


61. Is there any_______ (可能性) for you to win the match?

62. It is not enough to have ________ (同情) for the disabled people.

63. He was a________ of cheating in the entrance exam.

64. The manager says the idea is ________ (值得的) of consideration.

65. He has never _______(羡慕)the rich luxurious pleasures.

66. I’m _________ (意识到的) that great changes will take place soon.

67. The police found a large q ________ of illegal drugs in his home.

68. As is known to all, it is important to know your own strengths and w__________.

69. On a ________, people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do.

70. Since she is good at b _________, she can always get things at the reasonable price.

   61.possibility 62.sympathy 63.accused 64.worthy 65.envied 66.aware       67.quantities   68.weaknesses   69.average      70.bargaining


第四部分:写作 (共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Fred and I haven't many in common. I sometimes        .76.           
wonder that why we are friends at all. Fred is           77.           
always busy make things. Everything he makes is             78.           
so perfect that I sometimes envy for him his skill.         79.           
My trouble is that I'm one of those lazy people.          80.           
Outside my work at the office, the only thing which      81.           
interested me is listening to music. I have a              82.           
big collection of records and all day along the           83.           
only thing I can think is when I'm going to             84.           
get home listen to a new piece.                            85.           

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