
【题目】【原创】Noah McQueen is part of "My Brother's Keeper," a White House program aimed at young men of color.

His teen years have been rough, and include several arrests and a short period of being in prison. But last week, he was at the White House talking with President Obama.

"Growing up, I didn't have a stable household. I attended eight schools in three years," McQueen says.

McQueen adds his dad lives down the street from him, but he doesn't really have a relationship with him.

"That's one of the things we have in common," Obama says. "As I get older, I start reflecting on how that affected me. How do you think that affected you?"

"I think I learn right and wrong on my own terms." McQueen says.

"Obviously you've straightened yourself out and become successful as a black man. " Obama says. " But did you feel pressure to look back on the way you once acted?"

"Definitely, there's always pressure." McQueen says, " People will say, 'You are the success story,' but it's hard to always make the right decision and always be the leader."

"You shouldn't feel like you can't make mistakes.” Obama says. You've discovered this strength inside yourself. If you stay true to that voice that clearly knows what's right and what's wrong, sometimes you're going to mess up, but you can steer back and keep going."

About his future plan, McQueen says" I want to do education because I want to work with kids," "You know, to see the beginnings, and to see where I was, to see the exact same kid doing the exact same thing. And it's like, we owe it to everyone and ourselves to come back and change that. That's like our duty.

"Yeah, and Noah, I just want to say how proud I am of you, man," Obama says. "It's not an easy thing to do what you've done. And I think you give others a lot of confidence and a sense of what's possible for them. And that makes me real proud. I know you're going to do great things."

【1】What doe the underlined words “steer back” possibly mean?

A. Turn to the right direction.

B. Hesitate to go ahead.

C. Stop to have a rest.

D. Adapt to the environment.

【2】From the passage we can know Obama ____.

A. got along well with his father when young

B. cares about the growth of the American youth

C. hates the youth to make mistakes

D. asks McQueen to work with kids

【3】Why does McQueen want to do education?

A. Because he wants to make a living.

B. Because he wants to help children grow healthily.

C. Because he is encouraged by Obama.

D. Because there is a great need for teachers.

【4】Which is wrong about Noah McQueen ?

A. He is a black boy.

B. He did something wrong

C. He is praised by the president.

D. He founded “My Brother's Keeper”.

【5】What can be the best title?

A. You Have This Strength Inside Yourself.

B. Dont be Afraid to Make Mistakes.

C. My Brother's Keeper—A Nice Program.

D. Black People should be Treated Equally.










【2】B推理判断题。本文是奥巴马在白宫会见18岁的年轻人Noah McQueen时的采访记录,在文中奥巴马鼓励McQueen继续努力,去实现自己的梦想。由此判断选B。而根据第四、五段内容可知奥巴马在少年时和父亲关系不好;根据倒数第三段内容"You shouldn't feel like you can't make mistakes.”可知C选项错误;根据倒数第二段内容可知从事教育和孩子们在一起是McQueen自己的梦想,故D选项错误。


【4】D细节理解题。根据文章首段Noah McQueen is part of "My Brother's Keeper," a White House program aimed at young men of color.可知"My Brother's Keeper"是白宫创办的一个项目,故选D。根据第二段He was once in prison可知他坐过牢,判断B选项正确;从文章末段奥巴马的话判断C选项正确;从第七段"Obviously you've straightened yourself out and become successful as a black man.可知McQueen是个黑人青年,故A选项内容正确。

【5】A主旨大意题。本文介绍了奥巴马总统接见黑人青年McQueen的事情, McQueen曾经犯过错,坐过牢,但是他浪子回头,如今努力去从事教育事业,奥巴马鼓励他要继续努力,不怕在人生中走错路,要听从内心正义的呼唤,做一番有用的事业,由此判断A选项可以体现文章中心。


【题目】Swiss International Air lines(SWISS)will introduce daily non-stop flights between Beijing and Zurich.

The new service to the financial center of Switzerland is expected to start on Dec.12,2012,which marks an expansion of services for the Chinese market.In May 2008,SWISS already started direct flights to Shanghai.

The first flight to Europe has a special price of 2,680 yuan,which does not include taxes and fuel surcharges.

“I am delighted the airlines of Switzerland can contribute to growing economic ties between the two countries with new daily flights scheduled,”says SWISS CEO Harry Hohmeister.

“We are witnessing a growing demand for tourist travel in both directions.”

Apart from Shanghai and Hong Kong,Beijing will be the third Chinese destination for SWISS.

The new route marks a return to Beijing for SWISS:the airlines previously flew to the Chinese capital as late as June 2003.

SWISS will initially operate its new daily non-stop Beijing-Zurich flights with an Airbus A340-300(219 seats)and Airbu: A330-300(236 seats)air-crafts.

The modem SWISS business class offers the most suitable comforts since the seats can be adjusted into a two-meter-long bed.

Seating firmness and softness can be adjusted thanks to air cushions.

With the introduction of the new SWISS service from Beijing,the Lufthansa Group Airlines may attract more Chinese customers when traveling to Europe.

SWISS.Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines already connect five Chinese cities with Europe and beyond.

This airlines group is the leading European airlines network in the Chinese market.

In the summer of 2011,the Lufthansa Group operated 78 weekly flights from China including Hong Kong to Europe.

SWISS is part of the Lufthansa Group as well as a member of the Star Alliance,the world's biggest airlines grouping.

【1】According to the passage,from Dec.12,2012,

A.it will only take us a day to fly from Beijing to Zurich

B.we can fly directly from Beijing to Zurich

C.the first flight from Beijing to Europe will only cost you 2,680 yuan

D.the direct flight to Shanghai started by SWISS will be canceled

【2】Why is the new flight added?

A.SWISS wants to offer good service to Chinese people.

B.SWISS wants to contribute to growing economic ties between the two countries

C.There is a growing demand for tourist travel in both directions.

D.SWISS wants to create more opportunity for people to work.

【3】What's special about the Airbus of the new flight?

A.The Airbus can carry more passengers than other planes.

B.The seats in it can be adjusted into comfortable beds.

C.It offers all kinds of services for passengers to choose from.

D.It has two kinds of air cushions on its seats.

【4】What's the right relation between SWISS,Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines?

A.SWISS is the customer of the Lufthansa Group Airlines

B.Austrian Airlines is a part of SWISS.

C.SWISS is part of the Lufthansa Group.

D.SWISS belongs to Austrian Airlines.

【5】What is the passage mainly about?

A.SWISS already started direct flights to Shanghai.

B.SWISS adds direct flights from Beijing to Europe.

C.Beijing will be the third Chinese destination for SWISS.

D.SWISS is the world's biggest airlines grouping.


AFlipside Festival Singapore

As part of the Singapore Arts Festival Outreach Programme, Flipside aims to reach a much wider audience with three weeks of lively, fun street performances. Flipside promises to bring out the adventurous side of you with a combination of physical theatre and mind games as well as free outdoor performances such as music performances from local singers.

BNuits Sonores Lyon, France

Held each May, this relatively new festival brings together some of the biggest club DJs from around the world. The focus is on electronic dance music, but it also embraces all musical forms ranging from hip hop to jazz. For those who want to see daylight hours after a hard night clubbing, there is a wide variety of cultural events during the day ranging from special festival food programmes to films.

CWharfedale Festival of Performing Arts West Yorkshire, the United Kingdom

Young people are invited to compete in this art festival with classes covering speech, guitar, dance, poetry and short story writing, and so on. The previous year's winners are invited back to perform again at a special concert. With a long and well-known history behind it, this well-attended competition is a kind of forerunner of popular television talent contests such as Pop Idol.

DHay Festival Hay on Wye, the United Kingdom

The little market town, Hay, has a population of 1500 and no fewer than 39 bookshops. It bills itself as the world's first and most distinguished book town, and is, therefore, a perfect place for a literary festival. The festival is a celebration of great writing. There are events including film screenings and musical concerts and the bookshops remain open throughout.

EBergen International Festival Bergen, Norway

Founded in 1953, the Bergen International Festival presents an impressive cast of outstanding international artists in the fields of music, ballet, opera and other performing arts. More than 120 events take place in late May to early June, which is a time of beautiful spring weather. The main festival venue is the Grieg Hall while the smallest and most unusual is an old trolley bus with seating for just 33 people.

FSydney Writers' Festival Sydney, Australia

Held at Sydney's Wharf 4/5, the annual Sydney Writers' Festival is the biggest literary event of its kind in Australia and one of the biggest book fairs in the world. Attracting a mix of authors, poets, editors, publishers and book lovers, this is a great event at which people can look through thousands of titles while enjoying workshops, book reading and seminars.


【1】Martin, a famous writer, likes to find as many chances as possible to attend literary events around the world. Martin hopes to make friends with editors and book lovers.

【2】Kelly is crazy about music, especially electronic dance music. She would like to go to a festival where she can enjoy different musical forms. She also has a strong interest in films.

【3】As an outgoing girl, Victoria is very fond of performing arts. She hopes to take part in some performing art festivals to challenge and improve herself, and as a way to prepare for future television talent contests.

【4】Simon is in search of a festival in North Europe with a long history where he can appreciate great international performing arts, especially ballet and opera.

【5】Chris is a university student who majors in music. He'd like to watch some local street music performances. He is also very interested in physical theatre and mind games.

【题目】Air travel makes some people very nervous. The crowds, the noise and flying itself can cause . But there are classes people can take to help them the fear of flying. And there is training for service dogs that suffer the same problem.

Service dogs almost never the side of the people they care for. You will see them working on buses, trains and other public systems. But the busy environment found at an airport can even the best trained working dog.

People with disabilities depend on their dogs. They want the animals to safely them through security areas. They also need the dogs to remain on duty on the airplane, even when the flying is not . This takes special . The Air Hollywood K9 Flight School is one place where such help can be found.

The school has a piece of equipment that provides the sights, sounds and even the feel of an airplane in flight. Dog trainers say training is based on a simple rule: preparation. Dogs need to be exposed gradually and to the environment, to loud noises, to sounds and other dogs so that when this experience happens to them on a daily basis, they're able to act in a way that they're used to acting and that they don't get .

Dog owners who the training at Air Hollywood K9 Flight School say they now feel much more at ease about future . Their dogs also seem ready for takeoff.

【1】A. trouble B. span>unease C. accidents D. diseases

【2】A. defeat B. describe C. sense D. record

【3】A. professional B. varied C. free D. similar

【4】A .approach B. bark C. leave D. take

【5】A. association B. running C. transport D. society

【6】A. trouble B. attract C. interrupt D. instruct

【7】A. follow B. guide C. train D. land

【8】A. nervously B. stressfully C. calmly D. enthusiastically

【9】A. speedy B. relaxing C. dangerous D. smooth

【10】A. interest B. attention C. training D. procedure

【11】A. previous B. cooperative C. academic D. successful

【12】A. repeatedly B. abruptly C. occasionally D. instantly

【13】A. bored B. excitable C. energetic D. fragile

【14】A. attended B. inquired C. overlooked D. recommended

【15】A. career B. flights C. security D. generations


【1】_______ on a mobile phone is expensive, so a lot of people ____ text messages.通过手机谈话费用很贵,因此许多人就发送文本信息。

【2】Within five years, ________of Internet users _____ from 600,000 to 40 million.在五年内, 因特网用户的数量从600,000上升到了四千万。

【3】In the____ twenty years, seven Canadian scientists________ the Nobel Prize.在过来的二十年里,有七位加拿大的科学家获得了诺贝尔奖。

【4】It is hard to __________a world ___________metals.


【5】Sometimes villages _______because people from the cities have bought___ “second home” in the village, where they come and stay at weekends.


【6】It____________ six years since we last __________ each other.


【7】Travelling __________of over 400 kilometers per hour, the train can complete the ________________ journey in eight minutes.

火车以每小时400多公里的时速前进,在8分钟内就完成了30 公里的路程。

【8】Mrs Li _______smiles, ______________you don’t feel completely stupid!


【9】We don’t dare to say a word _________ she asks us ________.


【10】The school year _____________two semesters, the first of ______ is September through December, and the second January through May.一学年被分成两个学期, 第一个学期从九月份到十二月份,第二个学期从一月份到五月份。

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