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  Our project group made a survey on the mental problems among the students in our school recently. We handed out questionnaires to all the 3558 students and collected 3531 valid ones.

Our project group made a survey on the mental problems among the students in our school recently. We handed out questionnaires to all the 3558 students and collected 3531 valid ones.
According to the statistics, 16.2 percent of the boys and 11.4 percent of the girls have psychological problems . 11.6 percent of them , a large percentage of whom are girls , suffer from emotional problems , such as feeling upset , lacking self-confidence and etc. 8.8 percent , most of whom are boys , have abnormal behaviors , such as lying , stealing and so on .
Various factors may account for this phenomenon. For one thing, some parents can¡¯t build a harmonious family. Some have tight control of their children and punish them too often. For another, many students are under heavy pressure from study and unable to get along well with people around.
In my opinion, parents should give their children enough freedom and space and often communicate with them. Besides, schools are expected to establish campus counseling centers to offer timely help. Last but not the least , students had better keep optimistic and develop more hobbies.

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  Our project group made a survey on the mental problems among the students in our school recently. We handed out questionnaires to all the 3558 students and collected 3531 valid ones.





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