
Mike had a ________ look when he heard the ________ news.

  1. A.
    satisfied; satisfying
  2. B.
    satisfying; satisfied
  3. C.
    satisfy; satisfactory
  4. D.
    satisfaction; satisfy
satisfy是动词,意为“满意,使满意”;satisfying是形容词,意为“令人感到满意的”,相当于satisfactory; satisfied也是形容词,意为“感到满意的”;satisfaction是名词,意为“满意,令人满意的事”。

To a watching world, Mike and Mary Murray were a perfect couple. They had been high school sweethearts, and    1    to have a happy marriage. Mike had a good job, and Mary was able to    2    home with their children. They owned their home and    3    kids, two cars. and a family dog.    4    to Mike, after seven years of marriage, something was terribly wrong. The Murrays had    5    their material goals and Mike    6   , now what? He began to look to his job for fulfillment and often worked 60 hours    7   . Mary poured herself into the children. It was so    8    for her to turn her focus from Mike to 6-month-old Eric and 2-year-old Brittany.

    And now the marriage seemed    9   . Their lives were traveling in two different directions. They no longer really communicated—yes, they answered    10    questions, but they didn't talk    11    as they had in the early years of their marriage. Mike felt trapped. “I 12___ had time to do things that I wanted to,” he says. Mike did not share his feelings with Mary. Instead, he followed the slippery path of many others—he became involved with (……纠缠不清) a woman at work, who was    13    her husband. It began as a simple friendship. “I was able to listen and she was able to listen.” Mike recalls.

    Mary    14    the battle in Mike's soul. “He wasn't home as much, and we weren't talking as much,” she says. “I was wrapped up in the kids and I just couldn't imagine anything ever 15 . “The situation became worse when the Murrays attended a wedding and began to argue. Mary asked Mike if he was seeing    16    and he said, “Yes. It's just an emotional (情感的) thing.” Mike can still remember the    17    of hurt and total surprise on Mary's face. She was troubled, and he knew that he had turned against (背叛) his best friend    18    high school. The expression on her face jarred (刺激) him into    19   , and he began to understand the  20 he was doing to his family.


A. happened            B. appeared

C. looked              D. had


A. live in             B. study at

C. stay at              D. be out of


A. one                B. no

C. three              D. two


A. Luckily             B. As

C. Thanks             D. But


A. arrived              B. reached

C. got to             D. made


A. surprised            B. understood

C. wondered           D. asked


A. a week             B. for a week

C. on a week           D. over a week


A. difficult            B. comfortable

C. happy             D. easy


A. empty             B. separate

C. full of job            D. true of life


A. simple              B. surface

C. scientific           D. social


A. at all               B. anything

C. heart to heart         D. in pains


A. really              B. likely

C. always              D. never


A. loved by           B. separated from

C. different from       D. cared by


A. knew              B. understood

C. admitted           D. had no idea of


A. to take place          B. to happening

C. happening           D. done


A. her               B. someone else

C. the matter           D. anything


A. look               B. face

C. feeling              D. word


A. since              B. from

C. to                 D. of


A. fact                B. reality

C. her life              D. his belief


A. good              B. wrong

C. harm              D. mistake


To a watching world, Mike and Mary Murray were a perfect couple. They had been high school sweethearts, and    1    to have a happy marriage. Mike had a good job, and Mary was able to    2    home with their children. They owned their home and    3    kids, two cars. and a family dog.    4    to Mike, after seven years of marriage, something was terribly wrong. The Murrays had    5    their material goals and Mike    6   , now what? He began to look to his job for fulfillment and often worked 60 hours    7   . Mary poured herself into the children. It was so    8    for her to turn her focus from Mike to 6-month-old Eric and 2-year-old Brittany.

    And now the marriage seemed    9   . Their lives were traveling in two different directions. They no longer really communicated—yes, they answered    10    questions, but they didn't talk    11    as they had in the early years of their marriage. Mike felt trapped. “I 12___ had time to do things that I wanted to,” he says. Mike did not share his feelings with Mary. Instead, he followed the slippery path of many others—he became involved with (……纠缠不清) a woman at work, who was    13    her husband. It began as a simple friendship. “I was able to listen and she was able to listen.” Mike recalls.

    Mary    14    the battle in Mike's soul. “He wasn't home as much, and we weren't talking as much,” she says. “I was wrapped up in the kids and I just couldn't imagine anything ever 15 . “The situation became worse when the Murrays attended a wedding and began to argue. Mary asked Mike if he was seeing    16    and he said, “Yes. It's just an emotional (情感的) thing.” Mike can still remember the    17    of hurt and total surprise on Mary's face. She was troubled, and he knew that he had turned against (背叛) his best friend    18    high school. The expression on her face jarred (刺激) him into    19   , and he began to understand the  20 he was doing to his family.


A. happened            B. appeared

C. looked              D. had


A. live in             B. study at

C. stay at              D. be out of


A. one                B. no

C. three              D. two


A. Luckily             B. As

C. Thanks             D. But


A. arrived              B. reached

C. got to             D. made


A. surprised            B. understood

C. wondered           D. asked


A. a week             B. for a week

C. on a week           D. over a week


A. difficult            B. comfortable

C. happy             D. easy


A. empty             B. separate

C. full of job            D. true of life


A. simple              B. surface

C. scientific           D. social


A. at all               B. anything

C. heart to heart         D. in pains


A. really              B. likely

C. always              D. never


A. loved by           B. separated from

C. different from       D. cared by


A. knew              B. understood

C. admitted           D. had no idea of


A. to take place          B. to happening

C. happening           D. done


A. her               B. someone else

C. the matter           D. anything


A. look               B. face

C. feeling              D. word


A. since              B. from

C. to                 D. of


A. fact                B. reality

C. her life              D. his belief


A. good              B. wrong

C. harm              D. mistake



阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150词左右的英语短文。

  Today was the day I started my new summer holiday part-time job and I had a problem I woke up late because I had forgotten to set my alarm. Af-ter washing I got on my bike to ride the 8 km to the job only to see that the tire was flat. I scolded myself for not having checked it the night before. I should have done this as I hadn't used the bike for months. I hurried to get the pump but I found that it was broken. It was almost as if someone was try-ing to stop me from getting there.

  Would I lose my job before I had even started? I tried to stay calm. I knew that worrying wouldn't help me find a solution. I needed to think clearly. I needed a plan. Then I remembered my neighbour Mike had a mo-torcycle. I ran to his front door and explained my problem. He happily agreed to take me there and I arrived on time!

  When I got home I thought about what happened that morning. I realised that I was wrong to leave everything to the last minute and that the best solution to a problem is avoiding the problem in the first place.












     My brother, Michael, was born one month before his due date and he also had cerebral palsy(脑瘫). He was retarded. He never lost his baby teeth, never grew taller than about 30 inches and never weighed more than 28 pounds. They did estimate, however, that he would not live to see his 12th birthday.
     As a boy I learned to feed and clothe Mike. As a teenager, I babysat for my "big brother" and learned use the proper medicine to prevent the seizures(癫痫) that caused him to tremble.
     Many people said he would never walk or talk . He never did learn to walk, but he did learn to
talk  -not even in complete sentences, but he had the basics down. If he was hungry, thirsty, happy or sad, we knew. He knew names too. I was Kagun, not Kevin. But that changed with a beard I grew during the
summer before college. Family members said it was ugly. Mike heard it.
     "Look who's at home. Who's that?" they'd say to Mike. "Ugly," he would respond with delight.
     All of which-to me-was normal, for he was the only brother I knew. The only time I thought of the
differences between us was when others pointed them out.
     My circle of friends widened when I entered high school. One day Mom asked if my new friends would have a problem seeing Mike for the first time. "If they don't accept Mike, they don't accept me and they
aren't welcome," I said.
     And if I didn't think of him as different, I never thought about him dying either. On a warm fall night in
1998, Mike had a seizure. With this first seizure, Mike's life was beginning to fade.
     On March 15, 1999, Mike died. Michael Patrick Harter-just 26 years old- died in Mom's arms.
     We never had those great talks other brothers have about women, work and parents. We never played catch or talked about our dreams. But Mike taught me compassion and strength. He taught me respect for those less fortunate than myself. And he taught me an appreciation of the beauty in the simplest things.
     Physically and mentally, I was my brother's keeper. Spiritually, Mike was and is my keeper-a nearly
silent guardian angel.
1. The underlined word "retard" in Paragraph 1 may mean_______.
A. to make development faster
B. to make development slower
C. to make development earlier
D. to make development better
2. How much longer did the writer's brother live than expected?
A. About 26
B. About 12
C. About38
D. About 14
3. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?
A.It was a great shock to the writer that his disabled brother died in his mother's arms.
B.He thought his brother would inspire him forever.
C.His brother brought him great shame in his childhood.
D.He thought that friendship wasn't that important.
4.The best title of this passage might be____________.
A. My Disabled Brother
B. A Peaceful Death of My Brother
C. My Silent Keeper
D. Love to My Brother

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