
In colleges around the country, most students are also workers.

The reality of college can be pretty different from the images presented in movies and television. Instead of the students who wake up late, party all the time, and study only before exams, many colleges are full of students with pressing schedules of not just classes and activities, but real jobs, too.

This isn’t a temporary phenomenon.The share of working students has been on the rise since the 1970s, and one-fifth of students work yearround. About one-quarter of those who work while attending school have both a full-courseload and a full-time job. The arrangement can help pay for tuition (学费) and living costs, obviously. And there’s value in it beyond the direct cause: such jobs can also be critical for developing important professional and social skills that make it easier to land a job after graduation. With many employers looking for students with already-developed skill sets, on-the-job training while in college can be the best way to ensure a job later on.

But it’s not all upside. Even full-time work may not completely cover the cost of tuition and living expenses. The study notes that if a student worked a full-time job at the federal minimum wage, they would earn just over $15,000 each year, certainly not enough to pay for tuition, room, and board at many colleges without some serious financial aid. That means that though they’re sacrificing time away from the classroom, many working students will still graduate with at least some debt. And working fulltime can reduce the chance that students will graduate at all, by cutting into the time available for studying and attending classes.

There is little reward for attending but not finishing college. Students who wind up leaving school because of difficulty in managing work and class are likely to find themselves stuck in some of the same jobs they might have gotten if they hadn’t gone at all. The difficulty of working too much while in school can create a cycle that pushes students further into debt without receiving any of the financial or career benefits.

1.According to the passage, the reality of college students is that ______.

A. they throw parties a lot

B. they stay up late every night

C. they pay no attention to exams

D. they work besides attending classes

2.What is the indirect cause of an increasing number of working students?

A.The need of developing social networks.

B.The lack of summer jobs for young adults.

C.The chance of finding a job after graduation.

D.The expenses of high tuition and living costs.

3.We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. working students are more likely to finish college

B. students can cover their college expenses through working

C. students receive a huge reward for managing work and class

D. dropping out of college may not help students get career benefits

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. The Difficulties of Landing a Job

B. The Struggle of Work-School Balance

C. The Reward of Working While Studying

D. The Images of Working College Students


A sleepover (在外过夜的聚会) at Legoland Discovery Centre, at the Trafford Centre in Manchester, may sound like the perfect place to host your child's next birthday party — but it will set parents back more than £1,000.

All rides — Kingdom Quest Laser Ride, Merlin's Apprentice and Lego City Forest Pursuit — are open during the evening and supervision (监管) on these rides is provided at all times. The Lego Studios 4D Cinema is also open and guests have exclusive use of the Lego construction play area until 10:00 pm, which means you will have a good time and don't need to share any facilities with other groups.

But at £35 a head, with a minimum guest list of 30, it's unlikely to be something the average parent could afford, reports Manchester Evening News.

A Legoland spokesman said: "The sleepover package is aimed at groups such as boys between eight and ten, girls between six and eight and youth groups, however it is open to everyone within the terms of the offer. " There is a birthday room to use, and in regard to food, snack boxes can be purchased for the additional cost of £4.50. Guests are also welcome to bring along their own food and drinks, and there are storage facilities where they can be kept.

"Also we do have daytime party packages available, which are £15 per child midweek and £18 per child at the weekend. But these packages have a policy of a minimum of nine and a maximum of 21 people, due to room capacity. "

The spokesman continued, "Included in the price for these parties is the birthday cake, and children's meal of sandwiches, crisps, fruit juice, fruit and Haribo sweets. All attending adults also get a free hot drink and the birthday child gets a free group photograph."

Legoland says that the pricing for the sleepover package is based on overall operating costs of opening the centre exclusively for the group.

1.When you have a sleepover at Legoland Discovery Centre at the Trafford Centre, you can't have access to ________.

A. Lego City Forest Pursuit

B. the Lego construction play area

C. the Lego Studios 4D Cinema

D. Lego City Deep Sea Exploration

2.Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the underlined word, "exclusive", in the second paragraph?

A. beneficial B. unshared C. accessible D. combined

3.The sleepover at the Legoland Discovery Centre ________.

A. charges £35 per child at the weekend in daytime

B. charges£4.50 for a birthday cake

C. is only open to groups

D. provides all people with group photographs for free

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Have a birthday party in Legoland

B. Some newly-introduced Lego toys

C. Activities you can do in Legoland

D. Have a sleepover away from home

A year after graduation, I was offered a position teaching a writing class. Teaching was a profession I had never seriously considered, though several of my stories had been published. I accepted the job without hesitation, as it would allow me to wear a tie and go by the name of Mr. Davis. My father went by the same name, and I liked to imagine people getting the two of us confused. “Wait a minute” someone might say, “are you talking about Mr. Davis the retired man, or Mr. Davis the respectable scholar?”

The position was offered at the last minute, and I was given two weeks to prepare, a period I spent searching for briefcase (公文包) and standing before my full-length mirror, repeating the words, “Hello, class. I’m Mr. Davis.” Sometimes I would give myself an aggressive voice. Sometimes I would sound experienced. But when the day eventually came, my nerves kicked in and the true Mr. Davis was there. I sounded not like a thoughtful professor, but rather a 12-year-old boy.

I arrived in the classroom with paper cards designed in the shape of maple leaves. I had cut them myself out of orange construction paper. I saw nine students along a long table. I handed out the cards, and the students wrote down their names and fastened them to their breast pockets as I required.

“All right then,” I said. “Okay, here we go.” Then I opened my briefcase and realized that I had never thought beyond this moment. I had been thinking that the students would be the first to talk, offering their thoughts and opinions on the events of the day. I had imagined that I would sit at the edge of the desk, overlooking a forests of hands. Every student would yell. “Calm down, you’ll all get your turn. One at a time, one at a time!”

A terrible silence ruled the room, and seeing no other opinions, I inspected the students to pull out their notebooks and write a brief essay related to the theme of deep disappointment.

1. The author took the job to teach writing because ______.

A. he wanted to be expected

B. he had written some storied

C. he wanted to please his father

D. he had dreamed of being a teacher

2. What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 2?

A. He would be aggressive in his first class.

B. He was well-prepared for his first class.

C. He got nervous upon the arrival of his first class.

D. He waited long for the arrival of his first class.

3.Before he started his class, the author asked the students to ______.

A. write down their suggestions on the paper cards

B. cut maple leaves out of the construction paper

C. cut some cards out of the construction pape

D. write down their names on the paper cards

4. What did the students do when the author started his class?

A. They began to talk.

B. They stayed silent.

C. They raised their hands.

D. They shouted to be heard.

5. The author chose the composition topic probably because ______.

A. he got disappointed with his first class

B. he had prepared the topic before class

C. he wanted to calm down the students

D. he thought it was an easy topic

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