


These fast food restaurants constantly remind us of the American fondness for hamburgers?chips and pizzas. But America's reputation as the home of fast food is under threat from the British,according to a research carried out by the BBC in 13 nations among 9 ,000 people.

Despite fears over obesity,the study found the British are more obsessed with junk food than any other nation.

Almost half of British respondents(参与调查者)said they enjoyed fast food too much to give it up. About 44 per cent in the US claimed they would be unable to stop eating hamburgers,pizzas and chicken wings,making the country second in the world's junk food league. The third place went to the United Arab Emirates, where 35 per cent are junk food lover.s.

The research also found that attitudes to food and weight vary wildly around the world. Those in the UK and the US believed lack of self-discipline was the main factor behind growing waistlines(腰围).They can't deny them?selves that hamburger or extra piece of pizza, but "make themselves feel better by washing it down with a Diet Coke" , the study suggested.

The French on the other hand?seem to keep a watch?ful eye on their weight. They get on the scales every day. Only 19 per cent of the French surveyed admitted a fond?ness for fast food.

Thierry Pailleux,of France,from the market research firm that conducting the poll, said the French valued the combination of good food and company. Sharing classic food and time with loved ones is the key to the French sen?sibility. "French people take care of their images as a mat?ter of course. Being thin is part of our culture and a point of pride. We are known for it,,, said Pailleux. "On top of this,there is increasing awareness of the devastation(伤害)that obesity can cause one's health problems." 

16. What's the main idea of the passage?

A.  A study of different attitudes towards fast food.

B.  How popular fast food is in foreign countries.

C.  Different countries' attitudes towards food and body weight.

D.  A study of how popular fast food is in foreign countries.

1 7.  The research shows that ______ .

A.  Americans are proud of the fast food they eat

B.  those British who love fast food do not care about their body weight

C.  the British would like to think that eating occa?sional fast food makes up for other food they eat

D.  most Americans believe the enjoyment of food is more important than its possible effect on their waist?lines

18.  What's the meaning of the underlined word " ob?sessed" in the second paragraph?

A.  Crazy.              B. Obese.

C.  Opposed.             D. Neutral.

19.  Why are, according to Thierry Pailleux, the French less obsessed with fast food than the British and Americans?

  A.  Because they value their images.

B.  Because they have better foods than other coun?tries.

C.  Because they value self-discipline.

D.  Because they are afraid of having an unhealthy diet.




16.  D主旨大意题。本文围绕BBC进行的调查的结果展开, 调査结果说明了各国迷恋快餐的人口比例及原因。

17.  C细节理解题。文章开始说了美国是快餐的发源地,但并没表明美国人因吃快餐而感到很自豪,所以A项错误;根据第二段可排除B项;根据第四段中的"They can't deny themselves that hamburger or extra piece of pizza, but 'make themselves feel better by washing it down with a Diet Coke' , the study suggested."可知C项是正确的;文章只是说美国人觉得缺乏自律是导致肥胖的主要原因,但并没有说觉得吃快餐得到的快乐比它们对体重的影响更重要,所以D项错误。

18.  A词义猜测题。从本段的前半部分并联系上下文内容可知该词意为"着迷的"。

19.  A 细节理解题。从最后一段中的"'French people take care of their images as a matter of course."'可知答案。


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