
【题目】How often do you eat out?

__________,but usually once a week.

A. Have no idea

B. It depends

C. As usual

D. Generally speaking




【题目】A newspaper reporter's job can be very interesting. He meets all kinds of people and lives quite life. He is on the rush for a newspaper all the time, then after several years he get a desk job,and life becomes a bit more settled.

In a day he may have to interview the prime minister of a foreign country, and the next day he may be writing a football match. Sometimes he may be so that he has hardly any time to sleep. And other times he may go on for days out for news,and yet return empty hands.

In the beginning,a reporter has to a very wide field. After the early years, he becomes more specialized (专门的)in his work. example,he may finally to write only on politics or sports. Some newspapers have book reviews. Their job is . They read the books and then write reviews on the ones they like. Then there are those write on films. So they get to see them even they are shown in the cinema. lucky, you would say!

A newspaper reporter's job can also be very A number of them have died rushing from one place to another and if there is a flood or a riot(暴乱)they may get or even be killed. Three years ago there was a reporter camera was broken by a group of men, they were angry with him for taking their pictures. Dangerous or not, one thing is certain,and that is, their job is never .

【1】A. a happy B. an easy C. a busy D. a simple

【2】A. must B. need C. has to D. may

【3】A. to B. about C. down D. with

【4】A. excited B. tired C. busy D. asleep

【5】A. at B. in C. on D. from

【6】A. looks B. looking C. looked D. be looking

【7】A. by B. in C. of D. with

【8】A. plough B. work C. cover D. develop

【9】A. Take B. An C. Follow D. For

【10】A. be agreed B. be asked C. be hoped D. be enjoyed

【11】A. pleasing B. pleased C. hard D. easy

【12】A. oldest B. newest C. earliest D. latest

【13】A. that B. whom C. who D. which

【14】A. after B. until C. unless D. before

【15】A. What a B. How C. So D. Too

【16】A. dangerous B. difficult C. exciting D. safe

【17】A. hurting B. to hurt C. hurted D. hurt

【18】A. that B. which C. whose D. whom

【19】A. although B. since C. but D. because

【20】A. unknown B. unable C. uninteresting D. successful

【题目】Whenever someone begins to talk to me about how horrible it is to eat meat and suggests that a nice piece of tofu would be just as good, I just smile and show them those nice pointy teeth we all have in the corners of our mouths. They are called canines (犬牙), and they are there only for the purpose of eating meat.

When it comes to satisfying this kind of desire, soy (豆类) food can never match a well-prepared tri-tip (also know as triangle beef steak ). Just the thought of the beef, burning on the grill (烤架) with the smell of wood smoke gets the mouth watering and brings back memories of summer barbecues. When the knife cuts through the tri- tip, exposing the red meat bursting with juices, it's more than just cooking. It's a cultural event, showing we are at the top of the food chain, like no other food can.

Nutritionally speaking, the tri-tip is one of the better cuts of beef. It is lower in fat than many other cuts, and the proteins (蛋白质) you get from eating meat are more complete than those that come from vegetables, making meat a better choice for building and keeping up your muscle tissue healthy.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, one thing to be aware of with soy products in general is that while they are high in iron, a necessary mineral for the body, they also contain something that blocks the body's absorption of iron. We can cook them in various ways to make them tasty. Anyway, the tri-tip goes a lot better with ice-cold beer than a large piece of bean-curd cheese would, no matter how you cook it.

I guess I should say at least

e good thing about tofu. If you cook it just right, you can make it taste a little like the tri-tip, but only a little.

【1】What's the author's attitude towards eating meat?

A. Uncaring. B. Approving.

C. Ambiguous. D. Cautious.

【2】From the second paragraph, we learn that a well-prepared tri-tip ______.

A. can be delicious and unforgettable

B. can be served only for barbecues

C. should be eaten with soy food

D. should be cooked longer on the grill

【3】 Compared with tofu, the tri-tip is ______.

A. more nutritious but poorer in proteins

B. higher in iron and other useful minerals

C. more beneficial for muscle development

D. harder for eaters to take in its iron

【4】The best title of the passage is ______.

A. The tri-tip, your right choice

B. Differences between tri-tip and tofu

C. Tofu, a nutritious soy food

D. Best food partner Tri-tip and tofu

【题目】In 1985, a lionfish was caught off the coast of Florida. Now they can be found not only in the Atlantic Ocean but also in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. And they are continuing to move south. Lionfish are native to the Indian and western Pacific Oceans. So how did they end up in the Atlantic? Scientists believe some pet owners abandoned their unwanted lionfish and poured them into the sea. Little did they know the trouble their actions would cause.

The Atlantic Ocean turned out to be a comfortable home for lionfish. Their venomous spines (毒刺) protect them from sharks and other fish. Female lionfish can spawn (产卵) every few days, producing as many as 2 million eggs per year. Other big fish would have competed with lionfish for food. Bet overfishing has removed many of these large fish. As a result, the fish have eaten so much that they have grown to be more then three times the size of their cousins in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. “They eat mostly fish,” says Stephanie Green, a scientist at Oregon State University.

All that eating has caused great changes. Scientists have found that when lionfish are present somewhere, many other fish, which are small enough for them to eat, disappear. Some of the fish they eat are greatly missed in their habitats. For example, parrotfish eat certain plants off corals(珊瑚), which allows corals to grow better. But they are now disappearing due to lionfish.

Scientists say lionfish are here to stay. But there are ways to deal with the problem. The key, says Green, is to keep lionfish numbers in check. In Florida, drivers can now go though a special training program and get certified(授予合格证书) to catch lionfish in areas where fishing is not usually allowed. And a number of restaurants have added the fish to the menu. “It’s going to be a long-term battle, but the missing sea species will come back someday,” says Green.

【1】What can we learn about lionfish?

A. Its population is growing very quickly.

B. All of them are almost the same size.

C. They eat other big fish and even sharks

D. Most of them have gathered in the Atlantic.

【2】Parrotfish were mentioned to show lionfish’s _____.

A. loneliness B. carelessness

C. weakness D. harmfulness

【3】What is Stephanie Green’s attitude to the battle against lionfish?

A. She doubts it.

B. She is hopeful of it.

C. She is worried about it.

D. She thinks it is against the law.

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