
【题目】 About 59% of engineering companies in the IET's 2014 survey feared skill shortages could threaten(威胁) business. Engineers should embrace(接受) the arts, Sir John O'Reilly, a fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, argued in a lecture.

"There is nothing as creative as engineering," Sir John told the reporter. He says science, technology, engineering and mathematics - often known as "Stem" subjects, are vital for a modern knowledge economy. But there is a massive shortfall in the number of recruits(招聘) - with a recent study by the Royal Academy of Engineering saying the UK needs to increase by as much as 50% the number of Stem graduates it produces.

Delivering this year's Mountbatten Lecture at the Royal Institution, Sir John argued that engineers should recognise the role of the arts in their work - among other benefits; this could attract more people into the profession. The lecture, Full Steam Ahead for Growth, advocated a wider adoption -- Steam, or science, technology, engineering, arts and maths. Engineers should embrace the arts as being key to creativity and an important component of innovation(创新), crucial to creating new products and boosting future competitiveness, he argued. "Engineering and technology is an increasingly diverse and creative field," said Sir John.

Some university engineering departments already cooperated with art schools to develop understanding, he told the reporter. In particular he mentioned Cranfield University's Centre for Creative Competitive Design and Imperial College's work with the Royal College of Art. The two sets of people could work well together and more emphasis on the creative side of engineering could improve the success of products, he said.

"Aesthetics(美学) is part of it," he told the reporter, adding that Apple's iPod was not the first digital media player, nor the only one that worked - but it came to dominate the market "because it was nice to have".

Sir John said he was not suggesting universities started requiring A-level art from engineering applicants - the key subjects for admission would continue to be maths and the sciences. But an emphasis on creative skills would help "broaden the pool and attract more people in".

【1】According to a recent study by the Royal Academy _______ .

A. the UK needs more graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics

B. engineering graduates are not as creative as expected

C. there are not enough arts graduates produced in the UK.

D. skill shortages could threaten business

【2】According to the lecture Full Steam Ahead for Growth, _______ .

A. engineers should cooperate with arts majors

B. Accepting the arts could attract more people into engineering

C. engineers should realize arts play the most important part in their work

D. engineering and technology is as diverse and creative as before

【3】Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. More university students should study arts instead of engineering.

B. Engineering and technology is increasingly different and unrelated fields.

C. The IET's skills survey raised concerns about the number of recruits to engineering.

D. Students from some university engineering departments have already transferred to art schools

【4】What is the passage mainly about?

A. Lack of creativity makes it difficult for the engineering major to find a satisfactory job.

B. The key subjects for engineering majors remain to be maths and the sciences rather than arts.

C. University engineering departments should cooperate with art schools to improve the success of products.

D. Engineering needs to emphasize its creative side to encourage more young people to choose it as a career.








【1】细节理解题。根据But there is a massive shortfall in the number of recruits(招聘) - with a recent study by the Royal Academy of Engineering saying the UK needs to increase by as much as 50% the number of Stem graduates it produces.可知,英国需要更多科学、技术、工程和数学等主干学科方面的毕业生。故选A。

【2】细节理解题。根据文章的第四段可知,在讲座Full Steam Ahead for Growth中,提倡更广泛地采用,工程师应该意识到艺术对他们工作的重要性,除了其它的好处外,还可以吸引更多的年轻人从事工程学这一职业。故选B。

【3】细节理解题。根据About 59% of engineering companies in the IET's 2014 survey feared skill shortages could threaten business. 可知,IET2014年的调查引起了人们对工程学招生数量的关注。其它都太片面。故选C。



【题目】Global warming is when the earth heats up,the temperature rises.It happens when greenhouse gases—carbon dioxide,water vapor,nitrous oxide (二氧化氮),and methane (沼气) trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere,which increases the temperature.This is like when heat is trapped in a car.On a very hot day,the car gets hotter when it is out in the parking lot.This is because the heat and light from the sun can get into the car,by going through the windows,but it cant get back out.Once the light is inside the car,it is trapped and the heat builds up,just like it does in the earth’s atmosphere.This is what the greenhouse effect does to the earth.The heat and light can get through the atmosphere,but it cant get out.As a result,the temperature rises.

Sometimes the temperature can change in a way that helps us.The greenhouse effect makes the earth appropriate for people to live on.Without it,the earth would be freezing,or on the other hand it would be burning hot.We would not get the suns heat and light to make the night somewhat warm.During the day,especially during the summer,it would be burning because the sun would be up with no atmosphere to filter (过滤) it,so people,plants,and animals would be exposed to all the light and heat.

Although the greenhouse effect makes the earth able to have people living on it,if there gets to be too many gases,the earth can get unusually warmer,and many plants,animals,and people will die.They would die because there would be less food (plants like corn,wheat,and other vegetables and fruits).This would happen because the plants would not be able to take in the heat.This would cause us to have less food to eat,but it would also limit the food that animals have.Gradually,people,plants,and animals would all die of hunger.

People are doing many things to try to stop global warming.One thing people are doing is carpooling.Carpooling is driving with someone to a place that you are both going to.This minimizes the amount of greenhouse gases put into the air by a car.

Another thing that people are doing is being more careful about leaving things turned on like the television,computer,and the lights.A lot of people are taking time away from the television,and instead,they are spending more time outdoors.This helps our planet out a lot.Now,more people are even riding buses,walking to school,and riding their bikes to lower the amount of greenhouse gases in the air.

Planting trees and recycling also help.If you recycle,less trash goes to the dump,and less trash gets burned.As a result,there are fewer greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere.Although adults do many things to help stop global warming,kids can do just as much.

【1】The underlined word it in Paragraph 2 refers to________.




D.greeenhouse effect

【2】By the example given in Paragraph 1,the author wants to________.

A.explain how greenhouse gases work

B.show his feeling in a car in hot summer

C.tell us cars are causes of greenhouse gases

D.say that there are greenhouse gases in every car

【3】What is theeffect of atmosphere?

A.It only traps the heat of the sun.

B.It works the same way as greenhouse gases.

C.It makes the earth neither too hot nor too cold.

D.It prevents all the light from the sun shining on the earth.

【4】What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

AIf there is greenhouse effect,all the plants will die.

BHuman beings are likely to disappear from the earth.

CCrops cant take the heat if there is greenhouse effect.

DAlthough greenhouse effect is necessary,too much of it causes us to die.

【题目】War,money and power are a few things that countries and people are concerned about.____I agree that those things are important,I believe that everyone should start to____more on a growing problem—global warming.

Global warming will not only____our country and our generation,but also the entire____and future generations.It is____because the weather has been a lot warmer over the past few years,which____the melting (融化) of the ice in the Antarctic.This will soon cause water levels to____and flood parts of the world.

Many people ignore this problem because they feel____they can’t do anything about it and have more____things to worry about.If we all____so,then our ozone layer (臭氧层) will be____and the planet will no longer be able to make life continue to exist.We should do our best to limit the use of our planet’ s____resources (资源) and keep our air clean.____ future generations will suffer from our ____.

Some might feel that they cant stop global warming from____.But if every single person does his or her part in keeping the air clean,then it will become a____effort.Sure,there are some things that cause pollution and that we won t be able to____change.This may include cars burning oil,but we can____adjust some of these things.People can start carpooling,taking the bus,riding their bikes,or____ just walking.

If everyone takes____ now,I believe we can start seeing remarkable results within a few years.

【1】A.When B.As C.How D.Though

【2】A.depend B.focus C.hang D.remark

【3】A.annoy B.interrupt C.affect D.confuse

【4】A.world B.continent C.industry D.climate

【5】A.failing B.completing C.changing D.occurring

【6】A.lies in B.results in C.suffers from D.escapes from

【7】A.reduce B.rise C.drop D.move

【8】A.as if B.in case C.even though D.if only

【9】A.popular B.suitable C.important D.difficult

【10】A.do B.keep C.like D.find

【11】A.protected B.strengthened C.destroyed D.surrounded

【12】A.unlimited B.natural C.recycled D.industrial

【13】A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.However D.Instead

【14】A.illnesses B.failures C.decisions D.mistakes

【15】A.continuing B.arriving C.improving D.disappearing

【16】A.physical B.mental C.national D.worldwide

【17】A.slightly B.fully C.hardly D.slowly

【18】A.at least B.at most C.at first D.at last

【19】A.yet B.even C.still D.thus

【20】A.time B.turns C.action D.arms

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