
7.At the risk of sounding lazy,I'll just be honest:I used to hate making my bed.Why should I bother?I'm just going to get right back into it later,and no one except my immediate family will see it.
But something I read last week in Charles Duhigg's"The Power of Habit"changed my mind.According to Duhigg,making your bed every morning is connected with better productivity and sticking to a budget.It has also been suggested that making your bed promotes happiness.My interest was attracted.
According to Duhigg,making your bed is something called a keystone habit.Changing or forming keystone habits helps you develop other good habits.
I figured that I was the perfect test case for the Make Your Bed to Achieve Happiness Theory and that it was worth a try.So far I've made my bed for 10days in a row.And here's what I've noticed:Making my bed inspires my children to make their beds,clean their rooms and do the laundry and the dishes.
Karen Miller,author of"Hand Wash Cold",explains:"The state of your bed is the state of your head."I think she is on to something.When I leave my bed in a heap (一堆),I leave the bedroom feeling defeated by my bed,my alarm clock,and my general sleepy mood.I'm reluctant to get the day started.
But when I look at my freshly made bed,I have to admit it:I smile a little.I feel just a bit more motivated.Productive,even.But sticking to a budget?That part is still up for debate.I just bought some beautiful pillows for my freshly made bed.I can't leave that beautiful bed half-dressed,can I?

4.The author decided to make her bedC.
A.to create a good impression   
B.to form some keystone habits
C.under the influence of a book
D.at the request of her family
5.After watching the author making her bed,the author's childrenC.
A.got up very early 
B.felt happier at home
C.began to share the housework 
D.loved her more than before
6.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word"reluctant"?D
A.Curious.   B.Regretful.
C.Lucky.     D.Unwilling.
7.How does the author feel about the habit of making her bed?D
A.It is a waste of time.
B.It helps save money.
C.It promotes communication.
D.It makes a difference in life.

分析 本文是夹叙夹议文,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了作者对叠被子这一日常小事发表了自己的看法.

解答 4.C.细节理解题.根据第二段的But something I read last week in Charles Duhigg's"The Power of Habit"changed my mind可知,作者以前不爱叠被子,但是读了The Power of Habit一书后,她决定进行一些改变;故选C.
5.C.推理判断题.根据第四段的Making my bed inspires my children to make their beds,clean their rooms and do the laundry and the dishes可知,作者的行为影响到她的孩子们,他们开始分担家务;故选C.
6.D.词义猜测题.根据上一句中的feeling defeated和下一段的But一词可知,如果不叠被子,作者会感到哪里都是乱七八糟,不愿意开始新的一天,但是叠了被子心情就会好一些.故推断划线词意为"不愿意";故选D.
7.D.推理判断题.根据作者开始叠被子后的感受,特别是最后一段的I have to admit it:I smile a little.I feel just a bit more motivated.Productive,even可知,她认为叠被子确实让她的生活变得积极起来;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

3.China's second manned space flight will be done by two astronauts over five days in 2005."Shenzhou-VI will be sent into space sometime in 2005,"said Zuo Saichun,a spokesperson of the China Aerospace Science and Technology (CAST)."The spacecraft(宇宙飞船)will make new breakthroughs in China's manned space technology."
Unlike Shenzhou-V,a little more than a year ago (in October,2003),the next flight will see two astronauts fly in space for five days.Their capsule (太空舱) is designed to be capable of orbiting for a whole week,the spokesperson said."For the first time,astronauts will enter and live in the orbital module(舱) of the spacecraft to do scientific experiments,"said a statement from CAST.CAST did not say what those experiments will be.
In Shenzhou-VI,scientists have changed the spacecraft's configuration (构形) to reduce its weight,and tried to improve the performance of on-board equipment.They have also worked to make sure of the energy supply of the spacecraft and further improve its safety.So far,scientists have worked out ways to solve problems on environmental control and life support.Shenzhou-VI will be sent into orbit(轨道) atop a Long March(长征) 2F rocket.

33.Which of the following about Shenzhou-VI is NOT true?B
A.It will be sent into space in 2005.
B.It is capable of orbiting for two weeks.
C.It will be sent into orbit atop a Long March 2F rocket.
D.It will be sent into space with two astronauts.
34.What does the underlined word"breakthroughs"(in para.1)mean?A
35.According to the passage,the following problems should be solved before Shenzhou-VI is sent into space EXCEPTD.
A.environmental control       
B.energy supply
C.life support                
D.lunar soil collecting.
12.Do you want to be pretty?You are the only one who can decide you're truly pretty.To achieve this,first of all,you should be pretty on the inside.In other words,you have to understand that your beauty comes from yourself,not from any outside source.To practice feeling this way,you can write a list of all the good things about yourself.This includes things like helping someone carrying something or listening to a friend.You also can write a list of things that you think are beautiful about yourself.Maybe you have big brown eyes,a cute nose or a great laugh.What's more,every morning,when you wake up,go to the bathroom mirror,smile at yourself and say aloud,"I am happy."The more you say it,the more you'll convince your brain that it's true.
To be pretty on the inside,at the same time,don't forget to be attractive by being kind and respectful.So listen to people when they talk,and they'll notice you've taken an interest in their words.Help others out when they are in need,and also don't judge other people.
On the other hand,you also should be pretty on the outside.For this,you can do something to change your appearance.For example,change your hairstyle.Wear clothes in which you feel comfortable.Also you can give your skin some extra special care to make it look better.
In fact,the key to being pretty on the outside is working to be healthy.If you're in poor health,you can't look pretty on the outside.So,to keep healthy,have enough sleep every day and work out in a regular way.
Title  Be pretty
Tips for being pretty(66)on the inside

Realizing your beauty comes from yourself
●Listing what you feel good about yourself
●Listing what are (67)beautiful about yourself
●(68)Smiling and saying aloud"I am happy"every morning
Treating others (69)kindly and respectfully•Being a good (70)listener
•Helping those in need
●Not (71)judging others/judging other people
Ways of being pretty on the outside(72)Changing your appearance•Changing your hairstyle
•Wearing (73)comfortable clothes
•Taking good care of your (74)skin
Keeping healthy•Having enough sleep every day
•(75)Exercising/Working out regularly
19.Many little girls like flowers and Barbie toys.A lot of them also like cars,robots and ships which are boys'favorites.But most girls'clothing only has pictures of flowers and Barbie toys.
      11-year-old Penny always wears the dress with pictures of Barbies.These days,she wants a dress with pictures of robots Transformers(变形金刚).Her mother Sara goes shopping in stores and also on the Internet,but she can't find this type of dresses.Penny refuses to wear anything but such a dress.
"I really wish the stores can sell such a dress which has a Transformer on it.If so,my daughter will wear that.And I think someone should do that.Why shouldn't I?"Then Sara learns to make a dress with a Transformer picture by herself.Penny really enjoys wearing it.Her classmates ask her where they can buy the same dress.Penny feels very proud,so does Eva who is good at doing business.Eva thinks Sara can do something more,and their business comes into being.They are friends,but it's the first time they have been partners.The women sell the first 70 dresses they make at a local market.The dresses sell out so fast that they can't make them fast enough.They decide to expand their business.
       They prepare to build a new factory and have more workers.Money is not the challenge for them.The organization Crowfunding agrees to lend them money.Eva and Sara meet their goal of $35,000 within days."What we really need is to have more creative ideas and make the company develop rapidly,as people seem to want us to."Sara says.
21.Why does Sara make a dress by herself for her daughter?D
A.Dresses are too expensive to buy.
B.She is interested in making clothes.
C.She wants to make mone y by making clothes.
D.No shop sells the kind of dress her daughter wants.
22.What can we learn from the text?C
A.Penny doesn't like girls'toys                 
B.Eva had worked with Sara before
C.Sara's products enjoyed a good market.
D.Penny's classmates think nothing of her new dress.
23.What's the biggest challenge for Eva and Sara?A
A.They are in need of new design ideas.
B.They have no experience of managing business.
C.They can't find skilled workers to make dresses.
D.They don't have enough money to build a factory.
16.On the occasional clear-frost autumn night,I was hiking through the dark forest with my GMO wolf.Yes,my best friend is a genetically modified organism(转基因生物); deliberate selection has produced the blunt-toothed,small-pawed wonder that walks by my side.
Our world is changing rapidly.In the last five decades,global population has fully doubled,with 3.7billion hungry mouths added to our planet.During this same time span,the amount of land suitable for agriculture has increased by only 5%.Miraculously,this did not result in the great global famine(饥荒)one might have predicted.
How do scientists modify a plant so that it makes more food than its parents did?We could treat each harvest like a litter of wolf pups and select only plants bearing the fattest,richest seeds for the next season.This was the method our ancestors used to engineer rice,corn and wheat from the wild grasses they encountered.
During my childhood,advances in genetic technologies allowed scientists to identify and clone the genes responsible for repressing stem growth,leading to shorter,stronger stalks that could bear more seed-the high-yield crops that feed us today.The 21st century has brought with it a marvelous new set of high-tech tools with which to further quicken the process of artificial selection.Plant geneticists can now directly edit out or edit in sections of DNA using molecular scissors.We can minimize a plant's weaknesses while adding to its strengths,and we don't have to wait for seasons to pass to test the result.
It is the transformative potential of these techniques to quickly supply the next-generation crops required for upcoming climate change that has led me to believe in the safety and function of GMO plants in agricultural products.We need more GMO research to feed the world that we are creating.
I love the quiet forest that stands between my lab and my home.But I know that as a scientist,I am responsible first to humanity.We must feed,shelter and nurture one another as our first priority,and to do so,we must take advantage of our best technologies,which have always included some type of genetic modification.We must continue as before,nourishing the future as we feed ourselves,and each year plant only the very best of what we have collectively engineered.I keep the faith of my ancestors each night when I walk through the forest to my lab,and my GMO wolf does the same when she guards my way home.

63.Why does the author mention the wolf in the 1st paragraph?D
A.To advise people to keep wolves as pets
B.To persuade readers to welcome the new technology
C.To change people's attitude towards wolves
D.To introduce a technology used to humans'advantage
64.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?B
A.GMO technology will help weatherproof future crops.
B.With GMO technology,famine has been eliminated.
C.Artificial selections make high-yield plants possible.
D.The author believes technology should contribute to future generations.
65.What can be learned about modifying a plant?C
A.It takes scientists seasons to know whether their selection is correct.
B.One way for ancestors to change a plant was to clone some genes.
C.Modern techniques help speed up the artificial selection by altering DNA.
D.The general public show strong faith in GMO plants.
66.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?B
A.GMO Technology-Turning Wolves into the Best Pets
B.Engineered Food-Feeding Future Generations
C.Engineered Food-To Be or Not To Be
D.GMO Technology-A Driving Force in World Peace.

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