
Our boat floated on between walls of forest. It was too thick to allow us a view of the land we were passing through, though we knew from the map that our river must from time to time be passing through chains of hills which crossed the jungle plains. Nowhere did we find a place where we could have landed: where the jungle did not actually spread right down into the river, banks of soft mud prevented us form going ashore. In any case, what would we have gained by landing? The country was full of snakes and other dangerous creatures and the jungle was so thick that one would be able to advance slowly, cutting one’s way with knives the whole way. So we stayed in the boat, hoping that when we reached the sea, a friendly fisherman would pick us up and take us to civilization.
As for water, there was a choice. We could drink the muddy river water, or die of thirst. We drank the water. Men who have just escaped from what appeared to be certain death lost all worries about such small things as diseases caused by dirty water. In fact, none of us suffered from any illness as a result.
One day we passed another village, but fortunately nobody saw us. We did not wish to risk being taken prisoners a second time: we might not be so lucky as to escape in a stolen boat again.
小题1: It can be inferred from the passage that the only thing they could see in a boat was _______.     
A.wallsB.chains of hillsC.tall treesD.vast land
小题2:From the passage, we can learn that _______.
A.the country was a civilized societyB.the country was a tropical jungle country
C.they found a place where they could landD.they were on a journey home
小题3:According to the passage, what happened to the people in the boat at last?
A.They were arrested.B.They managed to escape to safety.
C.They were saved by some villagersD.The passage doesn’t mention it.
小题4: The best title for this passage might be _______.
A.The Problem of LandingB.An Adventure
C.An Entirely New ExperienceD.Escape

In 1883, a creative engineer, John Roebling, was inspired to build a splendid bridge connecting New York with Long Island. However, experts throughout the world thought that this was  16 . Even so, Roebling could not  17  the idea in his mind. After much discussion, he  18  convince his son Washington, an up-and-coming engineer, that the bridge in fact could be built. They hired their  19  and began to build their dream bridge.
Only a few months  20  the project was underway a tragic on-site accident killed John Roebling and  21  injured his son, leaving him brain-damaged and unable to move or  22 . Surely now the project would have to be  23 . Though Washington Roebling lay in his hospital bed, he was not  24  and his mind remained as  25  as it was before the accident. Suddenly an idea  26  him. All he could move was one finger, so he  27  the arm of his wife with that finger,  28  to her that he wanted her to call the engineers again. Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to do. For 13 years Washington tapped out his  29  with one finger until the bridge was  30  completed.
Perhaps this is one of the best examples of never-say-die attitude that  31  a terrible physical disability and achieves an impossible  32 . Often when we face difficulties in our daily lives, our problems seem very small  33  what many others have to face. The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that even the most  34  dream can be realized with  35  no matter what the chances are.
A.recognize B.acceptC.ignoreD.believe
A.attempted to B.sought to C.failed toD.managed to
A.since B.beforeC.afterD.when
A.severely B.slightly C.poorlyD.hardly
A.continued B.abandoned C.interruptedD.accomplished
A.beatB.occurred C.happenedD.hit
A.waved B.feltC.touchedD.held
A.appealing B.speakingC.indicatingD.advising
A.quicklyB.partlyC.eventually D.slowly
A.combined withB.separated fromC.compared to D.concerned about
                         Phys ed (physical education) is making a comeback as a part of the school core curriculum(核心课程), but with a difference.While group sports are still part of the curriculum, the new way is to teach skills that are useful beyond gym class.Instead of learning how to climb a rope, children are taught to lift weights, balance their diets and build physical endurance(忍耐力).In this way,kids are given the tools and skills and experiences so they can lead a physically active life the rest of their life.
Considering that 15 percent of American children 6 to 18 are overweight, supporters say more money and thought must be put into phys ed curriculum.In many cases, that may mean not just replacing the old gym-class model with fitness programs but also starting up phys ed programs because school boards often "put P.E.on the chopping block(砧板), cutting it entirely or decreasing its teachers or the days it is offered," says Alicia Moag-Stahlberg, the executive director of Action for Health Kids.The difference in phys ed programs is partly due to the lack of a national standard."Physical education needs to be part of the core curriculum," she added.
The wisdom of the new approach has some scientific support.Researchers at the University of Wisconsin have showed how effective the fit-for-life model of gym class can be.They observed how 50 overweight children lost more weight when they cycled and skied cross-country (越野)than when they played sports.The researchers also found that teaching sports like football resulted in less overall movement, partly because some reluctant students were able to sit on the bench.
Another problem with simply teaching group sports in gym class is that only a small percentage of students continue playing them after graduating from high school.The new method teaches skills that translate to adulthood.
小题1:According to the passage, what is usually taught in the old gym class?
A.Lift weightsB.Climb a rope
C.CycleD.Have a balanced diet
小题2:What does Alicia Moag-Stahlberg mean by saying “some school boards put P.E.on the chopping block”?
A.Schools do not pay enough attention to P.E..
B.Schools welcome P.E.but do not have time for it.
C.Schools put P.E.in the first place.
D.Schools cut down other subjects’ time for P.E..
小题3:Which is NOT the reason to carry out phys ed programs according to the passage?
A.More teenagers are overweight.
B.Traditional group sports teaching is not effective.
C.Students need to learn some skills to help them lead a physically active life.
D.Phys ed programs need less money to support.
小题4:How many problems are mentioned in the passage with simply teaching group sports?
小题5:What’s the difference between the come-back phys ed and the ordinary gym-class model?
A.The Phys ed teaches group sports.
B.The Phys ed provides more fitness programs.
C.The Phys ed teaches tools and skills which could be used in the future life.
D.The Phys ed has more support from the government.
Jascha Richter once sang “don't need too much talking without saying anything” to reveal his lonely feeling in a crowd.
Dad always told me never to ever reveal my true opinions towards other people if such opinions are negative. He said this is the “Chu Shi Zhe Xue”, the philosophy of dealing with social network.
It seems that everybody here just follows this philosophy very, very well.
Friends. I would say that if I were given true friendship I would definitely treasure it with my greatest care. If I really regard someone as my close friend, I would never leave her alone whenever she's in need, either financially or mentally. And I always believe, as long as I treat people with whole-hearted honesty, I would have some rewards—at least, just ONE true friend of the same gender(性别).
Sometimes I just miss my friends in China. Perhaps when we became friends, we were still young, too young to have been polluted by any dirt in the society. But here, it is simply different. It seems that all of us have learnt how to SURVIVE in a foreign land and such an experience actually makes us learn how to extract (榨取) the most benefits from the surroundings in order to survive.
All are friends around me. I've looked through all the dark sides of their personalities and yet I have to pretend that I know nothing. THEY ARE GOOD. THEY ARE GOOD. AND WE ARE FRIENDS. And then I can make myself comfortable enough to talk to people I hate the most. And of course, they don't say any words truly from their hearts. Neither do I.
But, sometimes I just feel unwilling to talk to these people. Sometimes, I just want to be alone, quietly, without being forced to listen to their gossip or other useless words.
“Standing on a mountain high
Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky
I should go and see some friends         
But they don't really comprehend”
Jascha Richter expresses my feelings also.
67. 小题1:What do we know about the writer’s father according to this passage?
A.He is really a good philosopher.
B.He possibly gets on well with others.
C.He told the writer to reveal her true opinions.
D.The passage doesn’t tell us at all.
68. 小题2:What’s the most probable reason the writer mentions Jascha Richter’s song twice in the passage?
A.She likes Jascha Richter’s song.
B.Jascha Richter is one of her friends.
C.The song expresses her feelings.
D.She uses it to perfects her article.
69. 小题3:Which of the following statements about the writer is TRUE?
A.She is now living abroad but doesn’t enjoy the life there.
B.She absolutely believes in her father’s philosophy.
C.She shows a positive attitude towards her relationship with others.
D.She thinks highly of her friends by repeating “They are good”.
70. 小题4:The writer mostly expresses her ______ in this passage.
A.happinessB.homesickness C.sadnessD.loneliness
As we grow up, we gradually develop a set of our own values or beliefs. These are influenced by society, our family, the education we receive and so on. Once this value system is set up, it’s not easy to change later in life. Financial experts say that everyone also has his own belief of how to manage his money. According to our different values, experts put us in three catagories---the ant, the cricket(蟋蟀) and the snail.
★ The ant — work first
Just like ants who work heart and soul in summer in order to store food for winter, these people don't care about enjoying the moment. They work very hard and save money they earn so that they can enjoy life when they get old and retire. The ant loves to save, but they could make more out of their money if they were willing to invest in some funds and stocks with low risk.
★ The cricket — fun first
The cricket wants to enjoy everything now and doesn't think too much about the future. They even borrow money when they really want something. Many young people now belong to this group. These people have little savings. When they get old, they might have problems. They should learn to save and buy insurance.
★ The snail — life under pressure
The snail refers to people who make life difficult for themselves. They take big long-term loans(贷款) from the bank in order to buy things such as luxury houses. They are happy to take big loans even though they are not sure they can afford them. This can cause problems in the future. They should plan more carefully.
小题1: One’s values may________.
A.be his ways of managing money
B.be his beliefs about society
C.be connected with his education
D.influence his behavior
小题2: Mr. Smith always enjoys spending a weekend with his friends, fishing, hunting and playing cards. Besides, he spends money in a very luxurious way. So_______.
A.Mr. Smith belongs to the ant type
B.Mr. Smith belongs to the cricket type
C.Mr. Smith belongs to the snail type
D.it’s hard to tell which kind of person Mr. Smith is
小题3:The writer of the passage intends _______.
A.to introduce to us the three types of people with different life style
B.to show us his special attitude to the different people
C.to tell us life is full of joy and happiness all the time
D.to warn us how to live a better life in a new way
小题4:According to the passage, the most suitable title would be _______.
A.Nature of Spending
B.What Comes First
C.How to Understand Your Belief
D.Work and Fun
One day my teacher said, “ Life is a game of chess, and the other player is time.” From that moment, I knew I had to enjoy my life. Do not waste time, because, you know, time will not come back. You cannot buy it. It is one of those things in life that you must really, really value.
When you see an opportunity, take it. You might not get it back. Never let an opportunity pass. And if it is too hard, remember that in the middle of every difficulty lies an opportunity.
Remember, you cannot choose how you' re going to die, or when. You can only decide how you' re going to live. Study as if you were going to live forever; live as if you were going to die tomorrow. Don' t just think of the present, but also think of your future. Your future is yet another chapter in your life and another way to live it.
Every single living thing has a purpose in life. "The purpose of life is a life of purpose," said Robert Byme.   
Learn to use time wisely, take opportunities, and enjoy life. We can discover the meaning of life in three different ways: (1) by doing a deed;  (2) by experiencing a value;  (3) by suffering life. So, what are you buying with yours?                               
小题1:The underlined part suggests that___________.
A.if life is a game of chess, time is also a game of chess
B.if life is a game of chess, both you and time are the players
C.if life is one player in a game of chess, time is the other player
D.if time is a game of chess, both life and you are the players
小题2:According to the author, what can you decide?
A.How you die.B.How you live.C.When you die.D.When you succeed.
小题3:This article is most probably from__________.
A.an explanation of time in the universe
B.an essay about time and life
C.an argument that time is the most important thing in life
D.a description of an important class

When many people are worried that there are no more heroes in the modern era,two university students who lost their lives to rescue drowning children have shown that heroes still exist.
According to the Inner Mongolia Morning Post,the tragedy(悲剧) occurred on the afternoon of December 14,2002 when three school students skating on a frozen lake in Qingcheng Park in Hohhot fell through the ice into the freezing water.
More than 20 university students who happened to be near the spot immediately went to the rescue of the children.Two children were quickly rescued,but the third died.The child's body was not found for three hours. Two of the rescuers,Liu Ye and Hao Longbiao,also died of cold and exhaustion.The body of Hao who took the lead in jumping into the lake was not found until the next day.
A student who was unwilling to tell his name said he and his classmates from the local college were taking photos at the lake. When they heard the children's cries for help, they went to the ice hole hand in hand to rescue the children. But the ice kept breaking, causing most of them to fall into the icy water.
Local residents held mourning ceremonies(祭奠仪式) at the lake.
Eight of the students were seriously affected by the freezing water and were being kept in hospital for further observation, but their lives were no longer in danger.
56. When the three students fell into water, the university students were _____.
A. skating on the ice              B. taking photos at the lake
C. having a picnic                 D. walking along the lake
57. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Three students died on the same day in all.
B. Hao Longbiao’s body was found on December 14,2002.
C. The university students didn’t think it dangerous to save the drowning children in the lake.
D. Local residents were not brave in face of danger.
58. It can be inferred that ____.
A. people think little of the two university students' death
B. the ice on the lake wasn't strong enough to skate on
C. some students regretted for what they had done
D. heroes don't agree with the steps of modern times
Whether you’re taking a trip alone or with your family, it’s easier to get sick when you’re in a new place because your body hasn’t had a chance to adjust to the food, water, and air in a new environment. Read the following tips on keeping your travel experience as healthy as possible.
Safe foods and drinks
What foods are safe to eat? Foods that have been boiled are generally safe, as well as fruits and vegetables that have to be peeled before eating. Avoid eating uncooked or undercooked meat.
Stay away from foods that require a lot of handling before serving.
Drink only bottled water when traveling. If you have to use the tap water, you should boil it first.
You can take it with you
When you’re packing, taking some painkiller and diarrhea medicine is a good idea. It’s also a good idea to pack some allergy (过敏) medicine even if you don’t take it at home, because people sometimes unexpectedly develop allergic reactions in a new environment.
Write it all down
Before you leave your sweet home, create a medical history form that includes the following information:
your name, address, and home phone number as well as a parent’s daytime phone number
your blood typea list of any ongoing health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, or AIDS a list of current medicines you are taking a list of allergies to medicine, food, insects, and animals the name, address, and phone number of a relative other than your parent It also helps if you have some basic emergency medical knowledge, not only for yourself but also for helping others you may be traveling with. A great way to prepare for your trip is to take a first-aid or basic life support course before you go; if you’re traveling with a group, you should know where the first-aid kit is and what’s in it.
小题1: Which of the following word can replace the underlined word in Para.1?
小题2:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Some travel tipsB.Danger of travelC.Travel experienceD.First aid in travel
小题3: According to the passage before you travel you’d better write the phone number of the following EXCEPT ______.
A.your ownB.one of your parentsC.one of your relativesD.one of your friends
小题4:Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?
A.Taking a first-aid course.B.Writing down your blood type.
C.Taking some necessary medicine.D.Telling your parents’ your plan.
If you thought sports stars Yao Ming and Liu Xiang or Internet entrepreneurs Zhang Chaoyang and Ding Lei would automatically be on the list of the” Men of Our Time”,then you could be behind the times.
The surprise in the list of 10 men released by the All-China Women’s Federation yesterday is that it contains no celebrities- and the guiding factors seem to be care and sympathy for the opposite sex.
In fact,Liu and Yao,as well as actor Pu Cunxin—the image ambassador for China’s anti-HIV,AIDS campaign—appeared in a booklet given out at the contest’s launch ceremony in January.The federation wouldn’t say why they are not in the final list.
The winners,with an average age of 47.5,were selected by women officials and journalists of the nine women’s newspapers in China,whose standard was men promoting equality between the sexes.
Li Zhong hua, a 46-year—old air force officer who test-flies planes,said he thought he was chosen because” he takes good care of his family,and is a gentleman”.
”Gentlemen get more respect in our society.They should be like those in the movie Titanic,who let women and children lave first in life rafts。”he told China Daily.
Shi Hua shan,a 48-year-old policeman in Gui xi of Jiangxi Province,said that he became a”man in the eyes of women” because” women love stories of heroes saving beauties".
His team has rescued more than 180 women who were taken away by force and sold as wives in the mountain regions of Fujian Province.
Some other” Men of Our Time” are:
Lang Jinghe,67,gynecologist at the Peking Union Medical College Hospital in Beijing,who has made breakthroughs in ovarian cancer;
Ma Li,33,official in Xuzhou of Jiangsu Province,whose shelter has helped 196 victims of domestic violence;Li Mingshull,43,lawyer in Beijing,who is active in campaigns against family violence;Liu Ri,51,a mine worker in Lu’an of Shanxi Province,who took care of his paralyzed
parents·in-law for 23 years with his wife.
小题1:Which of the following statements is right?
A.Liu Xiang, a sports star, was on the list of the “Men of Our Time”.
B.LiZhonghua was a man in the eyes of women because he was an excellent air force officer.
C.Shi Huashan rescued women from forced marriages
D.The honor was given to Pu Cunxin at the launch ceremony in January.
小题2:Who is among the“Men of Our Time”?
A.Yao MingB.Ma LiC.Pu Cunxin D.Liu Xiang
小题3:The underlined word “celebrities” in the second paragraph most probably means______.
A.famous scientistsB.famous actors
C.well-known peopleD.well.known sports stars
小题4:This passage is most probably taken from——.
A.a science magazineB.an advertising booklet
C.a travel brochureD.a newspaper

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