
My first memories of acts of kindness are from when I was about 12 years old.I always 21   people as soon as possible with whatever they needed.

At that time, I noticed that many  22   people had difficulty going to the grocery store 23    a snowstorm.I would spend part of a  24    Saturday knocking on my elderly neighbor’s apartment doors to ask if they  25   anything from the store.The  26   was down a hill and I would bring back a couple of bags of goods for them.I liked it and it made them so   27   , too.

My friends asked me 28   I was doing and after some time some of them  29   in and it became a  30    as time went by.I  31   asked for money for what I did, but sometimes the old ladies would  32    the change in my pocket secretly.The next time I would buy some flowers or cards for them.

When I went to college, many of these people would  33   my mother about me,  34   my mother didn’t always know who they were.It was through those  35  between my mother and these people that she  36   what I used to do for them — I had never told her.

I  37   helping others when I was 12 and it  38   until today.Now, I’m a teacher and teaching my students the art of true  39  .At first I wrote this for my diary, but my mother said why not  40  it with everyone.I hope this inspires younger people and the old alike.

A.helped         B.gave            C.cared         D.offered

A.lazy           B.tired           C.kind          D.old

A.after          B.before          C.until            D.since

A.fine          B.snowy          C.funny           D.busy

A.got           B.fetched         C.needed          D.took

A.store          B.factory         C.hospital        D.college

A.sad         B.happy           C.strange         D.young

A.whether        B.when         C.why            D.what

A.turned         B.looked          C.gave          D.joined

A.rule           B.habit         C.tradition       D.custom

A.never          B.usually         C.always          D.sometimes

A.put         B.choose          C.save            D.keep

A.think          B.ask            C.guess         D.find

A.but           B.and            C.so             D.or

A.conversations B.discussion     C.statements     D.speeches

A.knew from    B.thought over    C.learned about   D.talked about

A.finished        B.started          C.stopped         D.lasted

A.pauses         B.remains        C.continues        D.follows

A.love           B.kindness         C.friendship       D.honesty

A.show         B.divide           C.deliver          D.share























“Where is the bus?” I asked myself. I was going to be late and the manager wasn’t going to be pleased. Thank God, here it is! The bus__1__round the corner and I got on. Ten minutes later I was walking into the__2__ where I work. “Twenty-five past nine. I__3__ the manager doesn’t notice.” But no __4__luck! “Smith!” shouted the manager. “Late again. What’s your__5__ this time?”. “ I’m afraid the bus was late, Mr. Brown.” “Get up earlier tomorrow! Anyway, go to your__6__ at the counter, we’ll be opening in a few minutes.”
My first customer was a pretty girl wearing a red dress. Behind her was a young man of about 25. He seemed very__7__, and every few seconds he looked __8__the main entrance. The girl__9__about opening a bank account. I gave her the necessary __10__and she walked out. __11__, I noticed a tall man by the door, carrying something__12__with brown paper. Turning to my next customer, I was terrified to see a gun__13__ out of his coat. The moment a loud noise __14__ my ears. Everything went black. I was falling…. After__15__seemed a very long time, I opened my eyes and found in bed! __16__shaking from the memory of this terrible dream, I got dressed and ran out of the house. As usual, the bus wasn’t on time, and I got to the bank at 9:25.
“Smith!” the manager cried out in a voice like thunder. “__17__of your excuse! Go start work at once!” To my__18__, the first customer was a girl __19__ a red dress and behind her stood a man carrying something wrapped in brown paper. The __20__! Wasn’t that the surprise of my life?


Doctors are known to be terrible pilots.They don’t listen because they already know it all.I was luckyⅠ became a pilot in 1970almost ten years before I graduated from medical school.I didn’t realize thenbut becoming a pilot makes me a better surgeon.I loved flying.As I flew biggerfaster planesand in worse weatherI learned about crew resource management (机组资源管理)or CRMa new idea to make flying safer.It means that crew members should listen and speak up for a good resultregardless of positions.

I first read about CRM in 1980.Not long after thatan attending doctor and I were flying in bad weather.The controller had us turn too late to get our landing ready.The attending doctor was flyingI was safety pilot.He was so busy because of the bad turnhe had forgotten to put the landing gear (起落架) down.He was a better pilotand my boss so it felt unusual to speak up.But I had toOur lives were in danger.I put aside my uneasiness and said“We need to put the landing gear down now” That was my first real lesson in the power of CRMand I’ve used it in the operating room ever since.

CRM requires that the pilot/surgeon encourage others to speak up.It further requires that when opinions are from the oppositethe doctor doesn’t overreactwhich might prevent fellow doctors from voicing opinions again.So when I’m in the operating roomI ask for ideas and help from others.Sometimes they’re not willing to speak up.But I hope that if I continue to encourage themsomeday someone will keep me from “landing_gear_up

1.What does the author say about doctors in general?

AThey like flying by themselves.

BThey are unwilling to take advice.

CThey pretend to be good pilots.

DThey are quick learners of CRM.

2.The author deepened his understanding of the power of CRM when________.

Ahe saved the plane by speaking up

Bhe was in charge of a flying task

Chis boss landed the plane too late

Dhis boss operated on a patient

3.In the last paragraph “landing gear up” probably means ________.

Afollowing flying requirements

Boverreacting to different opinions

Clistening to what fellow doctors say

Dmaking a mistake that may cost lives

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

ACRMA New Way to Make Flying Safe

BFlying Makes Me a Better Doctor

CThe Making of a Good Pilot

DA Pilot?Tumed Doctor


I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the living room, my 12-year-old son looked __36__ at me and said, “I love you.” I didn’t know what to say. __37__ several seconds all I could do was to stand there and __38__ down at him. My first thought was that he must need __39__ with his homework or he was trying to __40__ me for some news. Finally I asked, “What was that all about?”

“Nothing.” He said, “My teacher said we should __41__ our parents that we love them and see what they say. It’s a(n) __42__.”

The next day I called his teacher to __43__ more about this “experiment” and how the other parents had __44__.

“Basically, most of the fathers had the __45__ reaction as you did.” The teacher said, “When I first __46__ we try this, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble.” “The __47__ is,” the teacher explained, “feeling loved is an important part of __48__. It’s something all human beings __49__. What I’m trying to tell the children is that it’s too __50__ that we don’t all express those feelings. A boy should be __51__ to tell his dad that he loves him.”

The teacher, a middle-aged man, understands how __52__ it is for some of us to say the things that would be good for us to say.

When my son came to me that evening, I held on to him for __53__ second. And just __54__ he pulled away, I said in my deepest, most manly voice, “Hey, I love you, too.”

I don’t know if saying that made either of us healthier, but it did feel pretty good. Maybe next time if my child says “I love you”, it would not take me a whole day to think of the right __55__.

1.A. down                 B. away             C. out                   D. up

2.A. After                  B. For              C. At                    D. On

3.A. glance                B. glare            C. stare                 D. watch

4. A. patience             B. time             C. help                   D. paper

5. A. report                B. prepare         C. answer                          D. apologize

6. A. help                 B. ask               C. tell                     D. make

7.A. thing                  B. experiment       C. word                   D. sentence

8. A. search for                  B. search                 C. find out                           D. find

9.A. said                  B. reacted       C. done                    D. explained

10.A. same               B. different        C. usual                    D. ordinary

11.A. allowed                B. agreed        C. suggested                        D. planned

12.A. point               B. idea            C. way                     D. cause

13. A. body               B. health          C. life                       D. study

14.A. have                B. know         C. take                       D. require

15. A. bad                B. good           C. late                     D. early

16.A. fit                  B. ready         C. nice                      D. able

17.A. easy                B. much         C. often                     D. difficult

18.A. a much              B. a full           C. an exact                  D. an extra

19. A. before             B. after           C. because                          D. if

20. A. answer             B. key             C. reason                  D experiment


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