
15.bargainvi.讨价还价; n.便宜货.

分析 bargain vi.讨价还价; n.便宜货

解答 答案是"vi.讨价还价; n.便宜货";考查词义识记;bargain vi.讨价还价; n.便宜货;如:At this price the wine is a bargain.这种葡萄酒卖这个价真是很便宜.

点评 对于单词短语的识记,要从词义着手,理解词性和常见用法或搭配,并能在语境中灵活运用.

5.Out of sight,out of mind.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.Don't put all your eggs in one basket.Have you heard any of these proverbs before?Each phrase teaches a common truth.But what exactly is a proverb?
It's a short statement that contains a general truth.It is popularly known and often repeated.Every culture has proverbs,and while some are special far one culture,there are common themes.For example,many cultures value old people for their wisdom and experience.
This idea can be found in proverbs.A Chinese proverb says,"An old horse will never get lost".And a Portuguese(葡萄牙的)proverb states,"An old pan is the one that makes good food."Many cultures also agree that acting in haste is not a good idea.The English say,"Good and quickly seldom meet".The Chinese say,"Think three times before you act."
There is a saying:To truly know a people,learn their proverbs.People in Saudi Arabia value books and learning.One of their proverbs says,"A book is a garden carried in the pocket."Egyptians know the value of friendship.One of their proverbs says,"Friendship doubles joy and halves grief."
In Africa,many proverbs also use images familiar to Africans.For example,"A roaring lion kills no game."This means that one cannot achieve anything by sitting around and talking about it.One must get out and strive for it.
Here are some English language proverbs that have been coined since 1900."Wake up and smell the coffee."This warns you to be attentive to a situation and find out the truth.Someone may also tell you to"Get your ducks in a row."This means you should get organized."Labels a:re for cans,not for people."This tells you that you should not decide what people are like before you really know.
But remember,proverbs are usually used in spoken language.They are rarely used in writing.If you use a lot of proverbs when you write,people will think you don't have original thoughts.So use proverbs creatively,and make up your own proverbs.There is more than one way to skin a cat.

32.When you say"an old horse will never get lost",you meanA.
A.old people should be valued for their wisdom
B.it is not a good idea to act in a hurry
C.you need to find out the truth for a situation
D.you shouldn't judge a person before you know him
33.Which of the proverbs stresses the need of action?B
A.Good and,quickly seldom meet.
B.A roaring lion kills no game.
C.Think three times before you act.
D.Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
34.If you ask somebody to do things in order,you may useC.
A.an apple a day keeps the doctor away
B.wake up and smell the coffee
C.get your ducks in a row
D.friendship doubles our joy and divides our grief
35.The last paragraph suggests thatD.
A.many proverbs make your writing beautiful
B.proverbs may be the origin of your thoughts
C.it is creative to use proverbs in writing
D.you can't use proverbs too much in writing.
10.It is promoted that we should all prioritize some simpler life improvements to live better lives.The explanations for how and why they better our life serve as powerful reminders that we might be prioritizing the wrong things,and undervaluing what makes life worth living.
Smoking drinking,exercise and even heart problems are not predictors of a person's longevity-a person's close relationships and social integration are.Our human connections have the positive impact on all aspects of our well-being,including our physical health.Those with intimacy(亲昵)in their lives,and those with frequent face-to-face interactions were not only physically and emotionally healthier,but they also lived longer.
It's why women,who tend to prioritize spending time with their friends more than men,live an average of six years longer.It's not enough to text or email.The actual health benefits of socializing are only achieved through in-person contact because face-to-face contact releases chemicals that protect you now and well into the future like a vaccine.
People who spend time on social networks,dating apps and even online news sites are found less happy.Most things we do for pleasure,like reading a book or watching a movie,have an end.But scrolling(卷动)on the phone is endless and we don't know when to break away.And those who do set limiting rules for their technology use are able to enjoy life more.Life becomes more colorful,richer,when you have better conversations with the person who is there with you.
The chase for happiness doesn't make us happy.In fact,constantly evaluating our own happiness is actually contributing to feelings of hopelessness and depression.Happiness is a fickle(变幻无常的)emotion,based on a moment or an experience.It's not a lack of happiness but lack of meaning that's really making us feel sad.
Meaning can be obtained in four forms:belonging,purpose,transcendence (卓越)and storytelling.The first is having people in your life who truly love and care about you.The second is having purpose.Most people find purpose through work because it's how we feel like we're adding value or contributing.So finding something to drive you forward is a crucial slice of having meaning.Transcendence is about finding something like art or church or doing yoga that can take you outside of yourself,that can make you feel like you're part of something bigger.With storytelling,that's all about our personal narratives.We're the author of our stories,and we can change how we're telling them.Your life isn't just a list of events.
In order to live longer and more happily,we should prioritize the(71)right/correct/proper/appropriatethings.
Face-to-face social interaction(72)predicts/indicates/means/promisesa longer life.Our close relationships and social integration(73)improve/better/polishour mental and physical health.
Women live six years longer than men on average because of more(74)communication/talks/socialization/conversations/interaction(s)with their friends.
Face-to-face contact produces chemicals that(75)function/serve/actas a vaccine.
Knowing when to turn off our smart phone enriches our life.Most entertainments have an end but using the smart phone is an(76)exception.
Life becomes more enjoyable when we limit the(77)useof mobile phones.
Chasing meaning,not happiness,is what really(78)matters/counts.We will find our life more meaningful by developing a sense of belonging.
It is vital to find a(79)purposeto drive us forward,which will add meaning to our life.
Things like art and church help us go beyond usual limits and feel you are(80)important/something/somebody.
We should tell our own stories in a creative way to inspire ourselves.

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