

  Australian green energy company Enviromission plans to build a solar thermal(relating to or containing heat) power station which has a 1 000-meter-high tower and a 5-kilometer diameter( the length of a straight line that can be drawn through the middle of a round object ) greenhouse collector. It will be the world's tallest man-made structure.

  Scientists say the new power station will produce 200 megawatts( a million watt) of power, which is enough to supply power for the needs of a city containing 200 000 homes.

  The power station's solar collector will be made of glass and /or practise to harness the sun's radiation. At the center of the collector will be the world's largest turbines located at the base of the 1000-meter tower. The turbines will produce electricity powered by the solar thermal wind created under the collector as the air rises towards the cold air in the tower.

  Enviromission plans to build five Solar Towers over the next 10 years. This will provide enough energy to supply one million homes.

  The key feature of the Enviromission project is that it sends out no pollution. A coal-fired power station of comparable size would produce 830 000 tons of greenhouse gas every year.

  This power station will work 24 hours a day and be most effective in the summer months when the power demands are at its greatest.

  The construction of the solar power station is expected to start in late 2003 and will take around two years to complete.

1.The title of this passage might be ________.

[  ]

A.The world's most beautiful structure will be built in Australia

B.Australia will build the world's largest building

C.Australia will build the world's tallest structure

D.The world's tallest building will be built in Australia

2.The writer of the passage would like to introduce a new kind of ________ to us .

[  ]

B.way of planting
C.getting heat
D.power station

3.The word“harness”in the first line of paragraph 3 means: ________.

[  ]

A.collect something and reuse it

B.get something under control

C.control something completely

D.bring something under control and use it

4.The“turbines”in this passage is a machine driven by a wheel turned by a current of ________.

[  ]


5.Which of the following statements is right?

[  ]

A.By the end of the year 2005 people may see all the stations built.

B.The Enviromission project will send out less pollution.

C.The first solar power station is expected to be completed by 2006.

D.The Enviromission plans to build five Solar Power Stations over the next 10 years all around the world.



  Not even Dan Brown and his Da Vinci code-breakers(密码破译者)dared deal with the mystery of Mona Lisa’s smile.But Nicu Sebe, a computer expert at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, did.He used ‘emotion recognition’ software to process the famous painting and found Mona Lisa happy(83 per cent)and slightly disgusted(厌烦的)(9 per cent).

  Faces show emotions.Psychology, computer science, and engineering researchers are joining forces to teach machines to read expressions.If they succeed, your computer may one day“read”your mood.Machines equipped with emotional skills could also be used in teaching, gaming, mind-reading, etc.

  “Mind Reader”, a system developed by Rosalind Picard at MIT(the Massachusetts Institute of Technology)in the US, uses input from a video camera to do real-time analysis of facial expressions.It reports on whether you seem“interested” or“agreeable”or if you’re“confused”.The system can help people recognize others’ emotions.Picard says this means we could teach a machine to be as sensitive as a human.In fact, a machine can be even smarter than people since it can tell if a person is lying or just“performing”by analyzing one’s facial movements.

  Jeffrey Cohn, a psychologist at the University of Pittsburgh, uses the Facial Action Coding System to recognize human emotions.The system sorts more than 40 action units(AUS)of the face to tell people’s real emotions.He studied a videotape of a criminal who said to be sad about the murder of several family members and tried to pin the blame on someone else.But Cohn saw no real sadness in the woman’s face.

  Sadness is a group of AUS that is difficult to do at the same time.You have to pull down the corners of your lips while bringing your eyebrows together and raising them.What the woman did was raise her cheeks to make a lip curl(撇嘴).Her brows stayed smooth.


The best title of this passage is“________”.

[  ]


The emotion on your face


Look at your face


Your face tells a story


Telling a lie


The missing sentence“This means, even though your mouth lies, your face doesn’t, and the machine will know it all.”should be put at the end of ________.

[  ]


Paragraph 2


Paragraph 3


Paragraph 4


Paragraph 5


How many facial emotion analyses are mentioned in this passage?

[  ]










The underlined word“it”refers to ________.

[  ]




the video camera


one’s face emotion


the real-time analysis

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