the recreation is successful.

1. This includes collecting seedlings(幼苗) that are native in the area to make sure that there is a natural reconstruction of the area. Some additional trees which are not native in the area also need to be planted. 2. The importance of having multiple species of trees is considered to make sure that the needs of other species that will live and grow in the area are met.

Destroying a forest is easy but rebuilding it is really hard. 3. The plan must include accurate spacing on plants and trees. This is to ensure that they won’t cover each other while they grow. 4.

The forest greatly helps in the reduction of the air pollution. Trees are responsible for the production of oxygen and absorption of carbon dioxide. 5. It is there for a reason just like everyone else on this planet.

There cannot be a better way to restore the balance of nature than to increase the forest area. We must remember that the forest is a natural habitat of wide variety of animals and plants. In this manner, there is no substitute for reforestation.

A. And global warming will speed up the destruction of forests.

B. Keep in mind that you can’t just plant the seedlings anywhere.

C. Recreations won’t work until all these details have been considered.

D. So a good plan is needed to make the reforestation a successful one.

E. The forest also protects us from typhoons and other natural disasters.

F. There are many things to be done when it comes to this type of effort.

G. It is important to make sure that they are suited to the climate and the type of soil.


Regarded as one of the English language’s most gifted poets, John Keats wrote poetry that concentrated on imagery, human nature, and philosophy. Although Keats didn’t receive much formal literary education, his own studies and passion brought him much success. Additionally, his own life situation influenced his poetry greatly.

Growing up as a young boy in London in a lower middle-class family, the young John didn’t attend a private school, but went to a public one. His teachers and his family’s friends regarded him as an optimistic boy who favored playing and fighting much more than minding his studies. After his father’s death in the early 1800s, followed by his mother’s passing due to tuberculosis (肺结核), he began viewing life differently. He wanted to escape the world and did so by reading anything he could get his hands on.

At around the age of 16, the teenage John Keats began studying under a surgeon so that he too might become a doctor. However, his literary appetite had taken too much of his fancy, especially with his addiction to the poetry of Ehmund Spenser. He was able to have his first full poem published in the Examiner in 1816, entitled O Solitude! If I Must With Thee Dwell. Within two months in 1817, Keats had written an entire volume of poetry, but was sharply criticized by a magazine. However, the negative response didn’t stop his pursuit of rhythm (韵律).

John Keats’ next work was Endymion, which was published in May 1818. The story involves a shepherd who falls in love with the moon goddess and leads him on an adventure of one boy’s hope to overcome the limitations of being human. Following Engymion, however, he tried something more narrative-based and wrote Isabella. During this time, John Keats began seeing his limitations in poetry due to his own limit in life experiences. He would have to have the “knowledge” associated with his poems. His next work was Hyperion that would attempt to combine all that he learned. However, a bout (发作) with tuberculosis while visiting Italy would keep him from his work and eventually take his life in 1821.

1.John Keats’ attitude towards life changed because of _________.

A. his early education from school

B. the deaths of his parents

C. Edmund Spenser’s poetry

D. the criticism of a magazine

2.What is the common thing between John Keats and his mother?

A. They read many books.

B. They had a bad childhood

C. They died of the same disease.

D. They showed strong interest in poetry

3.What do we know from the passage?

A. Keats received little education at school.

B. Keats once had a chance of becoming a doctor.

C. In 1816 Keats spent two months writing a poem.

D. Endymion was about a real love story.

4.While pursuing his dream of becoming a poet at first, John Keats was __________.

A. determined B. experienced

C. knowledgeable D. impatient

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Keats’ family must have been very poor when he was young.

B. Edmund Spenser was the greatest poet in Keats’ time.

C. It is likely that Keats rewrote his poem Isabella.

D. The poem Hyperion wasn’t completed by Keats.

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