
When it comes to eating smart for your heart, stop thinking about short-term solutions and simplify your life with a straightforward approach that will serve you well for years to come.

Smart eating goes beyond analyzing every bite of food you lift  36  your mouth. “In the past we used to believe that  37  amounts of individual nutrients were the 38 to good health,” Linda Van Horn, professor of the American Heart Association's Nutrition Committee. "But now we have a 39 understanding of healthy eating and the kinds of food necessary to  40  not only heart disease but disease  41  general," she adds.

Scientists now  42 on the broader picture of the balance of food eaten  43  several days or a week  44 than on the number of milligrams of this or that  45  at each meal.

Fruits, vegetables and whole grains, for example, provide nutrients and plant-based compounds 46 to good health. “The more we learn, the more  47  we are by the wealth of essential substances they  48 ," Van Horn continues, "and how they  49  with each other to keep us healthy."

You'll automatically be  50  the right heart-healthy track if vegetables, fruits and whole grains make 51  three quarters of the food on your dinner plate. 52  in the remaining one quarter with lean meat or chicken, fish or eggs.

The foods you choose to eat as well as those you choose to  53  clearly contribute to your well-being. Without a  54 , each of the small decisions you make in this can make a big 55  on your health in the years to come.

1. A between         B through           C inside                D to

2.A serious          B splendid          C specific          D separate

3.A key              B point             C lead              D center

4.A strict           B different         C typical               D natural

5.A rescue           B prevent              C forbid                D offend

6.A in               B upon              C for               D by

7.A turn             B put               C focus             D carry

8.A over         B along             C with              D beyond

9.A other            B better                C rather                D sooner

10.A conveyed        B consumed          C entered               D exhausted

11.A vital          B initial               C valid             D efficient

12.A disturbed       B depressed         C amazed               D amused

13.A preserve            B contain              C attain                D maintain

14.A interfere           B interact            C occupy            D rest

15.A at              B of                    C on                   D within

16.A out             B into              C off              D up

17.A Engage          B Fill              C Involve               D Pack

18.A delete          B escape                C avoid             D spoil

19.A notion          B hesitation            C reason                D doubt

20.A outcome     B function          C impact                D commitment

























1.D 固定搭配。Lift …to…把…举到….;本句是指聪明地吃不仅仅是分析举到嘴边的每一口食物。而是有整体的考虑。

2.C 形容词辨析。A严肃的B非常棒的C明确的D分开的;以前我们认为明确数量的营养物质是健康的关键。

3.A 名词辨析。A关键B点,意义C领先D中心;key与介词to连用表示“…的关键”。

4.B 形容词辨析。A严格的B不同的C典型的D自然的;以前我们认为明确数量的营养物质是健康的关键,而现在我们的想法有了变化,故使用different不同的。

5.B 动词辨析。A挽救B预防C禁止D冒犯;本句是指健康的饮食不仅仅可以预防心脏病而且还可以预防其他的一些疾病。

6.A 固定搭配。In general一般说来,总的说来;指健康的饮食可以预防一般的疾病。

7.C 固定搭配。Focus on聚焦于…;现在科学家们聚焦于一定时间之内的饮食的平衡。

8.A 介词用法辨析。Over在…期间(短期时间);over several days指几天期间。

9.C 固定搭配。Rather than而不是…;科学家关注的是一段时间之内的饮食的平衡,而不是具体的营养物质的数量。

10.B 动词辨析。A传达B消费C进入D耗费;指在每一顿饭里被消费的营养物质的数量。

11.A 形容词辨析。A重要的B最初的C有效的D高效的;这些营养物质对健康很重要。

12.C 形容词辨析。A被打扰的B压抑的C惊讶的D愉快的;我们了解的越多,我们就会越惊讶于这些物质中所含有的营养物质的数量。

13.B 动词辨析。A保存B包含C达到D维持;指这些食品中所包含的营养物质。

14.B 动词辨析。A干涉B相互影响C占据D休息;指这些物质之间相互影响保存我们健康。

15.C 固定搭配。On the right track在正确的轨道上。如果我们的饮食很均衡,那么我们的健康就会处于正确的轨道上。

16.D 固定搭配。Make up组成;如果水果,蔬菜和谷物组成了我们的食品的四分之三,我们就会很健康。

17.B 动词辨析。A从事于B充满C参与D收拾;用瘦肉,鸡肉,鱼或者蛋来组成另外的四分之一的饮食。

18..C 动词辨析。A删除B摆脱C避免D宠坏;你选择吃的食物以及你选择避免的食物都对我们的健康又很大的影响。

19.D 名词辨析。A概念B犹豫C原因D怀疑;毫无疑问我们做出的每一个决定都对我们的健康产生很大的影响。

20.C 名词辨析。A结果B功能C影响D承诺;我们做出的每一个决定都对我们的健康产生很大的影响。





Facebook means never having to say goodbye. The social media web site has earned a reputation for reconnecting old friends. Last week, a guy whom I hadn't seen since my bachelor party five years ago sent me a friend request. I accepted and waited for him to send me a greeting of some kind. He had sought me out, after all.

I learned from his profile that he was in a relationship and had a son. However, I'm pretty sure we won’t ever write wall-to-wall, let alone e-mail each other. But he'll remain a friend of online until one of us makes a point of removing the other from his official list.

My pool of friends consists of family members, college buddies, co-workers from past and present, and friends of friends. There are 35 in all. If I spent some time uploading old e-mail addresses, I'm confident that I could increase my friend count actually.

A person could make a mission out of reconnecting with childhood friends, former classmates, distant cousins, and those one would like to get to know better. And some people can even handle hundreds of on-screen relationships, keeping up with the daily happenings of their small army of companions. After all, there are worse fates than having too many friends.

Thanks to e-mail, the inability to schedule face-to-face meetings no longer means a friendship must come to a close. But even with e-mail, people will lose touch if one or both parties stop writing back. That's normal. People move from school to school, job to job, city to city. You never have to feel guilty for breaking away.

Every day, the masterminds of Web 2. 0 find new ways of making human communication easier. However, convenience can be a crutch. Some things shouldn't be simplified. When it comes to friendship, there can be no shortcuts.

According to Paragraph l, the web site is famous because _______.

    A. it has an interesting name of “Facebook”

    B. it helps people get in touch with old friends

    C. it can send people a greeting of some kind

    D. it reminds people of events in the past

From the second paragraph we can learn that the writer _______.

    A. would write to the friend quite often

    B. asked the friend to e-mail him

    C. did get some information about the friend

    D. would keep in touch with the friend forever

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

    A. There are 35 people in the author's list of friends right now.

    B. The author communicates with all the 35 friends by e-mails.

    C. The list of 35 friends doesn't include the old e-mail addresses.

    D. It is not difficult for the author to increase his friend count.

What does the author think of the convenience of communicating on line?

    A. The technology could not keep true friendship forever.

    B. The social web site of Facebook means nothing at all.

    C. There will be no ways of making real friends on line.

  D. People will not lose friends with the help of the Facebook.

It’s a question anyone might ask in the future: Should your household robot be cool? Or practical?
For Sony Corporation, robots ought to be entertaining. The company’s 41 robot, SDR—4 X, can sing and dance.
But for automaker Honda Motor Co Ltd, such 42 should perform useful tasks for their 43 masters.
“It is in the end a machine, a 44 ,” said Masato Hirose, Honda’s chief engineer.
Sony’s chief researcher Toshi Doi said robots performing such tasks as 45for ill or disabled people would not necessarily need a human 46  .
“The attractiveness of the SDR—4 X is its 47”, he said.
“It has feelings. It has instincts(直觉).”
Drawing from its 48of 60,000 words, an SDR—4 X robot 49 last week that it can ask a 50 in a high voice: “Please 51still for a minute while I memorize your face.”
It also 52 off its ability to walk on uneven(不平的)floors, and come to its owner when it’s 53.
While Honda’s robot is 54 used mainly for entertainment, it is 55 that one day it will be a useful companion.
So its robot have been 56to be 120cm tall – more than twice the height of the SDR—4 X. Hirose said 120cm is the 57a robot that moves around a home should be.
“If you are going to have something that can move with 58 in a human surroundings(环境), then it is better to 59 the robot like a human,” he said.
Hirose said that he hopes the robot will be 60 enough so that he can buy one for himself and let it get him a beer.
41. A. earliest        B. latest          C. coolest                     D. smallest
42. A. matters        B. people        C. machines           D. inventions
43. A. human         B. own           C. creative             D. all
44. A. tool             B. robot         C. toy                   D. slave
45. A. looking        B. working     C. leaving              D. caring
46. A. form           B. character    C. job                   D. ability
47. A. appearance   B. purpose      C. personality        D. material
48. A. storage        B. use            C. making             creation
49. A. said             B. announced  C. showed             D. imaged
50. A. friend          B. partner              C. servant              D. guest
51. A. hold            B. lie             C. take                  D. make
52. A. left                     B. showed      C. put                   D. dropped
53.A. tired             B. called         C. controlled          D. made
54.A. also              B. still            C. again                D. even
55. A. sure             B. hoped        C. reported            D. described
56. A. expected      B. raised         C. proved                     D. designed
57 A. cheapest     B. dearest              C. smallest             D. biggest
58. A. ease             B. care          C. difficulty           D. foot
59. A. buy             B. use            C. invest               D. design
60. A. useful          B. smart         C. cheap                D. small

Gallows humor(黑色幽默) may seem like a mistake, or at least in poor taste. But psychologists say that gallows humor can be an important way to relieve stress.“Humor makes you feel in control and it can give you that feeling that everything is okay even when it’s not,”says James M.Jones, a psychology professor at the University of Delaware.

Psychologists say that just because you’re laughing doesn’t mean you’re wasting time. Occasional tease among colleagues, particularly if it is associated with the job, can inspire creativity, departmental cohesiveness(凝聚力) and performance.

“There are a lot of stresses out there,”says Ed Dunkelblau, a psychologist in Chicago.“Gallows humor is a way of making difficult things a little less difficult.”

This is as long as the humor is used for the right purpose. The main point of it should be inspiring people—not laughing at them. “Anything that would lift morale(士气) in terms of the company would be good humor,”says Thierry Guedj, a professor.

You want to give your employees and co-workers a sense of belonging, so don’t make observations that are aggressive. Most obviously, Dr. Guedj says, don’t make comments about people’s physical appearance or faith. If you have any doubt about its appropriateness, don’t go through with it.

Or you can take aim at the person that you know won’t be offended(冒犯): yourself. “If there’s going to be a joke or story, it should be you,”Mr Dunkelblau says.

“People with the ability to laugh at themselves can give other people permission to laugh at themselves, too,”Mr Jones says.“And if you can laugh at yourself, you feel better about yourself.”

1.According to the passage, gallows humor has the following functions EXCEPT   .

A.leading to a big mistake

B.reducing pressure

C.making people more creative

D.improving performance

2.What is Ed Dunkelblau’s attitude towards gallows humor?





3.When people use gallows humor, they should      .

A.observe who is aggressive

B.show a sense of belonging

C.doubt about the result of humor

D.try to avoid involving private things

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.People tend to laugh at others rather than themselves.

B.Laughing at yourself can make others free from stress.

C.People can’t avoid offending others with gallows humor.

D.People who laugh at themselves are easy to gain others’ permission.


 Most people feel lonely sometimes,but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours,This kind of loneliness is not serious.In fact,it is quite normal.For some people,though,loneliness can last for years.Now researchers say loneliness comes in three different types.

The first kind of loneliness is temporary.This is the most common type.It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention.The second kind is situation,for example,family problem,the death of a loved one,or moving to a new place.Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems,such as headaches and sleeplessness,it usually does not last for more than a year.The third kind of loneliness is the most serious.Unlike the second type, chronic (the opposite of‘temporary’) usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause.People who experience habitual loneliness have problems socializing and becoming close to others.Unfortunately,many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.

Psychologists(心理学家) agree that one important factor in loneliness is a person’s social contacts,for example,friends,family members,co-workers,etc.We depend on various people for different reasons.For instance.our family give us emotional support,our parents and teachers give us guidance, and our fiends share similar interests and activities.

However,psychologists have found that, though lonely people may have many social contacts,they sometimes feel they should have more.They question their popularity.

Psychologists are trying to find ways to help habitually lonely people for two reasons:they are unhappy and unable to socialize arid there is a connection between chronic loneliness and serious illness such as heart disease,while temporary and situational loneliness can be a sad,and sometimes dangerous condition.

1.How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage?

A.Talk to friends.

B.Go to see a doctor.

C.Just ignore it.

D.Ask your teacher for guidance.

2.Why do psychologists want to help chronically lonely people?

A.Chronic loneliness can cause family problems.

B.Chronic loneliness is incurable.

C.Chronic loneliness can not be overcome.

D.Chronic loneliness call cause serious illness.

3.Loneliness is divided according to ________.

A.the time it lasts

B.the places where it appears

C.different people it happen to

D.different seasons when it appears


Eat your vegetables. Wash your hands. Always say “please" and“thank you". We are full of advice for our children, but when it comes to money, we often have little to say. As a result, our children may grow up with clean hands and good manners, but without any idea how to manage their money.

Here are some basics that will help guide them their entire lives:

Show them the future. If your 13-year-old girl were to save$1,000,invest(投资)it at 8%and add$100 every month,by the time she's 65,she would have$980,983!

Be careful of credit(信用).Credit cards can help you buy necessary things and build a credit history,but they must be used responsibly, which means paying off your debt in time. Explain to your children that when you buy something using a credit card,you can easily end up paying two or three times what you would have paid if you used cash.

Teach patience. Suppose your child wants a new bicycle that costs $150. Rather than paying the cash,give him some regular pocket money and explain that by putting aside,say $15 each week,he will be able to buy it for himself in only ten weeks.

Provide incentive. Tell your children the importance of saving.“For every dollar he or she agrees to save and invest rather than spend, you agree to add another dollar to the pot,”says Cathy Pareto, expert in money planning.

Explain your values. Values and money are deeply intertwined, says Eilleen Gallo, co-author of The Financially Intelligent Parent. When your child demands that you buy something, explain why you really don’t want to buy it.“You might say,‘I'd rather save that money for your education,”,advises Gallo. Every time you spend or don't spend money,you have a chance to share your values.

64. The underlined word“incentive" in paragraph 6 means _____.

A. honor          B. praise         C. excitement      D. encouragement

65. What leads the writer to write this article?

A. Parents want to know how to educate their children.

B. He wants to share his good ideas about money matters.

C. He thinks money management the most important for children.

D. Parents care little about their children's management of money.

66. The writer gives some basics to help __________ in a proper way.

A. parents teach their children how to deal with money 

B. children follow their parents' instructions

C. children manage their money                   

D. parents save their money


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