
It does not have to be January 1st to give yourself a chance to make the most out of your day — and your life. Every day is a new day and a fresh start to learn, grow, develop your strengths, heal yourself from past regrets or hurts, and move forward older and wiser. Every day gives you a chance to reinvent yourself, to fine-tune who you are, and build on lessons of what you have learned. It is never too late to change things that are not working in your life and switch gears, instead of thinking in the same old ways, hoping for a different outcome.
Be intelligent, be flexible, and keep and open mind to start each day anew! Flexibility is the key!
Ask yourself: How do you wake up each day? Do you start your day going already feeling pressured and rushed? Do you go through the morning routine without much thought at all, doing what you "have to do" to start your day?
How about starting each new day with a moment to stop, breathe and think of a positive intention for the day.
Think not just what you want to DO, but how you want to BE today?
Each day is a new beginning and a blank slate. How would you like to create your day? Think of it as a blank canvas — what would you like to paint on it. What can you create? If you wake up in a negative mindset, you are more likely to paint a dark picture throughout the day, and your canvas will not reflect hope, happiness and joy.
If you take each day to think positively, and have a positive intention for how you would like to create your day, how would your life be different? What positive outcome can reflect your positive intention?
What can daily positive intentions do for you? Every day you will give yourself the gift of an "attitude of gratitude."
Visualizing how you would like your day will help release positive energy from within you and you will attract more positive energy from those around you. Instead of spinning your wheels in an old way of thinking, each day is a chance to reframe and re-look at things in a different way.
You can experience each day an awe (敬畏)in the beauty and creation of the world — and the beauty of you who is in it!
You find yourself shifting from an "I can't mindset" to an "I can" mindset.
With a focus on positive intentions, you feel more empowered and more like a "victor" than a "victim."
You are more mindful of the present, and will be more likely to live fully in the present each moment of each day. After all, the past is a great place to visit, but you don't want to live there!
So how about starting each day taking a moment to think of a positive intention for the day? Each morning, write it down and reflect each evening on how you did!
Here are examples of Positive Intentions:
"Today I would like to replace my feelings of annoyance towards my co-worker to feelings of acceptance."
"I am looking forward today to focusing on what I am grateful for in my life, rather than what is missing, and express gratefulness to others."
"Today I want to slow my life down and take time to savor the moment, especially with my children".。
Using each day to recommit yourself to positive thinking and intention will help you create the life you want and that you deserve!
小题1:According to the writer, which is the most important?
小题2:When you get up, what is the right way to start?
A.Just do as you do regularly
B.Brushing teeth and washing as quickly as possible
C.Stopping for a short while and planning some active things
D.Doing morning exercise to build up your body
小题3:Which of the followings is considered to be positive intention?
A.The boss told me to finish the task, so I have to hurry today
B.Mr. Smith treated me to dinner, so I’d like to send him a card.
C.I have finished all the tasks ,so I’m free today.
D.I didn’t sleep well last night, but it’s time to go to work..
小题4:What can daily intention do for you ,except______?
A.You can live fully
B.You will become mindful everyday
C.You will feel powerful
D.You can spend your day happily


试题分析:本文作者是一名犯人,他在监狱这个让人意想不到的地方悟出了一点人生哲理——看完后, 活在当下:每一天都是全新的开始。
小题1:细节题:根据第二段的句子:Be intelligent, be flexible, and keep and open mind to start each day anew! Flexibility is the key!可知要聪明要灵活,灵活是关键,flexible 和changeable意思相近,所以选A
小题2:细节题:根据第四段的句子:How about starting each new day with a moment to stop, breathe and think of a positive intention for the day.可知人们起床的时候停一下,计划一下这天的活动,选C
小题3:细节题:根据倒数第三段的句子:"I am looking forward today to focusing on what I am grateful for in my life,可知要学会感激是积极的意图,所以选B
小题4:细节题:根据文章的句子:With a focus on positive intentions, you feel more empowered and more like a "victor" than a "victim."和You are more mindful of the present, and will be more likely to live fully in the present each moment of each day.可知ABC都是对的,但是文章没有说会每天都快乐。选D。
For a long time I saw happiness as a huge banner (旗帜) across the finish line of a long race.I felt that only when I____certain things could I finally be happy in my life.Most of the time I felt like a tortoise believing that being slow and____would win the race.At other times I would___like a rabbit trying different side roads at a dangerous ____hoping to reach that banner a little faster.____,I began to see that no matter  how long I raced towards it,the banner was never any____.I finally decided to____and take a break.It was then that I saw my____sitting beside me.
It had been with me as I____hard to support my family,as I played with my children and heard their____and even when I was ____with my wife at my side looking after me.It had been with me as I raced towards that stupid banner.I just didn’t have the____to see it.
There is an old Chinese proverb that says,“Tension is who you think you should be.___is who you are.”Perhaps we all should stop our race towards the____life we think we should have and ____the life we have now.Happiness will never be found under some banner far away.It will be found____your own heart,soul and mind.It will be found when you____that others love you just as you do.
Don’t be a tortoise or a rabbit when it comes to your happiness.Be a playful puppy and carry your stick of____with you everywhere you go.____yourself out of the race and realize that when it comes to love and happiness,you are____there.
A.forgot B.missed
A.safe  B.steady
C.calm  D.quiet
A.act B.run
C.jump  D.walk
A.place B.height
C.Fortunately  D.Firstly
A.clearer B.lower
C.closer  D.smaller
A.settle in B.start off
C.stop by D.sit down
A.happiness B.goal
C.success D.friendship
A.studied  B.fought
C.exercised  D.worked
A.lonely B.tired
C.sick  D.hungry
A.courage B.chance
A.Stress B.Relaxation
C.Failure  D.Pain
C.common D.ordinary
A.enjoy  B.change
C.improve  D.create
C.over  D.in
A.realize  B.believe
C.hope  D.admit
A.sorrow B.responsibility
C.fortune  D.joy
A.Carry  B.Make
A.never  B.still
C.already  D.ever
Seeing a volcano erupt (喷发) is a wonderful experience, and you can really feel the beat by climbing to the summit(山顶) of Pacaya for a close-up view. There are guided tours every day up this highly active volcano from Antigua. Giving travelers a chance to see Mother Nature at her most powerful.
Pacaya is an easy drive from Antigua, a beautiful city with many colorful houses along its old streets that are turned into art-works during its Holy Week festival. No matter when you come to Antigua, you won’t miss the Pacaya-tour companies.
But climbing Pacaya is no easy job: it is 2560 metres high, and reaching the summit takes two to three hours of seemingly one-step-forward and two-step-back movements. As you climb, you hear the dull sounds of eruptions high above. Steaming. Hot remains from recent eruptions begin to line the path as you near the active summit; the McKenney Cone(火山锥). Just as though you were going to walk over to the edge of the cone, the road turns to the left and up to the relative safety of the old, inactive summit.
Many tours are timed so that you arrive at the cone of the volcano is plenty of time for sunset and the full contrast between the erupting red lava(熔岩) and the darkening sky. On a good day the view from the summit is extremely exciting. The active mouth boils, sending red lava over its sides, and once in a while shoots hot streams up to 100 metres into the air. There is a strong bad smell in the air even if you take care to be upwind of the cone. As evening turns deeper into the night. the burning lava quietly falls down tae side of the volcano. For you, too, it is time to get down .
小题1: What is the main purpose of this passage?
A.To attract tourists to Pacaya. B.To describe the beauty of Pacaya.
C.To introduce guided tours to Pacaya.D.To explain the power of nature at Pacaya.
小题2:Antigua is a city      .
A.where people can enjoy cultural festivalsB.where the daring Pacaya tour starts
C.that gives a close-up view of ParayaD.that is famous for its tour companies
小题3:Climbing to the McKenney Cone, people will    .
A.walk directly to the active summitB.hear the continuous loud noise from above
C.make greater efforts than to other summits
D.see a path lined with remains of earlier eruptions
小题4: Many tours are timed for people to      .
A.get down the mountain in time when night falls
B.avoid the smell from the upwind direction of the cone
C.enjoy the fantastic eruption against the darkening sky
D.appreciate the scenery of the 2560-metre-high mountain
To be a real gentleman, you should know that true forgiveness is one of the most remarkable qualities a human can possess!
In the fighting between two countries in the 1970s, a young man was walking from one village to the next when he was     by an armed guerrilla fighter from the enemy country.The fighter  the young man down the hill where he was to be    .
But a(n)  thing happened. The young man, who had    military training, was able to disarm the fighter.Now, the table was    and it was the fighter who was ordered down the hill.
As they walked,      , the young man began to reflect on what was happening.Recalling the      of his mother, "Love your enemies; do good to those who       you." He found he could go no farther.
He 10  the gun into the bushes, told the fighter he was    to go and turned back       the hill.
Minutes later, he heard footsteps53 behind him as he walked."Is this the end after all?" he      . Perhaps the fighter had got the gun and wanted to finish him off.But he continued on,       glancing back, until his enemy reached him, only to grab him in a hug and pour out        for sparing his life.
Mercy often wears the face of        .And though it usually isn't an enemy in uniform-that we are challenged to forgive, we have   for mercy every day. Family members and friends, co-workers and neighbors and even strangers have       for our forgiveness. You know who they are.
As Mahatma Gandhi said, "The      can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. " Be strong. Forgive.
A.forgive B.hateC.instructD.help
A.packed B.draggedC.forcedD.threw
A.forB.into C.upD.down
A.seldom B.never C.alwaysD.sometimes
A.awarenessB.kindness C.safenessD.forgiveness
A.opportunitiesB.explanations C.hopesD.lessons
A.lonely B.weakC.healthyD.calm
It was the district sports meet. My foot still hadn’t healed(痊愈)from a(n)  injury. I had  whether or not I should attend the meet. But there I was,   for the 3, 000-meter run.
“Ready. . . set. . . ”The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed  me. I felt  as I fell farther and farther behind.
“Hooray! ”shouted the crowd. It was the loudest  I had ever heard at a meet. The first-place runner was two laps(圈)ahead of me when she crossed the finish line. “Maybe I should  , ”I thought as I moved on.   , I decided to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran  and decided not to  in track next year. It wouldn’t be  it, even if my foot did heal.
When I finished, I heard a cheer—  than the one I’d heard earlier. I turned around and  enough, the boys were preparing for their race. “They must be cheering for the boys. ”I was leaving  several girls came up to me. “Wow, you’ve got courage! ”one of them told me.
“Courage? I just  a race! ”I thought. “I would have given up on the first lap, ”said another girl. “We were cheering for you. Did you hear us? ”
Suddenly I regained  . I decided to  track next year. I realized strength and courage aren’t always  in medals and victories, but in the  we overcome(战胜). The strongest people are not always the people who win,   the people who don’t give up when they lose.
A.slighter  B.worse  C.earlier  D.heavier
C.imagined D.doubted
A.from behind B.ahead of
C.next toD.close to
A.ashamed B.astonished
A.slow downB.drop out
C.go onD.speed up
A.with delightB.with fear
C.in painD.in advance
A.playB.arriveC.race D.attend
A.worth B.good C.valuable D.close
A.while B.when C.asD.since
A.cheerB.hope C.interest D.experience
A.hold onB.turn to
C.begin withD.stick with
C.diseases D.tiredness
A.or B.norC.andD.but
Sharing Beauty
It was in October. I was aimlessly wandering down the street, heading into a most gloriously beautiful sunset. I had an urge to speak to someone on the street to share that beauty, but it seemed everyone was in a hurry.
I took the next-best action. Quickly I ducked into a department store and asked the lady behind the counter if she could come outside for just a minute. She looked at me as though I were from some other planet. She hesitated, and then seemingly against her better judgment, she moved toward the door.
When she got outside I said to her, “Just look at that sunset! Nobody out here was looking at it and I just had to share it with someone.”
For a few seconds we just looked. Then I said, “God is in his heaven and all is right with the world.” I thanked her for coming out to see it; she went back inside and I left. It felt good to share the beauty.
Four years later my situation changed greatly. I came to the end of a twenty-year marriage. I was alone and on my own for the first time in my life. I lived in a trailer park which, at the time, I considered a real come-down, and I had to do my wash in the community laundry room.
One day, while my clothes were going around, I picked up a magazine and read an article about a woman who had been in similar circumstances. She had come to the end of a marriage, moved to a strange community, and the only job she could find was one she disliked: clothing sales in a department store.
Then something that happened to her changed everything. She said a woman came into her department store and asked her to step outside to look at a sunset. The stranger had said, “God is in his heaven and all is right with the world,” and she had realized the truth in that statement. From that moment on, she turned her life around.
小题1:The author asked the woman to go outside to ______.
A.admire the sunsetB.cheer her upC.offer some helpD.have a chat
小题2:Four years later, the author ______.
A.found her dream job
B.put an end to her marriage
C.worked in a laundry room
D.lived in the same community
小题3:After reading the article in the magazine, the author was probably______.
When I was about 10, I was walking down the street with my mother. She stopped to speak to Mr. Lee. I knew I could see Mr. Lee anytime around the neighborhood, so I just stood there. After we passed him, my mother stopped and said something unforgettable, "You let that be the last time you ever walk by somebody you know without opening your mouth to speak, because even a dog can wag its tail when it passes you on the street. "That sentence sounds simple but it made me become who I am.
At work, I used to say hello to the president of the company and ask him how our business was doing. But I also spoke to the people in the cafe and people who cleaned the buildings, and asked them how their children were doing, for every single person deserves to be accepted, no matter how humble(低微的)they are. I remember that after a few years of passing by the president, I had the courage to ask him for a chat. We had a great talk. At some point, when I asked him how far he thought I could go in his company, he said that if I wanted to, I could get all the way to his seat.
I've become vice-president, but that hasn't changed how I treat people. I speak to people wherever I am. Speaking to people creates a pathway into their world, and it lets them come into mine, too.
The day you speak to someone who has his head down and then see him lift it up and smile, you will realize how powerful it is just to open your mouth and say hello.
小题1:What is the best title for this passage?
A.The power of being talkative
B.My mother's influence on me
C.The power of saying hello
D.My way to become vice-president
小题2: It is implied in the first paragraph that        .
A.the writer didn't like Mr. Lee
B.the writer didn't say hello to Mr. Lee on that occasion
C.the writer didn't get along well with his mother
D.the writer's mother stopped to say hello to everyone she met
小题3: What can we learn from the second paragraph?
A.The writer didn't say hello to everyone in the company.
B.The writer made a very good impression on the president of the company.
C.The president of the company thought the writer was much better than him.
D.The president of the company actually didn't like the writer at all.
小题4:For the writer, saying hello to others          .
A.is a way to get what he wants
B.has become a habit and a way of life
C.is a way to show respect for his mother
D.is important in making him remembered
小题5:According to Paragraph 3, in the writer’s opinion, speaking to others can       .
A.make our world much better
B.make people much happier every day
C.help people understand each other better
D.help people work much better
Recently I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. The airline had       her departure and standing near the security gate, they hugged and he said, “I love you. I wish you enough.” She        said, “Dad, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Dad.” They kissed and she left.
He walked over toward the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to       him, but he welcomed me in by       , “Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?”
“Yes, I have,” I replied. “Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?” “I am old and she lives much too far away. I have challenges ahead, and the reality is, the next trip back will be for my ___   ” he said.
“When you were saying good-bye I heard you say, ‘I wish you enough’. May I ask what that means?”
He began to smile. “That’s a wish that has been        for many generations within my family. My parents used to say it to everyone.”
He       for a moment, looking up as if trying to remember it in detail, and then he smiled and        the following:
  “I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
  I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
  I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
  I wish you enough pain so that the       joys in life appear much bigger.
  I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
  I wish you enough loss to       all that you possess.
  I wish you enough ‘Hellos’ to get you enough the final ‘Good-byes’.”
  Then he walked away, leaving me lost in thought.
A.in generalB.in turnC.in particularD.in public
A.showing B.sayingC.askingD.waving
A.funeral B.storiesC.tripsD.jobs
A.handed over B.handed inC.handed downD.handed out
A.understand B.devoteC.appreciateD.praise
One of my fondest memories as a child is going by the river and sitting idly on the bank. There I would enjoy the peace and quiet, watch the water rush downstream and listen to the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves in the trees. I would also watch the bamboo trees bend under pressure from the wind and watch them return gracefully to their original position after the wind had died down.
When I think    about the  bamboo trees’ ability to bounce back  or return  to its original position, the word “resilience” comes to my mind. When used in reference to a person, this word means the ability to readily recover from shock, depression or any other negative situation that stretches the limits of a person’s emotions.
Have you ever felt like you are about to lose control of your emotions? Have you ever felt like you are at your breaking point? Thankfully, you have survived the experience to live to talk about it.
During the  experience you probably    felt a  mix of emotions    that threatened your health.You felt emotionally
tired, mentally exhausted and   you most likely bored unpleasant physical symptoms.
Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The next time you are experiencing one of those bad times or unhappy moments that take you close to your breaking point, bend, but don’t break. Try your best not to let the situation get the best of you.
A measure of hope will take you through the unpleasant moments. Will hope for a better tomorrow or a better situation, things may not be as bad as they seem to be. The unpleasant moment may be easier to deal with if the end result is worth having.
If the situation gets tough and    you    are at your breaking point, show resilience. Like the bamboo trees, bend, but don’t break!
小题1:What does the underlined word “resilience” mean in Paragraph 2?
A.The ability to overcome any difficulty.
B.The quality of hoping for a better tomorrow.
C.The quality of being brave at the breaking point.
D.The ability to recover easily and quickly from unpleasant or damaging events.
小题2:Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A.Life is like a bamboo tree that never breaks.
B.Whatever difficulties we may meet with in our life, we can bend, but can never break.
C.Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments.
D.If you get over your breaking point, you can survive to live longer and more happily than others.
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.The author was an idle child when he was living near the river.
B.We should try our best not to let our bad times get the best of us.
C.Our being likely to lose control of our emotions is common in our life.
D.We should always believe things may not be as bad as they seem to be.
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.Bend, but don’t break.B. My wonderful childhood.
C.The bamboo trees.D. Love the bamboo trees and your life.

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