
If you are sending a text, watching the TV or listening to the radio, you may want to stop and give this your full attention. Multi-tasking shrinks (萎缩) the brain, research suggests.

A study found that men and women who frequently used several types of technology at the same time had less grey matter in a key part of the brain. University of Sussex researchers said, “Simultaneously using mobile phones, laptops and other media devices could be changing the structure of our brains.”

The finding follows research which has linked multi-tasking with a shortened attention span, depression, anxiety and lower grades at school. The researchers began by asking 75 healthy men and women how often they divided their attention between different types of technology. This could mean sending a text message while listening to music and checking email, or speaking on the phone while watching TV and surfing the web. The volunteers were then given brain scans which showed they had less grey matter in a region called the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). The findings held even when differences in personality were taken into account.

The study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, is the first to make a link between multi-tasking and the structure of the brain.

Researcher Kep Kee Loh said, “Media multi-tasking is becoming more common in our lives today and there is increasing concern about its impacts on our cognition and social-emotional well-being.”

He added that more research is needed to prove that multi-tasking shrinks the brain. This is because it is also possible that people with less grey matter in the ACC are more drawn to using lots of small devices simultaneously.

Scientists have previously demonstrated brain structure can be changed on prolonged exposure to new environments and experience. Other studies have shown that training — such as learning to juggle or taxi drivers learning the map of London — can increase grey-matter densities (密度) in certain parts. Experts have also warned of the harmful impact technology can have on our memory and attention span.

1.According to Kep Kee Loh, ________.

A. the link between multi-tasking and brain shrinkage needs further research

B. people with less grey matter in the ACC are more attracted to multi-tasking

C. multi-tasking has harmful impacts on our cognition and social-emotional well-being

D. multi-tasking leads to a shortened attention span, depression, anxiety and lower grades

2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. What multi-tasking is probably linked with.

B. How researchers draw inferences about multi-tasking.

C. How different health conditions affect brain structure.

D. Significance and limits of the research from University of Sussex .

3.The purpose of the passage is to ________.

A. compare the latest research with previous ones

B. prove the dangers of multi-tasking

C. inform readers of research on multi-tasking

D. discuss the benefits and problems of multi-tasking



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Most people agree that a pet adds joy to a person's life.Scientists are now finding that having a pet may keep its owner ____.And good health may add years to a person's life.

Scientists have been ____ the link between pets and health for years.In 1990, a study was done with people aged 65 and older.It ____ that pet owners went to the doctor less than people ____ pets.Do pets make people ____? Are people able to handle their everyday lives better? Alan Beck, who is a researcher, says that ____ the answer to the questions is yes, then having pets may be a good idea.

Can pets also help people live longer? Rebecca Johnson did a study to ____.Johnson teaches nurses how to care for ____ people.Her study shows that having pets may cause people to ____ more slowly.

The human body makes many chemicals.Some of the chemicals make people feel ____.Others make people feel bad.In Johnson's ____, levels of the “good” chemicals ____ when people were around pets while levels of the “bad” chemicals went down.The good ____ seemed to slow the aging of cells.If this is __ _, maybe people should spend more time with their ____.Then people might feel better and ____ longer.

You might be allergic(过敏的)to pets.Or you may not want to __ __ a pet.Never fear.A robotic, or computer pet may be just the thing for you.

Scientists are testing computer pets, like the robotic dog AIBO.They want to see if ____ pets can help people the way ____ dogs do.

Will a robotic pet ____ the real pet sitting with you on the sofa? Something tells us that it will probably become a reality.

1.A.healthy B.excited C.mad D.hurried

2.A.carrying out B.making up C.looking at D.breaking down

3.A.warned B.showed C.reminded D.advised

4.A.through B.beyond C.against D.without

5.A.busier B.funnier C.happier D.angrier

6.A.though B.until C.if D.unless

7.A.find out B.put out C.turn out D.set out

8.A.sick B.friendly C.old D.lovely

9.A.age B.move C.walk D.grow

10.A.bored B.surprised C.sleepy D.good

11.A.study B.work C.story D.case

12.A.changed B.varied C.fell D.rose

13.A.sides B.chemicals C.studies D.dogs

14.A.important B.unusual C.true D.impossible

15.A.children B.pets C.friends D.neighbors

16.A.live B.wander C.stay D.travel

17.A.head for B.search for C.cheer for D.care for

18.A.family B.computer C.baby D.toy

19.A.brave B.quiet C.faithful D.real

20.A.destroy B.replace C.improve D.accompany


The National Gallery


The National Gallery is the British national art museum built on the north side of Trafalgar Square in London.It houses a diverse collection of more than 2,300 examples of European art ranging from 13th-century religious paintings to more modern ones by Renoir and Van Gogh.The older collections of the gallery are reached through the main entrance while the more modern works in the East Wing are most easily reached from Trafalgar Square by a ground floor entrance


The modern Sainsbury Wing on the western side of the building houses 13th- to 15th-century paintings, and artists include Duccio, Uccello, Van Eyck, Lippi, Mantegna, Botticelli and Memling.

The main West Wing houses 16th-century paintings, and artists include Leonardo da Vinci, Cranach, Michelangelo, Raphael, Bruegel, Bronzino, Titan and Veronese.

The North Wing houses 17th-century paintings, and artists include Caravaggio, Rubens, Poussin, Van Dyck, Velazquez, Claude and Vermeer.

The East Wing houses 18th- to early 20th-century paintings, and artists include Canaletto, Goya, Turner, Constable, Renoir and Van Gogh.

Opening Hours:

The Gallery is open every day from 10am to 6pm (Fridays 10am to 9pm) and is free, but charges apply to some special exhibitions.

Getting There:

Nearest underground stations: Charing Cross (2-minute walk), Leicester Square (3-minute walk), Embankment (7-minute walk), and Piccadilly Circus (8-minute walk).

1.In which century’s collection can you see religious paintings?

A.The 13th.

B.The 17th.

C.The 18th.

D.The 20th.

2.Where are Leonardo da Vinci’s works shown?

A.In the East Wing.

B.In the main West Wing.

C.In the Sainsbury Wing.

D.In the North Wing.

3.Which underground station is closest to the National Gallery?

A.Piccadilly Circus.

B.Leicester Square.


D.Charing Cross.


No matter what type of business you run, it has to deal with things that go wrong from your customer’s point of view. Complaints can be a great source of information for organizations to make corrections as well as further improvements. _1.__.

You should listen actively to what the customer has to say by maintaining comfortable eye contact. _2.__.

__3.__.It’s important for you to know that your apology must appear sincere to the customer, and not an empty excuse. And also you should show the customer you’ve accepted the responsibility and provide him with choices or assure the customer you’ll do something about his complaint.

Talk with the client and discover the best means to resolve his problem. _4.__In this case it’s important to let your customer know an estimation(估计) of how long it will take to take action on his complaint.

A simple “thank you” is one way to let the customer know you appreciate the time and effort they’ve taken to inform you about a problem with your company’s service or product that you need to know about.

Create a procedure for recording different types of customer complaints. __5.__.

A. Listen to your customer’s complaints and you can improve your service.

B. There will be times when you’ll be unable to resolve the issue immediately.

C. When receiving a complaint, you should apologize for the failure the customer has identified.

D. They are a valuable source of information to determine various root causes that need to be addressed within your company.

E. So it’s important to learn to deal with customer complaints efficiently.

F. Don’t feel ashamed of the failure in your service or products.

G. You should also show your customer that you do understand him by giving full attention.


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Many people are constantly waiting for their life to start. “When I’m older I’ll do this” and “In a few years I’ll do that.” They think the life they are ________ is boring and meaningless.

Who has never viewed himself or herself ________ worthless and unattractive?

In others’ eyes, you are always “the funny one” and become loud and overconfident to mask what you are actually feeling, ________ few people know about the way you feel.

All of us may ________ from depression and frustration, lose guidance and support, and thus need________ physically, or spiritually.

Just think like this way: ________ feelings I am feeling will eventually go away.

I need to stop feeling so sorry for myself and actually want to ________. I am an incredibly lucky person who has come from a family ________ there is full of love and support.

I have to be the one to make the ________ to change my way of thinking.

All the good things and all the wonderful people in my life would pass eventually too. ________ I am feeling miserable, my life is still going on and I am missing out on ________ those precious moments.

We all have terrible things which happen to us and will ________ each of us differently.

The most important thing to remember is that our ________ aren’t what define us. What defines us is how we ________ what has happened to us and how we change the way we think about it.

We can either let it become us or we can use our newly-found ________ to change the little bit of world around us all.

There’s something much bigger than us and our problems. It is always ________ to remember that there is always someone who is in a ________ much worse than our own.

Nevertheless, I am well on the ________ to becoming the person I want to be and I have goals and expectations of myself. I am now ________ that my life has started.

It started years ago and it’s not ________over yet. It’s happening right now. Yours is too.

1.A. making B. predicting C. experiencing D. expecting

2.A. of B. as C. for D. with

3.A. and B. or C. so D. but

4.A. suffer B. arise C. differ D. result

5.A. growth B. service C. aid D. sacrifice

6.A. Pleasant B. Horrible C. Sensitive D. Complicated

7.A. relax B. move C. learn D. change

8.A. where B. what C. that D. which

9.A. mistake B. difference C. decision D. comment

10.A. Because B. While C. Unless D. When

11.A. calculating B. practicing C. forgetting D. appreciating

12.A. attract B. treat C. affect D. benefit

13.A. characters B. problems C. advantages D. experiences

14.A. care about B. make up C. deal with D. wait for

15.A. wisdom B. energy C. chance D. patience

16.A. difficult B. unnecessary C. impossible D. important

17.A. game B. relation C. position D. distance

18.A. turn B. way C. corner D. direction

19.A. aware B. surprised C. afraid D. worried

20.A. even B. nearly C. only D. much

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